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Powermag Wordpress Theme , Powermag Wordpress Theme review , Powermag Wordpress Theme review and bonus , Powermag Wordpress Theme reviews , Powermag Wordpress Theme reviews and bonuses , Powermag Wordpress Theme discount ,Powermag Wordpress Theme bonus , Powermag Wordpress Theme bonuses , Powermag Wordpress Theme review and discount ,Powermag Wordpress Theme review in detail , Powermag Wordpress Theme ultimate review , Powermag Wordpress Theme coupon ,Powermag Wordpress Theme demo , Powermag Wordpress Theme demo review , Powermag Wordpress Theme huge discount , Powermag Wordpress Theme discountcoupon • http://crownreviews.com/powermag-wordpress-theme-review-and-bonus/ • Powermag Wordpress Theme review - Fully Responsive Magazine WordPress Theme Plus Bunch of AmazingFeatures • Powermag is more than a Magazine WordPress theme, it's built-in with many powerful premiumfeatures. • Powermag Wordpress Theme Review – Powermag Wordpress ThemeOverview • Homepage: Powermag Wordpress Theme OfficialSite • Product Name: Powermag WordpressTheme • Type of Product: Perfectly Optimized WordpressTheme • Authors: Heri Rosyadi &Gian • Target niche: Perfect solution for online magazines, news websites, professional blogs and other editorial related projects. Present your content, images and videos in a most attractive way and create online magazines for fashion, travel, lifestyle, glamour or any other editorial website you canimagine. • Official Price:$19 • Special Discount: 35%-OFF HERE! (LIMITED Only – Price will scales up veryfast!)
Bonuses:Yes! You will get 2 extremely giant bonus packs. Click to see $12700 Bonuses pack and $9700 Bonusespack! • It's very huge - You will get 2 wonderful bonus bundle that could help you earn +$135,000 in 18months. • Powermag Wordpress Theme Review – What is Powermag WordpressTheme? • I just came across Powermag WordPress Themeand... • I was amazed... This is great Magazine Wordpresstheme. • Powermag is more than a Magazine WordPress theme, it's built- in with many powerful premiumfeatures. • Powermag Wordpress Theme Review – Special Features of Powermag WordpressTheme? • ResponsiveLayout • Your website will look great no matter on what kind of device or screen size it's being viewed. Whether your visitor accesses your website on a desktop, an iPad or a smartphone, content is always delivered with ultimatefocus. • Lightning FastLoad
One critical factor to rank your websites on Google is to make it fast load. If your website is slow-loading, not only ou lose SERPs, but also your visitors would beannoyed. • SEO and High CTRads • Smart design and ensures maximum search engine visibility for your WordPress site. Our theme include H1, H2, H3, Breadcrumbs and many more SEOFeature.
MegamenuSupport • They provided power mega menu support for you easy setting. Sometimes a standard menu just won't cut it, that's why Powermag allows you to roll out a super slick mega menu, you can add icon or sup text with custom background suptext. • OpenGraphIntegrated
The Open Graph protocol enables any web page to become a rich object in a socialgraph. • Woocommerce and BBPress support • This theme fully support woocommerce and bbpress. So you can install that plugin without any conflict layout and function. With WooCommerce, you can sell both physical and digital goods in all shapes and sizes, offer product variations, multiple configurations, and instant downloads to shoppers, and even sell affiliate goods from online marketplaces.
Banner slotready • Powermag has more than 8+ different advertisement placement areas with on/off option, Plus an ad widget for sidebar to add anywhere in asidebar. • These AD slots are html enabled, which allows you to add any type of AD you want such as Google Adsense, Affiliate Marketing banners, Custom Ad codes and from almost any other Ad network. Off course with high CTR place for give you moreearnings. • Post FormatsSupport • Post Formats are meta information that can be used by themes to customize presentation of a post. • This feature expands the micro-blogging aspect of WordPress because now you can have videos, links, gallery, quotes, andstandard.
UnlimitedSidebars • This module will let your users customize WordPress pages with dynamic sidebars. • Powerfull BackendPanel • Backend Panel has been created to help you with your site configuration in the easiest way. It has been divided on few different sections, so with that navigation in panel is fast and easy. In few steps you can configure settings to yourneeds.
One Click Import DemoData • Save your time with our one click import demo data. This is automatically install plugin required and replicate the demo with just oneclick. • Pretty useful to create your website ready inminutes. • One ClickUpdate • Your theme is up to date only with one click. From now on, you can update themes just like you would any other theme that you have downloaded from the WordPress.org repository. Just click "update" and you're done! No longer will you need to re-download and re-install themes when a new version isreleased.
This Theme also includes the dummy content, dummy theme settings and tutorial. So you'll be able to see your site goes live withinminutes. Powermag Wordpress Theme Review – Why should you get Powermag Wordpress ThemeNow? Whatever kind of your news website, you can create beautiful and professional website with this brand new magazine wordpresstheme. Seriously I'm not kidding you, this is Magazine Wordpress Theme that has never been seenbefore. One more thing... Reason why you must create newssites? When you use this theme on your website, you have a powerful tool that can increase the popularity of your webpages. Whether you want to earn money, share your knowledge or increase page views, you can use this theme to create a dynamic web site that attracts and keeps visitors coming back to your site. ...and this brand new theme called 'Powermag' is optimized for your magazinewebsite.
The best part is you can use the theme on your own sites or your client's sites. UNLIMITEDSITES! • Powermag Wordpress Theme Review – Powermag Wordpress Theme SpecialBonuses • Here is the bonuses for fast actiontaker • SocializerPlugin • Grow your traffic with this Supercharged social button and widget for WordPress. Below is features socializerplugin: • Mashable socialsinspiration • With this socials button layout, visitor more fun share your website in their socialmedia. • Floating socialsbutton • Grow your social traffic with this beautiful and powerful sidebar floating socialsbutton. • Socialwidgets • From facebook likebox until twitter timeline. We have 4 social widget for boost your socialmedia. • Powermag Wordpress Theme Review – Conclusion/Bottom Line: • STOP PAYING THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS to web designer and web programmer. • STOP PAYING FOR EXPENSIVE premium Wordpress themes out there. If the price is one of your concerns, then this theme is for you! Save more money using this awesometheme... • Forget all hard works! Build your news site easily and quickly with Powermag Wordpresstheme. • It provides you all you need to start seeing your beautiful website GOES LIVE IN NO TIME. Design & layout are CUSTOMIZABLE via Wordpress admin, sleek admin panel and SUPER EASY TOUSE. • No more hard work and wasting time in headache of coding &design!
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