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Presentation Successful Value Added Services business models - Example from Deutsche Telekom and other operators. October 2003. Content. Successful VAS business models:. 1. for large business customers: Collaborative Commerce. 2. for residential customers: T-Vision.
PresentationSuccessful Value Added Services business models - Example from Deutsche Telekom and other operators October 2003
Content • Successful VAS business models: 1. for large business customers: Collaborative Commerce 2. for residential customers: T-Vision
1. Collaborative CommerceNetworking and interaction • Collaborative Commerce is • The most advanced form of e-business • Facilitating a seamless flow of information throughout systems and applications • Inside an enterprise, its partners and stakeholders • Electronic interaction through networking eliminating point-to-point connections and manual transactions Production Production Administration ... ... Transport & Logistics
store house production logistic company fax producer store house fax fax fax ERP phone vendor ERP customer supplier 1. Collaborative CommerceToday: Restricted flow of information.
logistic company A ... supplier A customer production production finance, controlling finance, controlling store house store house supplier B .... .... ... producer finance, controlling vendor ... logistic company A 1. Collaborative CommerceTomorrow: Virtual enterprise through internal and external networking.
Collaboration Markt Deutschland - - Teilmärkte Collaborative Working Market Germany - Segments Net- Net- Net- Net- work work work work Serv. Serv. Soft- Soft- Serv. Serv. 16% 16% ware ware Soft- Soft- 18% 18% Hard- Hard- Hard- Hard- 30% 30% ware ware ware ware ware ware 23% 23% 29% 29% 18% 18% other other other other Serv. Serv. Serv. Serv. 30% 30% 36% 36% 2002: 4.252 2002: 4.252 mEURO mEURO 2007: 6.318 2007: 6.318 mEURO mEURO 1. Collaborative CommerceHigh growth potential • The Market growths by over 8% in Germany. • This is more than double the growth in standard telecommunication services Collaborative Working Market Germany 7.000 6.000 5.000 4.000 in Mio. Euro 3.000 2.000 1.000 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Quelle: MetaGroup, PAC, Detecon • To establish a successful business model it has to be taken into consideration that the market is divided into sub-segments. Quelle: MetaGroup, PAC, Detecon
1. Collaborative CommerceCustomer requirements to the CC-solution provider customer benefit customer requirement - to the Collaborative Commerce solution provider • multi dimensional cost savings • enhancing time-to-market • process optimisation • consistence and actual information • innovative business models • optimising the collaboration between partners • short delivery times • increasing team-working efficiency • rising end customer satisfaction • increasing employee satisfaction • etc • Good price/benefit ratio • Expertise (References) • Trust • One hand solution provider • Customer / problem specific solutions • Fast implementation • Continuance of provider • Process competence
strong segment weak segment 1. Collaborative CommerceCompetition and successful business model The success of the business model lies in the combination of • the strength in the T - brand (awareness, trust) and • expertise in network as well as other services (system integration, IT infrastructure planning etc.) • combined with (non exclusive) partnering in the Software area (mainly SAP) • and selling it all under one name (one face to the customer) Quelle: PAC, Detecon, Homepages Revenue of C-commerce within T-System
Content • Successful VAS business models: 1. for large business customers: Collaborative Commerce 2. for residential customers: T-Vision
Multimedia Suche: T-Vision Internet T-Vision „Live / Exklusiv“: Programm Guide 11:00 ZDF info | bis 11:45 Uhr Tele-Akademie Bildungsprogramm 11:00 T-Vision | bis 11:05 Uhr Newsflash Movies Games Movie Tipp Game Tipp Musik Tipp Musik Info Tools • My T-Vision • In 2 Tagen beginnt der Vorverkauffür das Britney Spears Special auf T-Vision. • Im Moorhuhnrace liegt der neue High Scorebei 2, 41 Minuten von Bernd aus Münster. • Partner • ZDF Vision • Bild. de • ...... My T-Vision T-Vision Club Info-Welt Sport Sparten News Navigation Grundstruktur 2. T - VisionBasic structure Events Entertainment Information Personalisation
Interaktive Programm Guide 2. T - VisionInteractive program guide The program guide is the roof over T-Vision and partner programs (see. texxas.de)
2. T - VisionServices Entertainment Personalised radio: • Mix of Music, News and advertising • Exclusive game: • Multiplayer Online games XXX offer: • Interactive Shows etc. Player [Exxent]: • Mass market game Information Online Show: • TV adapted to online format News: • News coverage Online Sneak Preview: • Film previews before cinema start Magazines: • Special magazines (travel magazines, etc.) Short film: • 8-10 Min. „films“ Marketing • Events: • Sport, Music, Reality-Shows, etc. Interactive films / series: • Interaction by the users
2. T - VisionBroadband services with support for user generated services 1. User generated(Audio & Video) ===!"§==Online= 2. Video-mail 3. Instant Video-Messaging
T – Visionand C-CommerceLast remarks (1) • Numerous VAS services for business as well as residential users are currently be developed and entering the market • The success in terms of revenues/profits depends on four basic factors: • success with customers (willingness to buy AND pay for it) • success within the market (competition etc.) • success within the company (getting the visions into realty!) • taking into consideration the environment • social: what are the number of potentials subscribers, development of these etc. • economical: are these willing and able to pay what is asked for the services • technical: is it technical already feasible and is there a technical threat by a new service • regulatory: what am I allowed to do and my competitors?
T – Visionand C-CommerceLast remarks (2) • Successful business models therefore vary from country to country considerably • but a thorough analysis of the influencing factors will save a lot of time AND money - so does of course learning from others mistakes Thank you!
Jochen Dinger Director Strategy Department QD-DeteconConsulting Co., Ltd. Air China Plaza, 11th. Floor, No. 1108 36 Yiaoyou Road, 100027 Beijing Telefon ++86 10 5458228 Ext. 161 Telefax ++86 10 84488447 Jochen.Dinger@detecon.com Ma Yao Director of Marketing QD-DeteconConsulting Co., Ltd. Air China Plaza, 11th. Floor, No. 1108 36 Yiaoyou Road, 100027 Beijing Telefon ++86 10 5458228 Ext. 121 Telefax ++86 10 64651240 Ma.Yao@detecon.com Yan Haishan Senior Consultant QD-DeteconConsulting Co., Ltd. Air China Plaza, 11th. Floor, No. 1108 36 Yiaoyou Road, 100027 Beijing Telefon ++86 105458228 Ext. 131 Telefax ++86 10 64651240 Yan.Haishan@detecon.com Member of Member of Member of Contact • Thank you for your attention, we would be happy to serve you!