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Jeopardy. Vector Components. Concepts. Calcu- lations. Pretty Pictures. Equations. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. $300. $400. $400. $400. $400. $400. $500. $500. $500. $500. $500. Final Jeopardy.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Vector Components Concepts Calcu- lations Pretty Pictures Equations $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

  2. $100 – Vector Components Of X and Y, the one that denotes “vertical”

  3. $100 Question: Vector Components What is Y?

  4. $200 -- Vector Components Cos (600).

  5. $200 Question: Vector Components What is 0.5?

  6. $300 -- Vector Components If I have VX and VY, how I find the angle θ that V makes with the horizontal.

  7. $300 Question: Vector Components What tan-1 (VY/VX)?

  8. $400 -- Vector Components V0X if V0 = 20 m/s and θ = 250

  9. $400 Question: Vector Components What is 18.126 m/s?

  10. $500 -- Vector Components V0Y if V0 = 30 m/s and θ = 670.

  11. $500 Question: Vector Components What is 27.615 m/s?

  12. $100 -- Equations It is the equation for vertical free fall distance from rest in terms of Y – Y0.

  13. $100 Question: Equations What is Y – Y0 = ½ gt2?

  14. $200 -- Equations The equation for finding V0Y if you don’t know the angle θ (i.e. V0Y in terms of g and total time of flight) .

  15. $200 Question: Equations What isV0Y = g*t/2, where t = total time of flight?

  16. $300 -- Equations V0X in terms of distance and time.

  17. $300 Question: Equations What is V0X = d/time?

  18. $400 -- Equations V0X and V0Y in terms of θ.

  19. $400 Question: Equations What are V0 cos(θ) and V0 sin(θ)?

  20. $500 -- Equations The equation for Y – Y0 that includes time, acceleration and V0Y.

  21. $500 Question: Equations What is Y – Y0 = V0Y*t – ½ g* t2?

  22. $100 -- Concepts This is the vertical speed of a projectile at the apex of its trajectory.

  23. $100 Question: Concepts What is 0?

  24. $200 -- Concepts This is the mathematical name for the shape of the trajectory of an object undergoing projectile motion.

  25. $200 Question: Concepts What is parabolic (or a parabola)?

  26. $300 -- Concepts It is the direction of acceleration when a projectile is moving upwards.

  27. $300 Question: Concepts What is down?

  28. $400 -- Concepts It is the length of time for a projectile to reach the apex of its trajectory if the total time of flight is T seconds.

  29. $400 Question: Concepts What is T/2 seconds?

  30. $500 -- Concepts If a projectile lands at the same height from which it was fired, this is the speed with which it hits the ground if its initial speed was V0.

  31. $500 Question: Concepts What is V0?

  32. $100 -- Calculations If a projectile is fired at an angle of 300 and at an initial speed of 22 m/s, this is the length of time it will take to go 45 m horizontally.

  33. $100 Question: Calculations What is 2.36 sec?

  34. $200 -- Calculations If a projectile is fired at an angle of 400 and at an initial speed of 20 m/s, this is the length of time it will take to reach the apex of its trajectory.

  35. $200 Question: Calculations What is 1.31 sec?

  36. $300 -- Calculations If a ball is thrown horizontally with a speed of 25 m/s off a 120m cliff, this is how long it will take for the ball to hit the ground.

  37. $300 Question: Calculations What is 4.95 sec?

  38. $400 -- Calculations If a ball is thrown horizontally with a speed of 25 m/s off a 120m cliff, this is how far from the edge of the cliff it travels before it hits the ground.

  39. $400 Question: Calculations What is 123.75 m?

  40. $500 -- Calculations A plane flying horizontally at a speed of 200 m/s drops a care package from a height of 1000m. When the care package hits the ground, these are the magnitude and direction (measured from the positive X-axis) of its final velocity.

  41. $500 Question: Calculations What are Vf = 244 m/s and θ = 3250?

  42. $100 – Pretty Pictures If the V0 vectors in these three graphs are the same Magnitude, this graph corresponds to a trajectory With the highest max height.

  43. $100 Question: Pretty Pictures What is the one on the left?

  44. $200 -- Pretty Pictures If the V0 vectors in these three graphs are the same Magnitude, this graph corresponds to a trajectory With the maximum range.

  45. $200 Question: Pretty Pictures What is the one in the middle?

  46. $300 -- Pretty Pictures If the V0 vectors in these three graphs are the same Magnitude, this graph corresponds to a trajectory With the lowest max height.

  47. $300 Question: Pretty Pictures What is the one on the right?

  48. $400 – Pretty Pictures If the V0 vectors in these three graphs are the same Magnitude, this graph corresponds to a trajectory With largest V0X.

  49. $400 Question: Pretty Pictures What is the one on the right?

  50. $500 -- Pretty Pictures If the V0 vectors in these three graphs are the same Magnitude, this graph corresponds to a trajectory With largest V0Y.

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