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IHOP Radiosonde and Dropsonde Data: Highlights and Problems. Radiosonde data Summary Humidity sensors Problems Dropsonde data Summary Scientific Highlights Problems. Junhong (June) Wang Kate Beierle NCAR/ATD. Summary of all radiosonde data from IHOP. Reference sonde.
IHOP Radiosonde and Dropsonde Data: Highlights and Problems • Radiosonde data • Summary • Humidity sensors • Problems • Dropsonde data • Summary • Scientific Highlights • Problems Junhong (June) Wang Kate Beierle NCAR/ATD
Swiss Radiosonde C34 • SW chilled-mirror DP hygrometer • – reference humidity sensor • Carbon hygristor • Copper-constantan thermocouple • Hypsometer Vaisala RS80 NWS VIZ B-2 VIZ-B2: Rod thermistor Carbon hygristor RS90 (~1993): Smaller THERMOCAP Heated twin F-HUMICAP VIZ B-2 RS80-H (~1990): THERMOCAP F-HUMICAP Vaisala RS80-H Reference radiosonde 400MHz transmitter GPS receiver Radiosondes
SnowWhite Chilled-mirror dewpoint hygrometer Scattering light detector Heated sensor housing Reflecting light detector Thermocouple Mirror • Fast response • No influences of radiation, wind and others Peltier • Accurate measurement of dew/frost point • Detects clouds and measures their liquid/solid water • Needs no individual calibration and recalibration after recovered
Data quality control for ATD Radiosonde Data 1. In-field data processing 2. ASPEN 3. Individual Skew-T examination 4. Comparisons of prelaunch and surface data 5. Comparisons with other data
Old Aspirator upgrade for ISS New
Summary of all dropsonde data from IHOP • PTU/W profiles • Validation for newer WV instruments
Large parachute Small parachute
MLLJ on June 9 (1200-1930 UTC) • Box flight path (clockwise) • Clear sky in the domain • LLJ on the northern leg • Lear: 48 (took off from NW corner, ~50 km, two box flights) • Falcon: 21 (took off from SE corner, ~50 km) • Mapping moisture and intercomparison with DIAL, LASE, NAST
MLLJ (East-West on the Northern Leg on June 9) Inversion-capped moist layer Two-layer moisture Specific Humidity (g/kg) DIAL on Falcon
ASPEN • (limit, buddy, outlier, filter, etc.) 2. Individual Skew-T examination 3. Histograms of PTU and wind 4. Time series of PTU and wind 5. Comparisons with other data Data quality control for ATD Dropsonde Data
1. Problems: Before 1. No flight-level PTU data 2. Use flight-level height but 1st available pressure (~20s) Integrate from flight-level down Unknown surface altitude ~200-300 m overestimate of heights 2. Corrections: Soundings with missing data above surface After Good soundings Surface elevation Add PTU to FL Integrate from surface up Integrate from FL down Corrected heights Geopotential height problems and solutions
Geo-potential height data after corrections Missing data before landing
Importance Notes for IHOP radiosonde/dropsonde data • Do not use reference sonde pressure and wind data: • The reference sonde (RS) uses a hypsometer to measure pressure. Unfortunately the hypsometer was not stable and has all kinds of problems. • We didn't correct balloon swing at all for winds and had quite big balloon swing because of bigger balloons used. • Sensor arm heating error in radiosonde data at Homestead: • The SAH error depends on a lot of factors • Different impacts for T and RH: 40-60 s (200-300m) for RH, negligible for T. • Take precautious about dropsonde geopotential data: • The Geopotential height problems in IHOP dropsonde data are investigated and corrected. But there may be some un-identified problems in some individual soudnings. Errors/Biases and Error variances in radiosonde and dropsonde data will show latter