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Understanding WMS NPRR 264: Impact on Generators' Interconnections

Learn about proposed changes to grandfather reliability requirements for generator interconnections. Explore voltage-ride through and CREZ reactive studies effects on system standards and plant capabilities.

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Understanding WMS NPRR 264: Impact on Generators' Interconnections

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  1. NPRR 264 Jeff Billo WMS

  2. Background • Currently, all new generation interconnections must meet applicable reliability requirements • Interconnections prior to stated dates may have been “grandfathered” from some standards at the time the new standards were implemented • The reason for grandfathering existing interconnections from these standards was the financial hardship for existing units of having to make investments to meet the new standards that were unknown at the time they decided to interconnect WMS

  3. Current Proposal • This NPRR seeks to grandfather an additional class of interconnections from current reliability requirements • It is the generators who will decide whether to request a new interconnection to a different point on the system and incur the requirement to meet current standards • The reason that the generators would choose to implement a new interconnection point is the ability to increase their revenue • If that revenue increase is insufficient to fund any required upgrades to their facility needed to meet current standards, then they will not request the new interconnection WMS

  4. Technical Requirements • Voltage-Ride Through Study • Study identified large amount of WGR trips under certain extreme contingencies, but reliability risk was not enough to warrant retrofit of existing WGR plants • Study assumed existing plants at current locations and that all new interconnections would have LVRT capability • CREZ Reactive Study • Study defined reactive compensation needs for CREZ system • Study assumed that plants connecting to the CREZ system would meet the current reactive requirements: “Actual performance that is less than that assumed in the studies will likely lead to increased compensation requirements. ” – Section 3.5 of ERCOT CREZ Reactive Power Compensation Study, Public Version • More (not less) stringent requirements for generators connected to the CREZ system will be developed as a result of the study • Units with reduced reactive capabilities connected to the CREZ system may reduce transfer capacity for all WMS

  5. Need for Standards • Standards are developed because it is difficult to quantify plant by plant reliability requirements for the life of the plant • VRT Study and CREZ Reactive Study involved detailed and complex analysis that took many months for consultants to perform • Studies performed during interconnection process are not designed to prove plant requirements to meet system-wide needs • Studies are limited based on input assumptions including dispatch of other generation WMS

  6. ERCOT Comments • New interconnections must meet current standards, even if they are grandfathered for VRT and voltage support based on their old interconnection date WMS

  7. Questions? March 12, 2010 RPG Meeting

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