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US CMS Advisory Board University of California At Riverside May 18-19, 2001

US CMS Advisory Board University of California At Riverside May 18-19, 2001. US CMS Advisory Board May 18, 2001 17:30. Issues for this Meeting (Discussion) H. Newman Contributions from the IB Chairs CP Project Items D. Green SC Project Items L. Bauerdick

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US CMS Advisory Board University of California At Riverside May 18-19, 2001

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  1. US CMS Advisory Board University of CaliforniaAt Riverside May 18-19, 2001

  2. US CMS Advisory BoardMay 18, 2001 17:30 • Issues for this Meeting (Discussion) H. Newman • Contributions from the IB Chairs • CP Project Items D. Green • SC Project Items L. Bauerdick • CMS and US CMS Items D. Stickland • Base Program: Action Committee V. Hagopian • Election Committee: Result, Issues J. Hauser, J. Hanlon • Next Meeting Site and Date H. Newman • Physics in the US J. Branson, D. Green • Remote Control Room: Working Group • Discussion of a Physics Analysis Center • AOBAdjourn for Dinner by 19:15

  3. US CMS Issues for Discussion • Launching the Research Program • M&O, Ongoing S&C, Residence-at-CERN Costs • Strengthening Physics Analysis Based in the US • US-Based Centers: FNAL (Tier1), Tier2s • Requirements for Analysis Centers • Critical Mass of Analysis and Support Staff at the Center • Strong Support for CMS Physics Analysis at FNAL • Remote Control Room • We will need a WG; design, prototype, test • The US HEP Base Program • Problem of University Group Budgets • Greater Funding for the DOE Office of Science and NSF EPP • Letters and Visit to Washington • Quantifying Our Projects’ Base Program Manpower • Annual Base Program Request to DOE • Snowmass • Heavy Ions in CMS: Impact on US CMS

  4. US CMS Annual Base Program Requests from Projects • Framework: Project Oriented Requests Only; Need to Be Consistent with the Base Program • Specifically identified as required to fulfill particular tasks in the WBS, according to a known schedule • Usually handled within the general funding envelopedetermined through the normal annual review process • Travel: treated as a Special Item;(Also Software and Computing, until now) • Prioritization of Requests: By L1 PMs, in consultation with L2 PMs and Institutional Boards • L2 Managers and IB Chairs conduct IB discussions of project-related needs • Each group needs to consider, prioritize what they request • Software and Computing Project Base Program Requests: Coordinated with the Construction Project Starting this Fall.

  5. US CMS Collaboration Meeting University of CaliforniaAt Riverside May 18-19, 2001

  6. US CMS Collaboration MeetingAgenda Friday May 18 • 1:00 Introduction Harvey Newman • 1:10 Welcome to UC Riverside Chancellor Ray Orbach • 1:20 Meeting Logistics; UCR Group Activities Robert Clare • 1:35 Physics Analysis in the US James Branson • 1:55 Report from the US SC User Facility Mgr Vivian O’Dell • 2:15 Report from the US SC Core Software Mgr Ian Fisk • 2:35 JetMet PRS Group Report Shuichi Kunori • 3:05 COFFEE • 3:25 Muon PRS Group Report Darin Acosta • 3:55 E/Gamma PRS Group Report Jim Branson • 4:15 Remote Control Room and Analysis Dan Green Center In the US • 4:35 Discussion All • 5:15 ADJOURN • 5:30 - 7:30 PM Advisory Board Meeting at Science Library (Bldg 60)

  7. US CMS Collaboration MeetingAgenda Saturday May 19 • 8:30 Report to the US CMS Collaboration Harvey Newman • 8:50 The Status of CMS Michel Della Negra [*] • 9:10 US CMS Construction Project Report Dan Green • 10:00 US CMS Software and Computing Project Lothar Bauerdick Report • 10:30 CMS Core Software and Computing David Stickland • 10:50 US Advisory Software and Computing Board Irwin Gaines • 11:05 COFFEE • 11:20 CMS Physics and L1 Trigger; TriDAS Progress Wesley Smith • 11:50 Grids for US CMS and CMS Paul Avery • 12:05 Election Committee Report: IB Chairs, ASCB Jim Hanlon Jay Hauser • 12:20 LUNCH [*] By Video

  8. US CMS Collaboration MeetingAgenda Saturday May 19 • 1:20 Heavy Ions In CMS Bolek Wyslouch Pablo Yepes • 2:00 Education and Outreach Dan Karmgard • 2:15 HCAL Report Andris Skuja • 2:30 EMU Report John Layter • 2:45 ECAL Report Renyuan Zhu • 3:00 SiTrk Report Tim Bolton • 3:15 FPIX Report Dick Lander • 3:30 COFFEE • 3:55 Physics Reconstruction and Selection Report Jim Branson • 4:15 Discussion of Issues Vasken Hagopian • 5:10 Next Meeting; AOB Harvey Newman • 5:30 ADJOURN

  9. Report to US CMS Harvey B Newman, CaltechUS CMS Collaboration Meeting May 18-19, 2001

  10. PROGRESS at POINT 5 This image shows a portion of the central barrel ring of the CMS Return Yoke, on the right. The ring is ~15m diameter and weighs around 1800 tonnes. It will support the magnet system and all of the barrel detectors. YB-2, YB-1, YB0 Ready; YB1 Started. YE-1 Assembly Startedat CERN Last Week.

  11. The CMS Collaboration Associated Institutes Number of Scientists Number of Laboratories 36 5 Belgium Number of Laboratories Bulgaria Austria USA  Member States 58 USA Finland CERN Non-Member States 50 USA 36 France 144 Total Germany Russia Number of Scientists Greece Uzbekistan Hungary Member States 1010 Ukraine Italy Slovak Republic Non-Member States 448 Georgia UK Belarus Poland USA 351 Turkey Armenia India Total 1809 Portugal Spain China Estonia Pakistan Switzerland Cyprus Korea China (Taiwan) Croatia 1809 Physicists and Engineers 31 Countries 144 Institutions Oct, 17th, 2000/sm http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/pictures/cmsorg/overview.html

  12. US CMS is Progressing: 387 Members; 38 US Institutions     FIT

  13. CMS: A View to PhysicsLHC Schedule V31 • CMS Working Detector Done By 1 Nov. 2005 • Ring Closed and Cold End 2005 • LHC One-Beam Commissioning Feb. - Mar. 2006 • LHC 1 Month Pilot Run April 2006 • Pre-Physics Shutdown May - July 2006 • Physics Run: Lumi ~2 X 1033; August 2006 - ~10 fb-1 Accumulated February 2007 • Lead Ion Run (Six Weeks) Mar. - April 2007

  14. SUSY: Discovery and Study P.Lecoq

  15. Higgs event into two Photons

  16. US CMS 2000-2001Getting Down to Business Construction Project: On Schedule and On BudgetHCAL and EMU In Mass Production • Successful Lehman Review Last Week: Dan Green, PO and L2 • Common Projects Essentially Done • ECAL, EMU and HCAL > 50% Complete;TriDAS and FPIX ~ 25% Complete • CSC Assembly Experience Favorable~ 35 of 148 CSCs Produced; On Schedule • HCAL: HB- Absorber Done; Install Ahead of Sched.Scint. Planes at CERN From May 24;12 of 18 HB+ Wedges Ready; HB Optics 80% Complete

  17. Fermilab CSC factory

  18. US CMS 2000-2001Getting Down to Business • ECAL: Progress on APD Radiation Hardness;First Monitor Laser System to CERN this Summer • Double EB, EE Crystal Boules in Russia; Crystals to Spec. in China • FPIX: Now moving from R&D to prototyping • 14 micron resol’n confirmed in testbeam • SiDet: Important US Involvement in Production (J. Incandela) • New US Groups: Kansas, Kansas State, UCSB

  19. 62mm diameter PWO ingots from Bogoroditsk P.Lecoq

  20. CMS TriDAS • Trigger TDR: A CMS Level 1 Milestone(With Thanks to Wesley Smith) • Submitted to LHCC 11/28/2000: CERN/LHCC 2000-38; CMS TDR 6.1 • Approved in March 2001 • http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/TDR/TRIGGER-public/trigger.html • Level 1 Trigger: Successful Calorimeter and Muon Prototype Tests • E.g. Sector Processor 6 Crates 1 • DAQ Technology is Moving Fast and In The Right Direction • Single-step EVB now the baseline • High Level Triggers: PRS Project Led by Paris Sphicas. US active in all 4 Groups • Full Level 2 Results by July; Now on Lvl 3

  21. CMS Management Board and Steering Committee        CPT

  22. CPT Project • CMS CPT: Actually Three Projects, closely coupled • Computing and Core Software D. Stickland • Physics Reconstruction and Selection P. Sphicas • TriDAS(Online Farm and Software) W. Smith;P. Sphicas • CPT deliverables document: L. Taylor (http://cmsdoc.cern.ch/cms/cpt/april01_rrb) • Task Breakdown, Deliverables, Cross-projects • Project plan allows clean management of these three different types of task • Cross Project Joint Technical Board (JTB) • Cross Project Task Forces • “CAFÉ” Soft. Arch. & Framework J. Branson

  23. Focus on Trigger, Reconstuction + Analysis • Muons in the Barrel/Forward Transition • Low ET Events: Corrections • Electron Bremss. + Conversion Reconstruction • Energy Flow Parallel to the Beam • Use of Tracks is “on the Critical Path • Full Reconstruction

  24. Software Professional Manpower ( MoUs) • 1 year delay of LHC • Online Core-SW added • Reassess-ment of Core-SW roles & planning

  25. Bunch crossing per 25 nsecs.100 triggers per secondEvent is ~1 MByte in size Experiment ~PBytes/sec Online System ~100 MBytes/sec Offline Farm,CERN Computer Center Tier 0 +1 ~0.6 - 2.5 Gbits/sec + Air Freight US Center @ FNAL France Center Italy Center UK Center Tier 1 ~2.4 Gbits/sec Tier 2 Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center Tier2 Center ~622 Mbits/sec Tier 3 Physicists work on analysis “channels”. Each institute has ~10 physicists working on one or more channels Institute Institute Institute Institute 100 - 1000 Mbits/sec Physics data cache Tier 4 Workstations US and Worldwide Data Grid for CMS

  26. US CMS Software and Computing Project • GOALS: To provide the software and computing resources needed to enable US physicists to fully participate in the physics program of CMS • Allow US physicists to play key roles and exert an appropriate level of leadership in all stages of computing related activities • From their home institutions • LEADERSHIP: L1 PM Lothar Bauerdick • User Facility L2 PM Vivian O’Dell • Core Applications Software L2 PM Ian Fisk

  27. US-CMS S&C Project: Steps to First-Round “Baseline” • Aug 1998 First presentation to DOE/NSF (Newman + Taylor) • 12/98 - 6/00 Project Management Plan (PMP) • 11/98, 5/99 Favorable DOE/NSF “Peer” Reviews; Funding for Software Engineers • 7/99 - Acting Software and Computing Board; L1/L2 PMs • 12/99 Submission of Draft PMP to DOE/NSF • 1/00 WBS, Draft Funding Profile for 2000-2006 Presented at DOE/NSF Peer Review • 3/00 Start Up Funding for UF Subproject • 5/17/00 First GriPhyN ITR Proposal (Grid IT R&D) • 5/20/00 SC Organization Approved and PMP by US CMS CB • 6/5/00 US CMS Constitution Amendments Competed • 5/30/00 DOE/NSF Proposed Funding Profile • 6/25/00 Updated PMP sent to collaboration • 6/00 - 11/00 Update Requirements and Costs • 7/00 - 1/01 First Tier2 Center Prototype Startup • 10/00 FNAL Oversight Panel Reviews Start • 11/14/00 Project Baselining Review by DOE/NSF • 11/18/00 L1 PM Starts; Appoints L2 PMs (CAS, UF)

  28. US CMS Elective Offices • CB Chair and Deputy: Term Through Mid-2002 • Advisory Board: Up for Election; Term To Mid-2003 • Darin Acosta U Florida TRIDAS • Tom Ferguson CMU EMU • Vasken Hagopian FSU HCAL • Dick Lander UC Davis FPIX • Renyuan Zhu Caltech ECAL • Randy Ruchti Notre Dame EO Coordinator • Jim Branson UCSD Physics Coordinator • Election Committee: Through Early Spring 2002 • Jim Hanlon • Jay Hauser • Report by the Election Committee Today

  29. US CMS ASCB • Transition from the Acting SC Board in Fall 2000 • Provide Input and Feedback to the US S&C Projecton US CMS needs, within the project scope • Well-versed in Software and Computing:for Physics, and Technical Aspects • Physics Coordinator Also a Member • CP PM; US & Int’l SW PM’s, CD Head and CB Chair Ex-Officio • Two Year Terms; Starting in Alternate Years • Irwin Gaines (Chair) FNAL • Paul Avery Florida • Sarah Eno Maryland • Shuichi Kunori Maryland • Sridhara Dasu Wisconsin • David Stickland Princeton • Jim Branson, Physics Coordinator UC San Diego

  30. US CMS Remote Control Room • US CMS is using the CDF/KEK remote control room for Run II as a starting point. However, we want to expand the scope to encompass a US based physics group and US LHC accelerator tasks • -- Dan Green

  31. A Working Example: SPARC

  32. SPARC Real Time Data

  33. US CMS Annual Base Program Requests from Projects • Framework: Project Oriented Requests Only Specifically identified as required to fulfill particular tasks in the WBS, according to a known schedule • Usually handled within the general funding envelopedetermined through the normal annual review process • Travel: treated as a Special Item;(Also Software and Computing, until now) • Prioritization of Requests: By L1 PMs, in consultation with L2 PMs and Institutional Boards • L2 Managers and IB Chairs conduct IB discussions of project-related needs • Each group needs to consider carefully what they request • Software and Computing Project Base Program Requests: Coordinated with the Construction Project Starting this Fall.

  34. US CMS Issues for Discussion • Launching the Research Program • M&O, Ongoing S&C, Residence-at-CERN Costs • Strengthening Physics Analysis Based in the US • US-Based Centers: FNAL (Tier1), Tier2s • Requirements for Analysis Centers • Critical Mass of Analysis and Support Staff at the Center • Strong Support for CMS Physics Analysis at FNAL • Remote Control Room • We will need a WG; design, prototype, test • The US HEP Base Program • Problem of University Group Budgets • Greater Funding for the DOE Office of Science and NSF EPP • Letters and Visit to Washington • Quantifying Our Projects’ Base Program Manpower • Annual Base Program Request to DOE • Snowmass • Heavy Ions in CMS: Impact on US CMS

  35. US CMS Collaboration Next Meetings • Next Collaboration Board Meeting • December 2001 at Fermilab • Annual Collaboration Meeting 2002: Proposed for the End of May • Candidate Host Institutions: Propose by or at December 2000 CB • Try to Coordinate with a Major Subdetector Meeting • This Year We Are Coordinated with “Physics” • Positive Experience with 1.5 Day Schedule

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