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WI FI OVERVIEW. Commonly referred to as WLAN in the commercial market space. International Wi Fi Alliance supports 802.11 A B G and soon N technology bands on the 2.4 Ghz radio spectrum. 802.11 B Commercially introduced in late 1990s speeds at 11MBS.

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  1. WI FI OVERVIEW • Commonly referred to as WLAN in the commercial market space. • International Wi Fi Alliance supports 802.11 A B G and soon N technology bands on the 2.4 Ghz radio spectrum. • 802.11 B Commercially introduced in late 1990s speeds at 11MBS. • 802.11G Commercially introduced in 2003 speeds at 54 MBS with more secure encryption technology.

  2. WI FI CONT. • 802.11 N Commercially available in 2008. Speeds up to 270MBS. MERU Cisco and Aruba are currently competing in this space with very large commercial deployments within Universities, Hospitals, & Office Parks. • Please note actual session speeds are typically 1/3 of published speeds in real world environments Under ideal conditions Wi Fi coverage can be 382 feet indoors and up to 1,312 feet outdoors. • Most commercial Wi Fi Systems deployed in last several years are encrypted utilizing WAP & WAP 2 authentication protocols.

  3. CELLULAR OVERVIEW • Early 1980s- Originally analog switch networks were deployed. • Late 1980s Analog networks split technology camps: TDMA- Time Division Multiplexing Networks vs. well as Code Division Multiplexing based Networks via Qualcomm. • Early 1990s Europe moved into GSM –Global Systems Mobile. • Today GSM is active in 219 countries worldwide and over 3 Billion active subscribers by far the Global Standard in mobile technology.

  4. GSM DATA TECHNOLOGY • Cellular Data Services appeared in late 1990s. GPRS 1st generation under the GSM voice protocol as a dedicated data channel under voice. Speeds equivalent to dial up modem 40-60 kbs. Effective for mobile email and light web browsing. • GPRS moved into EDGE networks with higher speeds and throughput in the 150-300kbs range. ATT& T- Mobile. Edge Networks launched in mid 2000s. • EDGE networks moving into the HSPDA services with speeds at 1MB-2MB range. Currently being deployed by ATT on large scale and T- Mobile on more limited scale.

  5. CDMA DATA TECHNOLOGY • 1st Generation 1XRT deployed under CDMA speeds slightly higher than GPRS at 100-200kbs. • IRXT moved into EVDO with several revisions REV A data services launched in 2008-2009. Speeds in the 1-3MB range. • Global Carriers are seeking to deploy LTE in the next few years. This provides true 4G data services with speeds rated up to 100MBS and latency less than 10 milliseconds. Will match on premise commercial WLAN environments.LTE is a universal data standard that both CDMA and GSM carriers can migrate to moving forward.

  6. UMA OVERVIEW • UMA stands for unlicensed mobile access which is a 3rd Generation global standard for subscriber access to mobile circuit, packet and IMS- based services over any IP based access network. • IMS is a IP based protocal that provides end users anytime anywhere access of all multimedia services on any mobile device. • With UMA mobile operators can now leverage the cost and performance advantages of IP access technologies to deliver high quality, low cost mobile voice & data technology in both the home &office environments.

  7. HISTORY OF UMA The 3G UMA standard was developed to support & deliver high performance &low cost mobile voice and data services at home and in the office. In Dec 2003- 14 mobile operators agreed to develop a open mobile standard. A few operators supporting UMA include T- Mobile Cincinnati Bell, Orange & Rogers Wireless to name a few. In 2008 the first commercial UMA based fixed line VOIP service appeared as well as 3G UMA handsets

  8. UMA APPLICATIONS • The #1 UMA application & growth opportunity today is dual mode Cellular /Wi Fi phone/PDA devices &services. • Subscribers can automatically roam & handoff between Wi Fi & Cellular receiving consistent voice and data services between both networks at lower costs. • Select mobile operators will exploit this growing trend to replace older land curcuit phone services with UMA wireless services and enhance mobile services &applications for customers.

  9. UMA APPLICATIONS CONT. • UMA enables soft mobiles access at hotels via Wi Fi and is an ideal way to minimize voice calling costs while traveling internationally. • With a UMA enabled soft mobile subscriber would simply place a USB memory stick with an embedded SIM in your laptop and the soft mobile client would automatically launch and connect over IP to the home mobile service provider. The subscriber would be able to make and receive calls as if in their home carrier calling area.

  10. MARKET OFFERS TODAY • T Mobile @ Home Service- $10 bolt on to your family or small biz plans. Idea for Small business market. Provides core VOIP business phone functionality delivered over a SIM supported Wi Fi Router for both your Voice & Data services. • @ home supports all T Mobile dual mode Blackberries & Cell Phones. Outstanding in building signal coverage for voice & data services. Unlimited voice&data usage at no additional per minute or per kilobyte costs to for extra $10 per month.

  11. MARKET OFFERS CONT. • T Mobiles- Mobile Office launched Oct 2009 extends desktop functionality to a dual mode mobile device which improves productivity & lower costs by integrating a Wi Fi enabled Blackberry within the Blackberry Mobile Voice System (MVS) • One number functionality: One Caller ID,One VM, unlimited voice calling on WI FI network. For 100 + user groups the $10 unlimited voice service is waived.

  12. WHAT IS MI-FI? • MI- FI works within 10 meters off WI FI B and G bands not the higher speed N bands then hands off the data session thru the cellular data gateways up to 5 users per session it is a secure connection using WAP2 & WEP encryption protocols. • Batteries work up to 4 hours Cost of a MI FI device is $99 after rebate and contract from the carriers. Works on Wi Fi enabled devices including PDAS, cameras and laptops Verizon charges $59.99 for 5GB service. Sprint also charges $59.99 per month for 5 GB.

  13. 4G &THE FUTURE • Unified Communication services over multiple telecommunication platforms will continue to drive enterprise productivity & lower wired & wireless network costs for business customers. • Adoption of 4 G mobile technology& applications will be the fastest telecommunication growth sector worldwide over the next 10 years. • Good links below to stay on top of new mobile technology developments. • http://www.gsmworld.com • http://www.umatoday.com • http://www.wimaxforum.org • http://www.nokia.com

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