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Preliminary Selection of Proposal for TRP 2008-2010. Basic Technology Research Programme (TRP) Part of ESA Mandatory Programmes Only ESA Technology Programme covering all disciplines & applications Based on three-year Workplans, with yearly updates About 40 M€ in commitments per Year
Basic Technology Research Programme (TRP) • Part of ESA Mandatory Programmes • Only ESA Technology Programme covering all disciplines & applications • Based on three-year Workplans, with yearly updates • About 40 M€ in commitments per Year • Programme objectives are: To assess innovative technologies incorporating high development risks but also a high potential pay-off and to demonstrate their usefulness for space, To enable ESA space missions by demonstrating the feasibility of technologies required for these missions or applications, To demonstrate the feasibility of technologies of common interest to all ESA projects and programmes. What is the TRP ?
E2E Process: Landscape of Programmes Timely availability of technology reduces project risks Technology is implemented in a set of corporate and domain specific programmes Coordination across ESA programmes and harmonization with non-ESA programmes essential
Directors’ Subcommittee + HoD TEC and OPS Chair EO Chair SCI Chair TEL Chair HME Chair LAU Chair NAV Chair TEC TECNET EO TECNET SCI TECNET TEL TECNET HSF/Ex TECNET NAV TECNET GEN TECNET ST TRP GSTP EOEP TRP GSTP CTP TRP GSTP (*) ARTES TRP GSTP ELIPS Aurora TRP GSTP FLPP Aurora TRP GSTP GNSS-E TRP GSTP STPs E2E process: Coordinated definition The way is to establish coordinated work plans, corporate and domain specific ELIPS Aurora EOEP CTP ARTES FLPP Aurora GNSS-E GSTP TRP Programme chair guarantees user pull. SD Generic guarantees push. As important as definition is implementation, techno-template, monitoring, evaluation
Summary: Programme Definition • There is a large number of technology programmes in ESA, in general specific to an application and covering higher TRLs • The TRP is the only ESA Technology Programme covering all disciplines & applications • Technology Programmes are defined as one output of the End-to-End Process starting with the identification of requirements, leading to work plans within the programmes consistent within the overall ESA Long Term Plan, • The Technology Network (TEC-NET) with representatives of technical disciplines and applications is at the heart of this process. • The TRP is defined as part of an ESA wide E2E process
TRP 2008-2010Pre-selected Activities SD 1: Earth Observation SD 2: Science SD3: Human Spaceflight & Exploration Preparation SD4: Space Transportation SD5: Telecommunication SD6: Navigation SD7: Generic Technologies and Techniques
SD1: Missions and Drivers • Earth Explorer missions selected for phase 0 study: BIOMASS: A BIOMASS Monitoring Mission for Carbon Assessment • TRAQ: TRopospheric composition and Air Quality • PREMIER: PRocess Exploration through Measurements of Infrared and millimetre-wave Emitted Radiation • FLEX: FLuorescence Explorer • A-SCOPE: Advanced Space Carbon and Climate Observation of Planet Earth • CoRe-H2O: Cold Regions Hydrology High-resolution Observatory • Post-EPS • GMES Sentinel-4 and Sentinel-5 • Earth Explorer candidate concepts not selected for Phase 0 but for which further technology preparation recommended: Accurate, Habitat, SpaceWaves, GOMAS
SD1: Missions and Drivers - Timeline 2013 2015 2016 2018 Earth Explorer MTG GMES S4 S5 Post-EPS
TRP Support to Earth Explorers TRAQ FLEX A-SCOPE BIOMASS PREMIER CoRe-H2O • Low dark current 2D TIR CMT detectors technology • Back-thinned InGaAs array for visible-SWIR imaging • High-performance low-straylight gratings • High efficiency volume Bragg gratings (VBG) for spectrometry • Pulsed Laser Source at 1.57 micro-meters • Advanced Laser Instrument Thermal Design • 2.05 micrometer pulsed Holmium-Laser • Advanced Feed System • Critical Technology Activities for an I/R Limb sounder • Light Weight, Dual Frequency Antenna Configuration for Earth Observation SAR
SD1: Summary • TECNET has addressed TRP, GSTP /NewPro and EOEP • The plan for TRP 2008 – 2010 has been established. It addresses • candidate and commended Earth Explorer missions, Post-EPS, Sentinels 4 and 5. • In total activities for 27.2 M€ are planned (overprogramming) • The TRP Plan will have to be yearly tuned according to down - selection • of Earth Explorer missions and refinement of Post-EPS definition • Furthermore… • Inputs have been provided for the preparation of GSTP. They • will be further elaborated. Inputs for EOEP 2008 – 2010 have been • prepared and presented to DOSTAG
2008 2016 Call issued M1, 2017 L1, 2018 Herschel, Planck, 2008 LPF, 2009 Gaia, 2012 JWST, 2013 BepiC, 2013 Solar Orbiter, 2015 LISA SD2: Space Science Call for mission proposals initiating the implementation of the new Comic Vision Plan 2015-2025 was released on 5 March 2007. By the deadline date of 29 June, 50 mission proposals were received by ESA. The proposals are currently being evaluated. The final selection of 3 Class M and 3 Class L mission proposals for Assessment studies will be made by the SSAC at its meeting in October 2007 and will be reported to the SPC at its November 2007 meeting.
SD2: Summary • A reserve has been allocated in the TRP 2008 – 2010 pending short-listing • of candidates for next M and L class missions • Studies planned in CDF • Plans to be prepared in the beginning of 2008 for TRP/CTP/GSTP
SD3: Reference Missions • In preparing for future exploration, both robotic and human, several categories of reference missions must be considered to properly cover the range of technologies required • Three main types emerge: Autonomous Robotic Exploration Missions Human Missions with Robotic Assistance Life & Physical Science Support
SD3: Technology Planning and Long Term Objectives • Exploration, and its preparation, represents one of the long term objectives of D-HME • Major technology development focus in the near-term (Aurora, TRP etc.) is aligned with this long term objective through 4 major themes: • Robotic Assistance Technologies: • Exploiting existing European robotics heritage to prepare for future cooperation between human and robotic systems in exploration • Advancing autonomous robotics for deployment in environments too dangerous for humans • Life & Physical Sciences: • Building on European expertise in the exploitation of the microgravity environment for the advancement of research in key scientific fields • Applying new technologies to the upcoming challenges of future human exploration e.g. bio-chemical analysis, contaminant monitoring • Human Exploration Technologies: • Building on Columbus, ATV etc. technology development will also investigate areas key to future long term human life-support and habitation requirements • Participation to future human exploration, with the Moon as a logical step and international cooperation as a key element • Autonomous Robotic Missions • In order to obtain fundamental capabilities e.g. landing, rendezvous etc. technology development will also be directed towards the preparation of near-medium term preparatory autonomous robotic missions
SD3: Outcomes Robotics Assistance technologies: 3.9 M€ Life and Physical Sciences 3.8 M€ Human Exploration Technologies 3.8 M€ ====== TOTAL TRP (2008-2010) 11.5 M € (15 M€) Autonomous Robotic Missions (NEXT) 3.5 M€ to be defined Mission opportunity 2006 2012 2018 2008 2010 2014 2016 > 2020 NEXT mission Ph B proposal and approval – Ministerial Council 2008 Demonstration of key enabling capabilities for exploration Soft Precision Landing Autonomous Rendezvous High Speed Earth Re-Entry Next Exploration Science and Technology Mission (NEXT) Phase C/D Phase B • Required technologies must be at TRL 6 by beginning of Phase B, in 2009 Driving parameter in elaboration of technology development approach for NEXT missions
SD3: Summary • TECNET has addressed TRP, GSTP / NewPro and Aurora Core • TRP Plan takes into account ongoing Aurora activities • The plan for TRP 2008 – 2010 has been prepared. An allocation has been reserved to support “Autonomous Robotic Exploration Mission” • Inputs for GSTP, Aurora Core already approved for 2008
SD4: Missions • LAU and HME defined the reference missions. • LAU presented a total of 6 reference missions including a mission called “long-term options for access to space” which is not to be considered as a real mission but as a placeholder to allow to consider futuristic technologies. • HME presented a total of 19 reference missions related covering different aspects: re-entry vehicles, transfer vehicles, and human vehicles.
SD4: Summary • The plan for TRP 2008 – 2010 is being refined for detailed allocations, with following emphasize: • - Launchers oriented Technologies (propulsion) X.X M€ • - Human Space Flight oriented Technologies (e.g. re-entry) X.X M€ • - Generic Space Transportation Technologies (e.g materials) X.X M€ • Total 10.0 M€ Furthermore.. • TECNET has addressed TRP, GSTP/NewPro and FLPP. • TRP Plan takes into account ongoing FLPP activities => FLPP already committed for 2008 – 2009 • Inputs for GSTP/NewPro
SD5: Missions and Drivers Missions + Requirements • Any commercially oriented satellite telecommunication mission including broadcasting, multi casting and two-way communication to fixed or mobile terminals. • Data relay and other institutional mission. • No specific technology per se, but all technologies that will reduce cost and improve performances of one or more element of a satellite communication system.
SD5: TRP WP & Summary • A plan has been prepared totalling the 5 M€ • The plan has 20 activities distributed as follows: Electromagnetics (e.g. reflect arrays) 1.6 M€ Microwave (e.g.RF MEMS) 2.0 M€ Optics (photonics) 0.7 M€ Propulsion 0.3 M€ Structures (e.g.conductive CFRP) 0.4 M€ Total: 5.0 M€ Furthermore…. • TECNET has addressed TRP and ARTES. • Internal (TRP, ARTES) and external (ARTES) calls
SD6: Missions Derived from the European GNSS Evolutions Programme (Ref.ESA/C(2007)16)
SD6: TRP WP & Summary • TECNET has addressed TRP and GNSS Evolution. • Big uncertainty in evolution of all GNSS activities: EGNOS, Galileo, GNN Evolution => Staged approach => Only TRP 2008 prepared in detail : 2.9 M€ • Reserve for 2009 – 2010 to be allocated when situation more clear
Generic Technologies: The Theme • The domain of Generic Technologies includes technology developments required by several service domains, e.g. Exploration, Earth Observation and Space Science as well as basic technologies. • Drivers are: • Programme driven multi-domain technology, e.g. platform technology • Technology potential enabling ambitious objectives in the long-term • Technology potential, should be organized so that it increases performance and reduces costs drastically, and assures European non-dependence. • Generic Technologies are summarized in ESTER (D0) as Generic Missions: - Enabling ESA Missions - Industrial Competitiveness - Innovation - Non-dependence
Cross-sectorial Themes • Improving the way we deliver an operate space systems: E2E System Design Developing technologies, techniques and tools that significantly contribute to reduce time and cost of developing and operating space missions, • Disruption by evolution: S/C Avionics Technology that imply significant spacecraft evolution in :. IP in space, Plug & Playstyle avionics, software and software reuse, spacecraft management (FDIR, command and control), AOCS, data integrity. • Disruptive Technologies • Developing disruptive technologies, that transform the way space systems are designed • => How can we bring the promise of MNT into space, anticipating needs for exploration, sci ? • Electronic Components Focus is on securing development/evaluation of standard components. Advanced components e.g. GaN, requiring significant investment have to be addressed in NewPro. Cross-sectorial Theme 1 and 2 are a collaborative effort between D/TEC and D/OPS
X-Sectorial: E2E System Design and Verification • Objectives • Improve development and operations processes • to reduce cost and schedule preserving the required quality level • to accomplish future more demanding missions within affordable limits • To increase industrial competitiveness • Most of the cost and schedule overruns experienced today in space programmes are due to lack of an explicit trade-off and challenge of expensive requirements and misjudgement of system end-to-end performance issues, combined with the associated additional effort for the verification phase, and partially lack of maturity of the technologies adopted. • Scope • Multidisciplinary aspects incl. D/OPS • System Level (versus discipline level) e.g. from Spacecraft, to Mission level • (space and ground) and even System of Systems • Covers all development phases: A B C D E/F • Reference is ECSS E 10 Part 1: SE Requirements and Process: SE I &, • Requirements Engineering, Analysis, Design and Configuration, Verification • It focuses on methods and tools (technical)
Specification methods Demonstrations Pilot Applications Synergy across project phases PRR SRR SDR PDR CDR QR AR Phase A Phase B Phase C Phase D Phase E/F System / Sub-system / Discipline X-Sectorial: E2E System Design and Verification Where to apply ?? Concurrent Design Multi- disciplinary Analysis Advanced AIT Methods Model Based Systems Engineering Improved Operations
X-Sectorial: Avionics - Objectives Main Objective : Reduction of the development timeframe/cost for Avionics Data and Control Systems • Triggered by the NASA ‘ 6 day Spacecraft’ but tuned to realistic expectations for reducing the definition, design and validation of an Avionics Data and Control system: • Derivation of common architectures and pre-validated building blocks; use of common tools for development, validation and operations • Improved End-to-end view for protocols and tools, supported by inter-centre test-bedding • System level investigation of emerging requirements and techniques for Security, FDIR and Autonomy • Composition of a system from building blocks including generation of application SW and unit level validation (6 Months)
X-Sectorial: Avionics - Activity Flow Discipline Requirements System Architecture Development and validation Individual Activity Outputs System Integration Final Reports Outputs Reference Hardware Architecture Common development & validation methodology and supporting tools Building Blocks Onboard Test-Bench Avionics Building Blocks Validated Approach Building blocks and lessons learned Software Building Blocks Comms Reference Software Architecture Building Blocks Control Security Building Blocks Reference Communication Architecture Ground Test-Bench OPS Building Blocks Alignment with Industry
X-Sectorial: NEOMEX • Objective: To perform close-up scientific investigations on several sites on a Near Earth Object. • Constraints: Extreme mass-limitation, 5 kg platform, 2-4 kg payload of 10-15 W • Challenge: use microsystems integrated in a system to gain performance with respect to mass. NEOMEx will demonstrate all critical functions of a S/C in an integrated manner
X-Sectorial: NEOMEX - System Architecture Somehow we need to connect all of it !!!
X-Sectorial: NEOMEX - Modularity • General platform with mission-specific platform and payload modules • Modularity and integration on system-of-microsystems level with allow maximum reusability • Appropriate selection from a set of microsystem modules, according to the mission • Microdevices to microsystems, microsystems into systems-of-microsystems without compromising the miniaturization or performance. Thermal Structure Propulsion COMMS Power AOCS System design and Architecture
X-Sectorial: Electronic Components - Elements • Hybrid and Micropackaging Technologies • Advancing the capabilities the industrial base for the ESA projects • Silicon based Component Issues: • Technical usage and risk management • Support studies for larger TRP activities • Radiation Effects Facilitating Radiation Testing under TRP/GSTP and other programmes Radiation Test implementation for studies, characterisation and evaluation • Passives • Strengthen the European technology base on passives • solutions for mission needs • RF/Microwave • Strengthen the GaAs industries, provide technologies/ solutions to the projects. • Support to main GaN • Optoelectronics • Provide generic solutions to generic problems: identify where there is scope to evaluate and qualify (traditionally a one off approach) • MNT • Broad approach based on dossier priorities
TRP 2008-2010 Funding Allocation Total: 48 Meuro
SD7: Conclusions and Issues • TECNET has addressed TRP and GSTP. • Plan TRP 2008 – 2010 prepared. • Sectorial (TD) and cross-sectorial actions established • Despite pre-allocations, mismatch needs versus resources • High-tech components not addressed for lack of resources. Non-dependence issues • Disruptive technologies focused on MNT, limited, just introduction to major needs Exploration and other domains • Inputs for GSTP / NewPro have to be verified
TRP by Service Domain 1Overprogramming to be aligned after downselection of Explorer Candidate Missions 2TRP CTP will be defined beginning of 2008 3 3.5 M€ are reserved for NEXT 4 Being Refined 5Activities for 2008 only
TRP Timeline: Towards the WP TECNET Chair IPC Oct. AC Oct. IPC Nov. DC TRP Definition TRP Pre-selection 2008-2010 Member State Consultation TRP Workplan 2008 TRP Workplan 2008 Implementation
TRP Conclusions • The plan 2008 – 2010 has been prepared with intervention of all stakeholders • Budgetary Boundaries have been generally respected • There is significant lack of resources in all domains • There is in particular lack of resources for disruptive innovation, e.g. MNT, and advanced components, processors, FPGA, DSM, etc • The plan TRP 2008 – 2010 is ready for endorsement by IPC