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Exploring Self, Soul, and Spirit in Suicidology

Dive into the realms of self, soul, and spirit often overlooked in suicidology. Discover the significance of spirituality in preventing suicide, Wilber’s conceptual framework, and various perspectives on consciousness. Unveil the depths of human experience through a rich narrative.

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Exploring Self, Soul, and Spirit in Suicidology

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  1. Self, Soul and Spirit – Suicidology’s Blind-Spots? David Webb - Victoria University david.webb1@research.vu.edu.au Finding meaning to sustain life: The place of spirituality in suicide prevention Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) Conference Brisbane, June 2003 Self, Soul and Spirit

  2. Suicidology, Self and Spirituality Suicidology - “the science of suicidal behavior” • three ‘parent’ disciplines: psychiatry, psychology and sociology Self - the ‘sui’ in suicide • both victim and perpetrator • but not examined by suicidology - why? Spirituality - “that which is not material” • one way, rich in meaning, of knowing the self • but not examined by suicidology - why? Self, Soul and Spirit

  3. A Conceptual Framework - Wilber’s 4 Quadrants Interior Exterior Individual Upper-Left Subjective Intention Aesthetics I - the Beautiful Upper-Right Objective Behaviour Empirical Sciences It - the True Collective Lower-Right Inter-Objective Social Social/Eco Sciences Its - the True Lower-Left Inter-Subjective Culture Morals We - the Good Self, Soul and Spirit

  4. Spirit Soul Mind Life Matter --------Physics Biology Psychology Theology Mysticism The Full Spectrum of Consciousness Sources: Plotinus Aurobindo St. Teresa Grof Steiner Baldwin Habermas Maslow Buddhism Yoga Kabbalah Vedanta Theosophy Sufism Non-Dual Spirit Self, Soul and Spirit

  5. All Quadrants, All Levels I - Subjective It - Objective Its - Inter-Objective We - Inter-Subjective Self, Soul and Spirit

  6. Flatland “the great nightmare of scientific materialism was upon us (Whitehead), the nightmare of one-dimensional man (Marcuse), the disqualified universe (Mumford), the colonisation of art and morals by science (Habermas), the disenchantment of the world (Weber) – a nightmare I have also called flatland” - Ken Wilber (2000) Self, Soul and Spirit

  7. Original Voice To The World Alone I am as I sit at the lake’s edge throwing pebbles. The colour of my soul is so black, my heart so heavy, That even the pleasant sound of robins drifting from a nearby glade Cannot soothe my feelings of bitterness and emptiness. The warmth of the sun does not reach me as I hide behind a face of questionable character. Who is this person who is always gay and nonchalant? A second self perhaps … a creature born out of search for sanctuary Simply a lifeless carcass to hide within during times of display. Self, Soul and Spirit

  8. Original Voice Trust, faithfulness, compassion … words which no longer hold meaning for me, Have been replaced with betrayal, isolation and worthlessness. All blended together to create this dark and sour being which is my true self. I long for the day when I can feel love, happiness and a sense of purpose again Surely there will come a time when the seed of life Which has been planted and buried deep inside of me Can blossom into something wonderful, something special, something joyous to behold, Please nourish me … Let me grow … I yearn to live … Written by Adam Kemp in October 1995 In January 1996, Adam Kemp took his life, age 19.(Source: Donaghy 1997) Self, Soul and Spirit

  9. References Donaghy, B. (1997). Leaving Early: youth suicide - the horror, the heartbreak, the hope. Sydney: HarperCollins Maris, R. W., Berman, A. L., & Silverman, M. M. (Eds.). (2000). Comprehensive Textbook of Suicidology. New York: Guilford Press. Shneidman, E. S. (1996). The Suicidal Mind. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wilber, K. (2000). Integral Psychology: Consciousness, Spirit, Psychology, Therapy. Boston: Shambhala. Self, Soul and Spirit

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