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Aksiaalikompressori rakentaminen Building of the Axial Compressor 2000 - 2001

EXPERTISE IN TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS. Aksiaalikompressori rakentaminen Building of the Axial Compressor 2000 - 2001. Laitteet ulkona… Equipment outside…. … ja paljon lisää … and more. Täällä oli ennen tilaa … We had lots of place …. … jota ahkerasti … … which was dutifully ….

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Aksiaalikompressori rakentaminen Building of the Axial Compressor 2000 - 2001

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Presentation Transcript

  1. EXPERTISE IN TECHNOLOGY AND ECONOMICS • Aksiaalikompressori rakentaminen • Building of the Axial Compressor • 2000 - 2001 Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  2. Laitteet ulkona… Equipment outside… Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  3. … ja paljon lisää … and more Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  4. Täällä oli ennen tilaa … We had lots of place … Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  5. … jota ahkerasti … … which was dutifully … Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  6. … täytettiin … filled Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  7. Ensimmäinen taso The First level Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  8. I lämmönsiirrin Heat echanger I Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  9. ja lisää tulee and more comes Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  10. II lämmönsiirrin Heat echanger II Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  11. Housut lyhyeksi … Shortening the trousers … Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  12. … paineputket kiinni … pipes on Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  13. Pylväät tukemaan … Supporting columns … Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  14. … öljysäiliötä … for the oil container Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  15. Hoitotasot valmiit Platforms are ready Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  16. Ja kompressori ylhäällä And the compressor is up Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  17. Pienet välit siivissä Small clearances Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  18. Tarkkaa asennusta Precision installation Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  19. ja moottori mukaan and the motor, too Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  20. Kompressori + Moottori Compressor + Motor Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  21. Kansi päälle Put the cover on Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  22. Linjassa on ! It is lined! Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  23. Pylväät valetaan Concrete casting Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  24. Öljyä piisaa 3 kuutiota There is oil, 2 500 liters Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  25. Öljy sisään yläkautta Oil is dropped in Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  26. Eric, Man turbo … Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  27. … ja taas tarkistetaan … and checking again Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  28. I koeajo Test run I Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  29. I Koeajo OK Test run I was a success Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  30. Tuulitunneli ? A Wind Tunnel? Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  31. Suuttimet tunneliin Supersonic Nozzle Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  32. Ei käy ilmaa kateeksi The air is getting quick here Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  33. Tuulitunneli testissä Wind tunnel in testing Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  34. Vihdoin valmis … We are finally … Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

  35. … mittauksiin … for measurement Faculty of technology Department of Energy and Environmental Technology

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