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Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs

Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs. Lucien G. Canton CEM,CBCP, CPP. Central Theme. Emergency Management = Emergency Operations Planning. Book Divisions. Defining Emergency Management History & social science perspectives Evolving roles

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Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs

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  1. Emergency Management: Concepts and Strategies for Effective Programs Lucien G. Canton CEM,CBCP, CPP

  2. Central Theme Emergency Management = Emergency Operations Planning

  3. Book Divisions • Defining Emergency Management • History & social science perspectives • Evolving roles • Emergency Management Program • Program development • Strategic Planning • Planning Concepts and Techniques • Disaster Management • Coordination • Crisis management

  4. Traditional Emergency Management • Based on military planning • Plan-centric • Hierarchical • Closed-system • Experientially-based • Limited use of empirical studies • Perpetration of disaster mythology • Task-defined

  5. Strategic Tactical Emergency Management Cycle

  6. Historical Disasters Social Science Research Specialized Body of Knowledge Technical Knowledge

  7. Management Tasks Planning Organizing Directing Controlling

  8. The Role of Emergency Manager • Program manager, not a technician • Generalist, not a specialist • Coordinator and facilitator, not a director • Senior policy advisor, not staff functionary • Primary responsibility is the strategic plan, not the emergency operations plan • Must be perceived as adding value

  9. Strategic Planning PLAN ACT Vision Vision defines Mission Mission achieves Vision Mission Mission drives Strategy Strategy fulfills Mission Strategy Strategy identifies Goals Goals implement Strategy Goals Goals determine Objectives Objectives achieve Goals Objectives Objectives determine Action Action meets Objectives Action

  10. Strategic Emergency Management Model Recovery Strategy Mitigation Strategy Response Strategy Preparedness Strategy Strategic Plan

  11. Risk Management Strategy MITIGATE TRANSFER RETAIN AVOID Mitigation Strategy Insurance Strategy Recovery Strategy Avoidance Strategy Response Strategy Preparedness Strategy Multi-Year Strategic Plan Mitigation Plans Emergency Plans Continuity Plans Recovery Plans

  12. Levels of Operation Strategic Crisis Management Tactical Multiagency Coordination System Operational Incident Command System

  13. Policy Group EOC Department EOC Department EOC Department EOC ICP ICP ICP Traditional Incident Management

  14. Senior Elected Official Strategic Tactical MAC Group Department Heads Operational Emergent Organizations Community Based Organizations Department EOC Department EOC Department EOC Mutual Aid Agencies ICP ICP ICP Incident Management

  15. More Information Lucien G. Canton 415.221.2562 Lcanton@pacbell.net

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