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The War comes to “Mobtown”. Baltimore was nation’s 2 nd largest city at the time Baltimore was infamous in the US for its unruly mobs and riots Gangs ruled the city: Plug-uglies, Red Necks, Gladiators, Black Snakes, Blood Tubs and Spartans…
The War comes to “Mobtown” • Baltimore was nation’s 2nd largest city at the time • Baltimore was infamous in the US for its unruly mobs and riots • Gangs ruled the city: Plug-uglies, Red Necks, Gladiators, Black Snakes, Blood Tubs and Spartans… • The Know Nothings had utilized violence during the election year of 1855. • Only 9% of Maryland had voted for Lincoln or Douglas. • Lincoln traveled incognito through Baltimore on the way to his inauguration due to rumors of an assassination plot.
Trouble Brews… • Marylanders were divided over both secession and Lincoln’s handling of Ft. Sumter (attacked on April 12th). • Marylanders, like Virginians, found Lincoln’s April 14th call for volunteers to “suppress” the rebellion deeply troubling, even provocative. Sixth Massachusetts Regiment answers Lincoln’s call for 90 Day volunteer enlistment. • Five unarmed companies of Pennsylvania militiamen are set upon by mobs in Baltimore. • Many soldiers are hurt. • The mob focuses its attack on the one free black in uniform, slashing and stabbing him with knives • Baltimore officials urge Lincoln to send no more troops through the city. http://www.citypaper.com/news/story.asp?id=3506
“Another Lexington” or another “Boston Massacre”? • 6th Mass. Leaves Boston on April 17th and arrives in Baltimore April 19th. • An mob of approx. 5,000 Baltimoreans attack the militiamen. Many on both sides of fighting are wounded. • 21 killed: (5soldiers). 100’s injured. • Pvt. Luther Ladd, aged 17, hit in the head and shot while on the ground – dies of his wounds. • Corporal Needham, shot in the neck and stomped to death by the mob. • Last company to march sustains 25% casualties. • Snipers fire at the train from Baltimore to Washington, DC THESE ARE THE FIRST TROOPS KILLED IN THE CIVIL WAR.
AFTER EFFECTS • On April 20th the Governor, Mayor of Baltimore, and Police Commissioner order all bridges leading into the city destroyed. • Lincoln censors all telegraph offices. Seizes transcript records. • Suspected “traitors” and secessionists are arrested. • September 1861: Lincoln suspends habeas corpus and orders the governor, mayor, chief of police, many prominent citizens, legislators, and newspapermen arrested. • Most arrested are held in Fort McHenry and other northern forts for years, without trial. • Baltimore is placed under martial law. Union troops occupy and fortify Federal Hill.
Union Artillery at Fort Federal Hill, Baltimore, 1862Photographed by David Bachrach MHS Library, Special Collections Department “After the riots of 1861, Baltimore illustrated the nation’s divided sympathies. If you were for the Confederacy, it was an occupied city. If you favored the Union, General Butler and his troops were protecting the city from the rebels. Legend reports that the fort’s troops enjoyed pointing out to nervous locals that the cannons were aimed at the Washington Monument, located in the center of the city, in case of insurrection.” http://www.mdhs.org/library/MDF3.html#32
Maryland, My Maryland IThe despot's heel is on thy shore, Maryland!His torch is at thy temple door, Maryland!Avenge the patriotic goreThat flecked the streets of Baltimore,And be the battle queen of yore, Maryland! My Maryland! VIDear Mother! burst the tyrant's chain, Maryland!Virginia should not call in vain, Maryland!She meets her sisters on the plain-"Sic semper!" 'tis the proud refrainThat baffles minions back again, Maryland!Arise in majesty again, Maryland! My Maryland!
(Z24.432) Unveiling of Monument to Confederate Soldiers and Sailors http://www.mdhs.org/library/Z24BaltEvents.html
Point Lookout, Md. View of Hammond Genl. Hospital & U.S. genl. depot for prisoners of war