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Bioenergimarkedet i Kina Informations – og netværksmøde d. 11. juni 2014

Bioenergimarkedet i Kina Informations – og netværksmøde d. 11. juni 2014. Velkommen!. About us …. Agro Business Park is A science park An incubator with offices for rent A project organisation Located in Foulum ( near Viborg)

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Bioenergimarkedet i Kina Informations – og netværksmøde d. 11. juni 2014

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  1. Bioenergimarkedeti KinaInformations – og netværksmøde d. 11. juni 2014 Velkommen!

  2. Aboutus… • Agro Business Park is • A science park • An incubator with offices for rent • A project organisation • Located in Foulum (near Viborg) • Wework with entrepreneurship, innovation and internationalisation support for companiesthatoperatewithin the ‘bioeconomy’. • (= agriculture, food, biomass, bioenergy, biomaterials, environmentaltechnology, organicwaste). • Wemanage a large number of projectswhichareregionally, nationally and EU-funded. • Our services areprojectfunded and usuallyfree of charge.

  3. Twoflagshipprojects Weare part of the world’slargest b2b network; Enterprise Europe Network. We provide free assistance in finding business partners, Horizon 2020 projects and new technologiesabroadvia othernetwork partners. Funded by the European Commission and the Danish regions. Network for biomass professionals:Projects, events, publications, innovation, start-up & internationalisation support

  4. ABP projectsbehindthis event GLOBALmidt GLOBALmidt is Central Region Denmark’s export and internationalization program for small and medium sized enterprises. Part of the program is a close cooperation with the Trade Council which made us able to organize this interesting event in cooperation with the Trade Council in China.

  5. China – experience and results • Sixpartnership agreements between Danish and Chinesebioenergycompanies (and counting) • Inspired Shanghai Technology Commission to fund a large demonstration project in based on the Danish ”månegris” project • Interest from STC in forming a Chinese innovation networkbased on INBIOM • Headed Agro Business Park’s China efforts for 2.5 years • Close cooperation with exportconsultant Audrey Zhu from the North Denmark EU-office • Organisedtwo business missions to China and fourincoming missions from China Contractsigningceremony in Beijing betweenFilcon from Denmark and ZhejiangHuanxing Machinery Co. in the presence of EU vice president Antonio Tajani. (July 2013). The cooperation is about filter technology for incinerationplants and other types of industrywith high emissions.

  6. OtherGLOBALmidtactivities Visit to the EXPOBIOMASA exhibition in Valladolid for biomass/bioenergycompanies from the Central Denmark Region Time: October 19 – 21, 2014 Deadline for sign up: September 1, 2014 Price: 3000 kroner Spain’sbioenergy potential is verybig and frameworkconditionsarefavoringbioenergy over otherrenewableenergysources. Joing the trip and learn more about the opportunities and meet potential business partners. For more information pleasecontact Claus Mortensen at CM@agropark.dk. .

  7. O Contact information Louise Krogh Johnson Project ManagerEnterprise Europe Network & Innovation Network for Biomass Agro Business Park A/S Niels Pedersens Allé 2 DK-8830 Tjele www.agropark.dk T: +45 8999 2507  M: +45 2154 5909  F: +45 8999 2599 Innovation Network forBiomasswww.inbiom.dk Enterprise Europe Network www.enterprise-europe.dk GLOBALmidtwww.globalmidt.dk

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