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SDMX Standard and international information exchange. Alexander Goncharov Rosstat. SDMX Sponsors. Bank for International Settlements (BIS) European Central Bank (ECB) E urostat International Monetary Fund (IMF) Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD)
SDMX Standard and international information exchange Alexander Goncharov Rosstat
SDMX Sponsors Bank for International Settlements (BIS) European Central Bank (ECB) Eurostat International Monetary Fund (IMF) Organisation for economic cooperation and development (OECD) United Nations Statistics Division(UNSD) The World Bank
SDMX Steppingstone • Data and metadata standard formats • SDMX guidelines on information content • IT architecture for the data and metadata exchange
SDMX Assignment • International organizations: within and in the interaction between themselves • National statistical offices, central banks, ministries and other authorities
Federal statistical work plan To be approved by Russian Federation Government Decree Rosstat and other Official statistical Accounting subjects Other Official statistical accounting subjects (62 authorities) MIA of Russia FMS of Russia MOE of Russia MFA of Russia MoD of Russia MOJ of Russia Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography (Rosreestr) FSSP of Russia FAS of Russia State Courier Service of Russia (GFS) Federal Security Service (FSB) of Russia FDCS of Russia Federal GuardService (FSO) of Russia MHSD of Russia Federal Service for Supervision of Consumer Rights Protection and Human Well-Being (Rospotrebnadzor) of Russia Federal Service for Labour and Employment (Rostrud) Ministry of CommunicationsRussia Ministry of Culture of Russia FAPMC of Russia (Rospechat) Russian Federal Service for Intellectual Property (Rospatent) Federal EducationAgency (Rosobrazovanie) of Russia Federal Water Resources Agency (Rosvodresursy) of Russia FFA (Rosleshoz) of Russia Federal Agency for Subsoil Use (Rosnedra) of Russia Ministry of Industry of Russia Ministry of Energy of Russia Federal Agency on Technical Regulation and Metrology of Russia Ministry of Regional Development of Russia MoA of Russia Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Surveillance (Rosselkhoznadzor) of Russia Federal Service for Supervision of Transport (Rostransnadzor) Federal Air TransportAgency of Russia (Rosaviatsiya) of Russia Federal Road TransportAgency (Rosavtodor) of Russia Federal Agency of Maritime and River Transport (Rosmorrechflot) Ministry of Finance of Russia FTS of Russia FISS (Rosstrakhnadzor) of Russia Russian Federal Treasury Federal Property Management Agency (Rosimushchestvo) Russia FAF of Russia (Rosrybolovstvo) Federal Service for Hydrometeorology, Environmental Monitoring of Russia FCS of Russia FFMS of Russia Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) Ministry of Sport of Russia Bank of Russia Rosreestr Russian Federal SpaceAgency (Roskosmos) of Russia Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) of Russia FSTEC of Russia Federal Service for Supervision of Health (Roszdravnadzor)of Russia FMBA of Russia Federal Service for monitoring compliance with cultural heritage protection law (Rosokhrankultura) Federal Service of Financial-Budgetary Supervision (Rosfinnadzor) of Russia Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) of Russia FTS of Russia Federal FinancialMonitoringService (Rosfinmonitoring) of Russia Federal Servicefor Alcohol MarketRegulation of Russia Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment of Russia MEDT of Russia Federal MedicalInsurance Fund of Russia
The goals for the United Interagency Information Statistical System (UIISS) creation • integration of information and statistical resources, contributing to their effective use in decision-making and forecasting • provide users with the official statistical information in electronic form • provide the national information system with the official statistical information
UIISS Participants • Coordinator (Rosstat) • Operator (Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia) • Official statistical accounting subjects (63 authorities) • Users
UIISS Coordinator (Rosstat) • maintaining a register of indicators • monitoring of the official statistical information formation and actualization • monitoring of the compliance with a metadata formation united methodology • determination of the allocation procedure and actualization of the statistical information • interaction with the UIISS operator in order to ensure the UIISS operation and development
UIISS Operator (Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia) • technical support, administration maintenance of UIISS operation and development • ensure the compliance with safety requirements • ensure the possibility of using a digital signature • provide on the free basis the subjects of official statistical accounting with the program and technical means of the departmental segment
Official statistical accounting subjects (ministries and authorities of Russia) • provide the Coordinator with the list of indicators for inclusion in the register, to be formed on the basis of the federal statistical work plan • metadata formation, allocation and timely actualization • official statistical data loading and actualization • ensure the reliability of statistical information
UIISS Users (free access) • access to the UIISS register indicators, formed on the basis of the federal statistical work plan • access to the indicators and metadata (indicator passport) • navigation on the federal plan sections and on the official statistical accounting subjects • context search by the indicator name • request formation through indicator characteristics selection
Indicator selection by federal statistical work plan rubricator (categories)
The output table with the selected indicator values (Table configured by default)
The output table with the selected indicator values (table continuation)
SDMX Information model • Data structure definition (DSD) • Metadata structure definition(MSD)
Architecture for data exchange • «push» mode -data is transmitted from the reporting organization to the requesting organization • «pull» mode -the requesting organization is searching and collects data from the reporting organization server
LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY"TverInformProdukt" Development of the system of data and metadata exchange with international organizations (based on SDMX standard)
Architecture for data exchange «hub» mode - users receive data from the central unit («hub»), which itself automatically collects the required data from other sources (European Census Hub - 60 hypercubes with data, 35 hypercubes with "quantitative" metadata, as well as text (or "quality") metadata