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LADY MACBETH. Quote from Lady Macbeth . Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt be What thou art promis'd. Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness. . Thought about the quote.
Quote from Lady Macbeth • Glamis thou art, and Cawdor, and shalt beWhat thou art promis'd. Yet do I fear thy nature, It is too full o' th' milk of human kindness.
Thought about the quote • I think the quote means that Lady Macbeth wants her husband to be King of Scotland but her only fear is that her husband Macbeth is meaner then what she was expecting
From the Macbeth Which act :Act 1 What scene :Scene 5 What line or lines :15-18
Action • Lady Macbeth is trying to make her husband meaner, so that way he can become king . Otherwise if he doesn’t become meaner then there is no way for him to even become king ,because if he doesn’t be meaner then he wont be able the kill Duncan .
Reflection • The reason why I choose Lady Macbeth is because she is the type of person who doesn’t take any crap from people . If she doesn’t like the way things are then she will do something about it . But however there is a downfall . I thought she was strong and everything but come to find out, that she is in on the murder that her husbands commits .Lady Macbeth will do anything to get what she wants
Prediction • In act 1 scene 5 , Lady Macbeth and her husband plan on killing Duncan so that way her husband can become king . But on the other hand if his wife is also in on this hole scheme about killing Duncan then the reality is , she will die as well as her husband because she decided to go after Duncan . I also think that the servants are going to kill Lady Macbeth