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What is a “Habit T ree?”. “Habit song” One , be proactive, we’ll start with that , Two , begin with the end in mind . Three , put first things first, work then play , Four , think win-win every time ! Five , Seek first to understand, then to be understood ,
“Habit song” One, be proactive, we’ll start with that, Two, begin with the end in mind. Three, put first things first, work then play, Four, think win-win every time! Five, Seek first to understand, then to be understood, Six, we’ll synergize together, Then we’ll sharpen the saw and we’re done! 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, our habit tree! Introduction- 1st Grade Students
Students track their progress Our Learning Connections are made between historical events and the 7 Habits. Students are all leaders in something!
Mission Statements Each class writes their own mission statement at the beginning of the year. The next slide has Kindergarten and 4th grade students sharing their mission statements.
1st Grade Reading Goal FormStudents set a goal in reading, make a plan, and monitor results. Data Notebook Pages: A student shares her data notebook at a leadership event.
Data Notebook Pages Math Fact Graph Students monitor and graph their own progress on a weekly fact test.
4th Grade “Target/Goal Sheet” Students set academic and behavioral goals. Then they make plans for accomplishing their goals.
Baldrige Tools Students use baldrige tools to enhance their learning.
Students also demonstrate the Habits in Related Arts Leadership in Related Arts
Leadership in ELL ELL students showcase their work.
Leadership in Special Education Students use the language of the 7 Habits when solving problems with friends.
How has it impacted our students? The next slide shares how a middle school student is using the Habits.
Our Community Students are part of their classroom community, building community, and school community. Click here to hear from our students!
How has it impacted our parents? Parents were invited in to learn The Seven Habits so they can use the language at home with their children. The next slide shares the experiences of a few parents.
Students make cookies to deliver to a nursing home. Community Service Students collect toys for families in need. Students help make our school beautiful by planting flowers. Students collect pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House.
Our students taught several OSU student-athletes about the 7 Habits. Bringing the Community to WES
Making a Difference • Four areas in which we would expect to see improvement • Academic growth • Behavior • Student engagement • Culture/climate
Academic Growth • Data Notebooks – One of the most effective Formative Instructional Practices is students taking ownership for their learning. In Data Notebooks, students track/graph their learning and set goals and can articulate their own strengths and areas for growth. • Prior to renewal - 0% of students tracked their learning in Data Notebooks • Now – 100% of our students track their learning and growth through Data Notebooks
Academic Growth cont. • OAA Scores • Green = More than 2% increase compared to baseline year • Yellow = Less than +/- 2% difference • Red = More than 2% decrease compared to baseline year
Academic Growth cont. • Value-Added • Green = Above average growth • Yellow = Average growth • Red = Below average growth
Student Engagement and Climate/Culture • Evidence already presented • Common language • More leadership opportunities for students • Student expectations • Staff unity