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Integrated Acquisition Environment

Integrated Acquisition Environment. FPDS Program Management Office. Competition Changes. Competition Changes. Estimated implementation date of 10/30/2009 . Competition Line of Demarcation (CLOD). EMBRACE THE CLOD!!!

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Integrated Acquisition Environment

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  1. Integrated Acquisition Environment FPDS Program Management Office Competition Changes

  2. Competition Changes • Estimated implementation date of 10/30/2009

  3. Competition Line of Demarcation (CLOD) • EMBRACE THE CLOD!!! • Most of the changes made in Competition will be effective from the date of software implementation (called the contract line of demarcation (CLOD)) • Older documents will continue to have the same rules, drop down options, as they did previously • Agencies are responsible to fix older documents by themselves

  4. Competition Line of Demarcation (CLOD) • The changes not subject to CLOD: • Removal and mapping of “Directed to JWOD” and “UNICOR” to “Authorized by Statute” • Multiple IDV flag set to multiple on all FSS and GWAC’s • Competed\Not Competed under SAP • “Reason Not Competed” changed to “Other than Full and Open Competition” • “Brand Name Description” as a new drop down option under “Other than Full and Open Competition” • “Buy Indian” option can only be used by HHS and DOI • “Extent Competed” is Required on Delivery\Task Orders (Pre CLOD) and BPA Calls (Pre and Post CLOD)

  5. Multiple or Single Award IDV • Once selected and approved this data element cannot be corrected if any draft\final orders\calls exist against it. • On FSS and GWAC’s • Automatically defaulted to Multiple Award • User cannot edit the “Multiple or Single Award IDV” flag • All existing FSS and GWAC’s will be updated to have this flag set to Multiple Award (1979 forward)

  6. Extent Competed • Will now be required on BPA Calls • Will now be required on Delivery\Task Orders with date signed Pre CLOD • “Competed under SAT” and “Not Competed under SAT” options will be changed to “Competed under SAP” and “Not Competed under SAP” respectively • “Competed under SAP” and “Not Competed under SAP” options will now be available for DoD • Delivery\Task Orders against a Single Award IDV will default the “Extent Competed” from the IDV and will not be editable on the Delivery\Task Order • Extent Competed field will be disabled for Delivery\Task Orders against a Multiple Award FSS\GWAC\IDC and will pre-populate from these IDV’s

  7. Extent Competed (Cont’d) “Full and Open after Exclusion of Sources” can now be used in conjunction with the “Other than Full and Open Competition” selections to reflect those situations under FAR part 6.3 where limited competition is allowed 7

  8. Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity • Post CLOD: • Renamed the screen label to “Fair Opportunity\Limited Sources” • Now Required on Delivery\Task Orders referencing a multiple award FSS\GWAC\IDC • Choices under the “Fair Opportunity\Limited Sources” data element will be • Fair Opportunity Given • Follow-on Delivery Order Following Competitive Initial Order • Minimum Guarantee • Only one Source – Other • Other Statutory Authority • Urgency • Will only be an active field on Delivery\Task Orders against a multiple award FSS\GWAC\IDC

  9. Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity • Pre CLOD: • The screen label will remain “Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity” • Continue to be a Required field on Delivery\Task Orders when Extent Competed=Non Competitive Delivery\Task Order

  10. Other than Full and Open Competition • Reason Not Competed: • Screen Name “Reason Not Competed” will now say “Other than Full and Open Competition” • Adding Brand Name Description (available on all records) • Removing “Directed to JWOD” and “UNICOR” – should now use “Authorized by Statute” • Previous entries under “Directed to JWOD” and “UNICOR” will be mapped to “Authorized by Statute” for all records from 1979 forward. • CWS’s that continue to send “Directed to JWOD” and “UNICOR” will automatically display “Authorized by Statute” in FPDS (until Version 1.4 when CWS’s will be expected to send the correct value)

  11. Other than Full and Open Competition • Post CLOD: • Drop down options will appear as follows: • Unsolicited Research Proposal (FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(i)) • Follow-On Contract (FAR 6.302-1(a)(2)(ii/iii)) • Unique Source (FAR 6.302-1(b)(1)) • Patent or Data Rights (FAR 6.302-1(b)(2)) • Utilities (FAR 6.302-1(b)(3)) • Standardization (FAR 6.302-1(b)(4)) • Brand Name Description (FAR 6.302-1(c)) • Only One Source-Other (FAR 6.302-1 other) • Urgency (FAR 6.302-2) • Mobilization, Essential R&D (FAR 6.302-3) • International Agreement (FAR 6.302-4) • Authorized by Statute (FAR 6.302-5(a)(2)(i)) • Authorized Resale (FAR 6.302-5(a)(2)(ii)) • National Security (FAR 6.302-6) • Public Interest (FAR 6.302-7) • SAP Non-Competition (FAR 13) • Less than or equal to the Micro-Purchase Threshold (civilian agencies only)

  12. Solicitation Procedures Post CLOD: • “Multiple Award Fair Opportunity” (MAFO) will be changed to “Subject to Multiple Award Fair Opportunity” (SMAFO) on documents with a date signed post CLOD • SMAFO will automatically be defaulted when a Delivery\Task Order references a Multiple Award FSS\GWAC\IDC

  13. Type of Set Aside Post CLOD: • Validation rules are modified to allow the selection of “Type of Set Aside” value when the Extent Competed = Competed under SAP or Extent Competed = Not Competed under SAP. • If “Not Competed Under SAP” then “Type of Set Aside” (if chosen) must be one of the sole source set asides: • 8(a) Sole Source • HUBZone Sole Source • SDVOSB Sole Source • Veteran Sole Source

  14. Type of Set Aside Post CLOD: • If “Competed Under SAP” then “Type of Set Aside” (if chosen) must be one of the following: • 8(a)with HUB Zone Preference • 8(a) Competed • Buy Indian • Emerging Small Business Set Aside • HBCU or MI Set-Aside -- Partial • HBCU or MI Set-Aside -- Total • HUBZone Set Aside • Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business Set-Aside • Small Business Set Aside – Partial • Small Business Set Aside – Total • Very Small Business • Veteran Set Aside

  15. Other Changes Post CLOD: • Buy Indian can only be used by HHS and DOI • No major changes to BPA and BPA call competition choice • Extent Competed will now be Required on BPA Calls • Competition Report • At OFPP’s direction the Competition Report will be revised

  16. Recap Post CLOD: • Delivery\Task Orders Referencing a Single Award IDC • Extent Competed, Reason Not Competed, Solicitation Procedures, Evaluated Preference, Type of Set Aside all pre-populate from the Referenced IDC • User does not select anything • Fields are grayed out • Delivery\Task Orders Referencing a Multiple Award FSS\GWAC\IDC • Extent Competed pulls from the referenced FSS\GWAC\IDC • Solicitation procedures must equal SMAFO • Fair Opportunity\Limited Sources field is Required

  17. Recap (Cont’d) • Reason Not Competed will be Other than Full and Open Competition • Directed to JWOD and UNICOR will be removed and Authorized by Statute should be used instead • Under solicitation procedures Multiple Award Fair Opportunity (MAFO) will now be Subject to Multiple Award Fair Opportunity (SMAFO) • Competed Under SAT and Not Competed Under SAT will now be Competed under SAP and Not Competed Under SAP and will be available to DoD • Competed Under SAP\Not Competed Under SAP can now be used in conjunction with Type of Set Aside

  18. Recap (Cont’d) • Full and Open After Exclusion of Sources can now be used in conjunction with Other than Full and Open Competition when limited competition situations (see FAR 6.3) exist • Extent Competed now required on BPA Calls • Extent Competed now required on Delivery\Task Orders with a date signed pre CLOD • Brand Name Description is a new drop down under Other than Full and Open Competition • Selections under Other than Full and Open Competition will contain FAR citations post CLOD • Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity will be changed to Fair Opportunity\Limited Sources

  19. Recap (Cont’d) • Fair Opportunity\Limited Sources will contain the following options: • Fair Opportunity Given • Follow-on Delivery Order Following Competitive Initial Order • Minimum Guarantee • Only one Source – Other • Other Statutory Authority • Urgency • Buy Indian can only be used by HHS and DOI

  20. Other Impacts • Although MAFO will show up on screen for solicitation procedures for actions with a date signed pre CLOD and SMAFO for actions with a date signed post CLOD, it will appear as SMAFO on all reports • Reports will show Other than Full and Open Competition no matter pre or post CLOD • You must insert a date signed to display the correct set of extent competed choices

  21. Business Services – Potential CWS Impact • Contract Writing Systems that use Business Services only must ensure that they are sending the following data elements: • Extent Competed on Delivery\Task Orders no matter what the date signed • Extent Competed on BPA Calls no matter what the date signed • Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity on Delivery\Task Orders no matter what the date signed when Extent Competed is Non-Competitive Delivery Order • ALL CWS providers, business services or not, must continue to watch for Release Notes on the www.fpdsng.com website.

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