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allusion. Definition: a reference to something with which the reader is likely familiar, such as a person, place or event from history or literature. Synonyms: indirect, imply Antonym: direct, to the point Sentence: “Follow the yellow
allusion Definition: a reference to something with which the reader is likely familiar, such as a person, place or event from history or literature. Synonyms: indirect, imply Antonym: direct, to the point Sentence: “Follow the yellow Brick road” is an allusion to the Wizard of Oz. Etymology: 1548, Late Latin Part of speech: noun
argument or persuasive writing Definition – writing that attempts to prove something is true or convince the reader to adopt the same viewpoint Synonyms – essay, advertising Antonyms – biography
aspect Definition – part or phase Synonyms – angle, view, facet Antonyms – entire, total Sentence – He considered all aspects of college life. Etymology – 14th Century, Middle English, from Latin
author’s argument Definition – the point of view or position the author presents Synonyms – perspective Antonyms – compromise Sentence –
blueprint Definition: a plan Synonyms: design, draft, model, master plan, game plan Antonym: disorganized, unplanned Sentence: I will create a blueprint for the house I plan to build. Etymology: 1886 Part of speech: noun
body paragraph Definition – the meat of your essay where you will expand upon and support your thesis. Body paragraphs contain a topic sentence, ideas, examples, data, and an ending sentence or transition sentence.
brevity Definition – shortness of expression Synonyms – brief, concise Antonyms – lengthy Sentence – Due to brevity, the essay lacked enough information. Etymology – 15th Century, from Latin
cause and effect Definition – the process by which one event brings about another. Synonyms – reason and result Antonyms – compare and contrast Sentence –
chronological Definition – the arrangement of details in time order (the order in which they actually occurred) Synonyms – sequential, time order Antonyms – random, unorganized
cite Definition – to refer to or quote Synonym – mention Antonym – plagiarize Etymology – Middle English, from Anglo- French, from Latin 15th Century Sentence – All of the sources I use for my research paper must be cited in my bibliography. “All men are created equal.” From The Declaration of Independence
closure Definition – a satisfying sense of finality Synonyms – satisfying ending Antonyms – continue Sentence – The conclusion provided a sense of closure. Etymology – 14th Century, Middle English, from Anglo- French, from Latin
compare Definition – the similarities between two things Synonyms – analyze, examine Antonyms – ignore, disregard
composition Definition – a piece of writing Synonyms – work, writing Antonyms – reading Sentence – Etymology – 14th Century, Middle English, From Anglo-French, from Latin
concrete ideas Definition – references to solid objects, things you can see and touch, visual impact Antonyms – ideas and thoughts Sentence – Martin Luther King, Jr. used a concrete idea when he talked about the “red hills of Georgia.”
contrast Definition – the differences between two things Synonyms – unalike, vary Antonyms – similar agree
controlling idea Definition –the primary idea of your topic sentence or thesis, expresses your attitude and approach toward your topic Synonyms – direction, writing strategy Antonyms – scattered Sentence –
collaborate Definition: Work Together Synonyms: Come Together, Team Up Antonym: Disagree, Part Sentence: The students will collaborate in order to complete the project. Etymology: Latin, 19th Century Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
competence Definition – have adequate ability or qualities Synonyms – capability Antonyms – unfit, unqualified Sentence – Every car owner needs a competent auto mechanic. Etymology – 15th Century, Middle English, from Anglo- French, from Latin
concluding paragraph Definition – the last paragraph in an essay where you summarize all of your topics and bring your writing to a satisfying end. Synonyms – finish line Antonyms – introductory paragraph Sentence – When I wrote my conclusion, I restated my thesis statement and summarized my topics.
consistent Definition – regular or steady Synonyms – uniformity Antonyms – unbalanced Sentence – He has consistent focus on the topic. Etymology – 1638 Latin
context Definition – the interrelated condition in which something exists Synonyms – circumstance Antonyms – unrelated Sentence – Etymology – 1568 Middle English, from Latin
conventions Definition – include spelling, punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and paragraphing.
connotation Definition – emotional feelings that surround a word Synonyms – imply, suggest Antonyms –dictionary definition Sentence – The connotation of red roses is love. Etymology - 1532
denotation Definition – the strict, literal meaning of a word Synonyms –dictionary definition Antonyms – connotation Sentence – The denotation of red rose is a flower with thorns. Etymology - 1532
dignity Definition: the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed. Synonym: Honor, Importance Antonym: Lowliness Sentence: The graduation ceremony was conducted with great dignity. Etymology: 13th Century, Middle English, Anglo-French, Latin Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
drafting Definition – in writing an essay, this is the stage when you put your ideas on paper and allow them to develop as you write. You don’t need correct grammar and spelling at this stage.
drawing conclusions Definition – taking bits of information and coming up with something else Synonyms – figure out, reason Antonyms – guess
editing Definition – correct errors and mistakes before writing the final draft. This is the stage when you correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, fragments, run-ons, paragraph indentation.
elaborate Definition – to work out in detail Synonyms – develop Antonyms – destroy Sentence – She elaborated with relevant ideas. Etymology – 1611
engages Definition –to hold the attention of, to involve, to attract Synonyms – interest Antonyms – release Sentence – Etymology – 15th Century, Middle – English from Anglo-French
essay Definition – a short work of nonfiction that deals with a single subject. Synonyms – short composition Antonyms – novel, poem
evaluating Definition – to exam and judge carefully Synonyms – inspect, understand Antonyms – ignore, guess
evidence Definition – something that is proof Synonyms – confirm, witness Antonyms – guess Sentence – His essay contains minimal evidence of sequencing. Etymology – 14th Century
expository Definition – text that explains or informs Synonyms – nonfiction Antonyms – narrative
extraneous information Definition – off topic, not relevant Synonyms – foreign, accidental Antonyms – relevant Sentence – Etymology – 1638 From Latin
facilitate Definition – to make easier, to help bring about Synonyms – assist, help Antonyms – hinder, worsen Sentence – The teacher’s role is to facilitate the discussion by asking appropriate questions. Etymology – 1611
Final Draft Definition – the last writing of an essay. The finished piece of work.
focus Definition – to concentrate attention or effort Synonyms – center, direct Antonyms – distracted Sentence –Her writing remained focused on the topic & purpose. Etymology – 1775
formulaic Definition – a set form or method allowing little room for originality Synonyms – recipe, imitate Antonyms – inventive, fresh Sentence – Their use of transitions was formulaic. Etymology – 1618
genre-appropriate Definition – compatible or suitable for a certain type of writing Synonyms – proper, right Antonyms – improper, incorrect Sentence – The use of slang is not genre-appropriate for a business letter. Etymology – 15th Century
hook Definition – An opening sentence or two in an essay that grabs the reader’s interest and introduces the general topic of the essay Examples: • Historical information • An anecdote • A surprising statement • A strong opinion • A quote Sentence – When I opened the book and began reading, I was hooked! I couldn’t put it down!
ideas Definition – thoughts, concepts, sensations, images, opinions,
idiom Definition: an expression that cannot be understood from the meanings of its separate words. Synonym: phrase, expression Antonym: literal meaning Example: “Running out of time” Etymology: 16th century, Latin Part of Speech: noun Free powerpoint template: www.brainybetty.com
inappropriate Definition – out of place Synonyms – unsuitable, unfit Antonyms – correct, proper Sentence – Her use of bulleted points was inappropriate for her narrative essay. Etymology – 1804
introductory paragraph Definition – the first paragraph of an essay. It introduces the topic (thesis statement) and hooks the reader so they are interested in reading more.
irrelevant Definition – not necessary, beside the point Synonyms – insignificant, useless Antonyms – important, useful Sentence – The essay lost its focus due to irrelevant details. Etymology – 1786
limited Definition – incomplete, partial, not thorough Synonyms – confined Antonyms – thorough Sentence – The writing showed limited focus on the assigned topic. Etymology – 1597
Logical Order Definition - arranged in order or in sequence; logical flow, progression Synonym – sequence Antonym – random, unorganized Sentence –
metaphor Definition: comparing two unlike things without using “like” or “as” Synonym: comparison, analogy Antonym: simile Sentence: Life is a dance through the universe. Etymology: Middle English, 15th Century Part of Speech: noun
minimally Definition – the least possible, barely adequate Synonyms – fewest, smallest Antonyms – full, most Sentence – The controlling idea was minimally developed. Etymology – 1666