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EPICS and EDM Overview Lecture 1 Matt Boyes

EPICS and EDM Overview Lecture 1 Matt Boyes. Class Outline. Lecture 1 EPICS Channel Access What is a PV LCLS Network Details CVS Comments EDM Files EPICS LCLS Environment Setup Lecture 2 Basics of creating EDM displays Lecture 3 Advance items EDM Lab Exercises. Channel Access.

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EPICS and EDM Overview Lecture 1 Matt Boyes

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  1. EPICS and EDM OverviewLecture 1Matt Boyes

  2. Class Outline • Lecture 1 • EPICS Channel Access • What is a PV • LCLS Network Details • CVS Comments • EDM Files • EPICS LCLS Environment Setup • Lecture 2 • Basics of creating EDM displays • Lecture 3 • Advance items • EDM Lab • Exercises

  3. Channel Access Channel Access protocol is the way EPICS communicate. Process Variable (PV) data is transferred between Servers and Clients. • CA Servers (IOCs) • IOCS (Distributed) Where PVs live • Database • Subroutines • Sequence • Clients • EDM Displays • StripTool • Probe • Channel Archiver • Matlab • etc

  4. EPICS CA Overview Client StripTool Probe EDM Matlab Archiver Channel Access Server SIOC IOC IOC Meter Power Supply Camera • Based On Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series “Introduction to Channel Access Clients” Kenneth Evans, Jr.

  5. 3. TCP Connection Let’s talk ! • UDP Broadcast Sequence • Who has it ? 2. UDP Reply I have it ! IOC Check Check Check Check Search and Connect Procedure Client StripTool Probe EDM Matlab Archiver Server IOC IOC IOC Meter Power Supply Camera • Based On Getting Started with EPICS Lecture Series “Introduction to Channel Access Clients” Kenneth Evans, Jr.

  6. What is EPICS? • Process Variable • A Process Variable (PV) is a named piece of data associated with the machine (e.g. status, readback, setpoint, parameter) • Examples of PV names and values: • S1:VAC:reading 3.2e-08 torr • LINAC:BPM4:xPosition -0.323 mm • BOOSTER:gateValvePosition ‘OPEN’ • S3:DIPOLE:PS:setPoint 123.4 Amps • APS:Mode ‘Stored Beam’ • BL3:HISTOGRAM {3, 8, 1, 2, 56, 44, 32, 43, 3, 5, 1} Getting Started with EPICS Lecture SeriesIntroductory Session INed Arnold

  7. What is EPICS? Getting Started with EPICS Lecture SeriesIntroductory Session INed Arnold A Process Variable is a named piece of data with a set of attributes • Examples of Attributes: • Alarm Severity (e.g. NO_ALARM, MINOR, MAJOR, INVALID) • Alarm Status (e.g. LOW, HI, LOLO, HIHI, READ_error) • Timestamp • Number of elements (array) • Normal Operating Range • Control Limits • Engineering Unit Designation (e.g. degrees, mm, MW)

  8. Important Network Details • LCLS DEV clients can not access CA Network PVs (and vise versa) • LCLS DMZ clients have read only access to CA Network PVs • EPICS Environment automatically setup for group accounts on CA Network Computers

  9. Comments on CVS • CVS is the LCLS Version Control • Keeps track of files changes • No release scripts yet to move files from DEV to Prod • Developers need to manually update DEV and Prod files. • Need to be careful when releasing • Only System Engineers should release files for their subsystem • Will avoid conflicts • System Engineers can mergechanges • Non System Engineers Should: • CVS Check out or copy fileslocally to users sandbox • Make change/fixes, Test • Contact System Engineer to release and merge into CVS

  10. EDM File Locations • Paths different on dev and productions machines • Use $EDM environment variable • LCLSHOME Files are in “lcls” directory • Subsystems files not in LCLSHOME framehave their own directory • EDM always checks path where EDM was started from first before check $EDMfor display files • Makes development easier

  11. User Environment Setup • epicsReset.bash • Must be in bash shell • Channel Access settings • EDM configuration and display files • Many more items • LCLS EPICS Development Environment Setup on LinuxLogin to lcls-dev2 with$ ssh -X -Y username@lcls-dev2.slac.stanford.edu • Find out what shell you are running by typing echo $SHELL. Your shell will be either tcsh or bash.ex:$ echo $SHELL /bin/bash (I am running bash.) • If you are using tcsh, type this command to enter the bash shell before proceeding:$ bash • If you are using bash, type this command:$ source /afs/slac/g/lcls/epics/setup/epicsReset.bash • As an alternative you can skip the above step and instead copy the following file to your home directory. This file includes the command to source the setup script listed in the above. The advantage is that this script is executed automatically when you type bash.cp ~luchini/.bashrc .

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