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Detective Quantum Efficiency Preliminary Design Review

Detailed overview of the Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) experiment, including goals, examples, requirements, and experiment variations. Covers methods, considerations, and variations for measuring DQE.

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Detective Quantum Efficiency Preliminary Design Review

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  1. SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Detective Quantum Efficiency Preliminary Design Review 16 August 2001 Torsten Böker (Revisions by Don Figer)

  2. Goals of the DQE experiment • To measure the absolute DQE for (at least) one l • To measure relative DQE over the entire pass band (1-5 mm) • To measure DQE variations as a function of T (and l)

  3. Definition of Detective Quantum Efficiency (allows for recombination losses, and multiple carriers per photon)

  4. Examples of Detective Quantum Efficiency • QE maps for NICMOS detectors

  5. DQE Experiment Requirements(from proposal, Sec. 2.4.5)

  6. Questions • How to create a spatially uniform illumination? • How to vary l in a controlled and repeatable way? • How to measure absolute flux? • How to reach proper S/N ratio without saturating the detector? How to suppress unwanted background?

  7. Option 1: Integrating Sphere

  8. Integrating Sphere Theory 101 • Design Rule #1: Port fraction < 0.05 • For a 2048 x 27 mm detector, need sphere diameter of ~ 20 cm (are available off the shelf, e.g. from LabSphere) Surface brightness at exit port: L  M/D2 where M is the sphere multiplier and D is the sphere diameter. M is sensitive to the coating reflectance and the port fraction  need IR coating such as LabSphere’s InfraGold

  9. Setup Options 1. Standard Design 2. External source: flexibility in wavelength and/or intensity 3. Diffuse input via 2nd IS: wider field of view

  10. Option 2: Pinhole camera

  11. Signal-to-noise Considerations • Signal from light source will (hopefully) be uniform, but thermal background will not (most likely not even inside th IS) • Need to remove background signal via on-off subtraction • Poisson noise from background will limit SNR: Nbg = 2*Sbg • Lamp signal needs to overcome this noise • As always, SNR increases as t • Need to guard against saturation  flux must not exceed 105 ph/s/pixel  might need cold neutral density filters of varying thickness

  12. What wavelength resolution is needed? • based on NICMOS experience, DQE is fairly well-behaved • can measure at a number of “pivot” wavelengths (e.g. every 0.5mm), and interpolate • spectral resolution should be at least l/dl ~ 20 • resolution must be higher (R~100) if cutoff range is to be characterized • must control passband of emitter for lack of narrow-band filters  need monochromator

  13. How to measure absolute flux? • need 2 calibrated photodiodes: one on inside of integrating sphere (or on dewar window), and one close to the detector at the focal plane • need to measure with narrow-band light, unless source spectrum and throughput curve of all optical components are accurately known • this will measure total system throughput vs. l • need to repeat this for each light source/filter combination

  14. Proposed Experiment Procedure • Stabilize detector temperature and bias voltage • Set source flux • Illuminate detector with flat field • Reset/Integrate/Read detector using a “reasonable” read mode • Repeat sequence over variations.

  15. Experiment Considerations • want to automate wavelength scanning • at fixed temperature, scan wavelength range • alternatively, if full wavelength range requires manual intervention (e.g. for changing filters and/or light sources), could either scan over separate wavelength regions or • could scan over T at fixed l (potential strain on hardware) • use PK50 at all wavelengths: suppresses background for l<3 mm, at l>3 mm, it simply acts as ND filter (might need variable thickness)

  16. Proposed Experiment Variations • Variations • Wavelength: center wavelengths of RIJHKLM filters • Temperature: 5 levels (a through e, c optimal) covering NGST range • Combinations: 1R2c3a, 1I2c3a, 1J2c3a, 1H2c3a, 1K2c3a, 1L2c3a, 1L2c3a, 2a1K3a, 2b1K3a, 2d1K3a, 2e1K3a

  17. Proposed Experiment Duration • Time estimate: 1 day • Extended scope: more wavelengths as temperature is varied

  18. PK50

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