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FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation IAF Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee. COMSTAC RLV Working Group Brooke Owens FAA/AST October 28, 2009. Review: What is the IAF?.
FAA Office of CommercialSpace Transportation IAF Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee COMSTAC RLV Working Group Brooke Owens FAA/AST October 28, 2009
Review: What is the IAF? • The International Astronautical Federation (IAF) is an international non-governmental and non-profit organization that encourages the advancement of knowledge about space and the development and application of space assets for the benefit of humanity. • The IAF is composed of 199 space agencies, space companies, societies, associations and institutes from nearly 50 countries. • COMSTAC member organizations that also belong IAF include (NGC, LMC, ATK, AIAA, Boeing,)
Review: What is the IAC? Every year since 1951, the Federation (IAF) together with its associates, the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) and the International Institute of Space Law (IISL), has organized the International Astronautical Congress (IAC). The Congress constitutes the most well-known IAF activity and it is hosted by rotating member countries to advance the goals of the IAF.
Review: IAF Technical Committees The 20+ IAF Technical Committees are powerful sources of knowledge. They are composed of space experts and visionaries which discuss and anticipate the evolution of space activities. They also handle paper selection for the IACs and thus contribute to the design of the technical program of the Congress.
FAA/AST Involvement with the IAF • Daejeon, South Korea – October 2009 • Dr. Nield participated in a plenary panel discussion with Mark Sirangelo (Sierra Nevada) and Will Whitehorn (Virgin Galactic) entitled “Civilian Access to Space – Spaceflight for Mankind” • John Sloan chaired first meeting of the Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee. Brooke Owens served as the Associate to the Chair. • Ken Davidian presented two papers, “Definition of the Promotion Role of the FAA Office of Commercial Space Transportation” and “Introduction of the AIAA Commercial Space Group.” • Brooke Owens presented a paper on “Instant Access: The Uncommon Union of New Media & Spaceflight.” • Glasgow, Scotland – October 2008 • Dr. Nield presented paper entitled, “The Origin and Practice of U.S. Commercial Human Space Flight Regulation, • AST support staff also attended • Misc. • FAA/AST became an IAF member and established the Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee in 2008 • AST Staff are now members of Young Professionals Program. Space Economy, Entrepreneurship and Investment Committee, and the Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committees • AST staff attended annual IAC planning meetings in Paris (Spring, 2009)
IAF Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee(CSSC) • The purpose of the committee is to identify and discuss issues on safety and regulations related to international commercial space transportation • Goal is not to create regulations or standards but rather to exchange information between international players • Chaired by AST • Co-Chaired by Spaceport Sweden & Virgin Galactic • First meeting at IAC in Daejeon, South Korea October 2009 • Papers for 2010 IAC in Prague http://www.iafastro.org/index.php?id=1015
CSSC 1st Meeting • Held 1st meeting in Daejeon, South Korea • Chaired by John Sloan on 11 October 2009 • 17 attendees from 7 countries • Positive meeting • International interest is strong • No major changes to the charter • Term “interoperability” accepted as a key premise
Attendees* *Commercial Spaceflight Federation sent a statement which was read by Jonathan Hofeller (SpaceX).
Technical Session • Generally run by various committees • Three hours in length • Various formats • Prague - 2010 • A split session was proposed with papers and dialogue that would generate issues the committee would pursue • The selection of sessions that all IAC delegates can attend for 2010 is very competitive • If not 2010, then 2011 in South Africa
2010 Proposal • This session, the first by this new IAF committee, will provide greater insight into existing policy structures, processes, and identify issues relevant to the goals of the CSSC. • Two categories of papers will be solicited in the Call For Papers for the CSSC technical session: • Framework Papers • Case Study Papers • Panel discussion of cases studies (both industry and government perspectives)
Next Meetings • Committee & Potential Paper Selection • March, 2009, Paris • Committee & Potential Tech Session • September, 2009, Prague
Questions? John Sloan, FAA/AST International Program Lead 202-267-7989 john.sloan@faa.gov Brooke Owens, FAA/AST International Specialist 202-493-4468 brooke.owens@faa.gov AST Website: ast.faa.gov IAF Website: www.iafastro.org
IAF Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee(CSSC) • Safety and regulatory policy issues related to commercial robotic and human spaceflight. The committee will entertain unmanned concepts as they relate to the development of commercial human systems or on a case by case basis. The committee shall: • Identify common needs and issues • Share efficiencies • Develop opportunities to advance best practices to maximize safety and international compatibility for commercial human spaceflight endeavors
Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee The Committee shall collaborate and cooperate as appropriate with the following IAF committees and various others on an as needed basis. • Human Space Endeavors Committee • Space Exploration Committee • Space Systems Committee • Space Transportation Committee
Potential topics include • Integration of space and air traffic • Harmonization of international space travel regulations • Regulation of suborbital point-to-point and/or intercontinental space travel • Laws and policies in space for private citizens, companies • Medical issues for orbital space flight participants and crew (jointly with another committee) • Spaceports and common approaches
Commercial Spaceflight Federation Statement • “The Commercial Spaceflight Federation and its members support this [FAA’s] regulatory regime because it encourages the development and continuous improvement of commercial human spaceflight while protecting the public at large from day one.” • “The Commercial Spaceflight Safety Committee will serve as a forum to exchange information among industry participants and governments worldwide regarding the development of commercial human spaceflight systems, policies, and regulations. We look forward to working with you to support the development of this new and exciting industry to benefit all humankind.”