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CHARITY FUNDRAISING. The DO’s, DON’T’s and Top Tips. Jessica Jackson RAG Fundraising coordinator. charities@warwicksu.com / rag@warwicksu.com. Who to Fundraise For?. Who you decide to fundraise for is completely up to you, as long as the charity is:

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  1. CHARITY FUNDRAISING The DO’s, DON’T’s and Top Tips Jessica Jackson RAG Fundraising coordinator charities@warwicksu.com / rag@warwicksu.com

  2. Who to Fundraise For? Who you decide to fundraise for is completely up to you, as long as the charity is: - Registered with the UK or Scottish Charities Commission - Is not outstanding with any paperwork to the Charities Commission - A registered UK charity (they can be an international charity as long as they have a UK base/branch You can check the status of your charity by going to the charities commission website: https://www.gov.uk/government/organisations/charity-commission

  3. The SU’s chosen 15 charities Due to the demand of buckets the finance department had to count last year, the decision was made to limit charity buckets going through the SU to 15 charities. This list was voted for by students at the beginning of the academic year.

  4. 15 Charities Action Against Hunger Alzheimer’s Society Birmingham Children’s Hospital Breast Cancer Care Cancer Research UK Child.org Coventry Cyrenians CRASAC Guide Dogs UK Mind Oxfam GB Teenage Cancer Trust UNICEF UK Water Aid Zoe’s Place Hospice (Crisis Appeals, Sport/Comic Relief and Children In Need can also go through the SU)

  5. Outside of the 15? You can still raise money for ANY charity, but if it is not on the list, you must take the following steps: - Before your event, the fundraising coordinator will forward you on your chosen charity’s bank details - After your event, count the money raised in a secure room with at least 1 other witness - Deposit said cash into your personal bank account - Transfer this money to the charity - Send the fundraising coordinator confirmation of donation

  6. Best Times to Fundraise When Student Loans have come in. After Essays and Exam seasons have passed. National Days/Awareness Weeks (i.e International Women’s Week) During Essays and Exam seasons. During Open Days. Working with other Societies and Clubs. During Students’ Union campaigns (i.e. Elections Week)

  7. Charity Fundraising Form When your club or society have come up with a fundraising idea, you must fill in the charity collections form to make us aware of what you are doing. The form can be found here: http://www.warwicksu.com/rag/charitycollectionform/

  8. Buckets! Terms and Conditions: • Buckets must be labelled with the charity: • Name • Logo • UK Registered Charity Number and Address • Percentage of proceeds going to charity If the buckets are being returned to the SU, they must be returned to the finance office before 3pm. (If the event is in the evening, buckets can be dropped at any SU outlet)

  9. Rules/Limits The charity collections form requires 7 days notice for booking buckets and making us aware of events. We have a Bucket Limit of 20 Buckets per week, with up to 2 buckets per collection (MUST email if more buckets are needed). Buckets must be Prebooked in advance, we will not allow last minute requests. There is a limit of 4 bake sales per term in the SU.

  10. What checks will we carry out? Once we have received your collections form we will check: That you have included contact details of the named person responsible for overseeing the charity fundraising within your club or society. That the Charity is registered in the UK and with the Charity Commission. Weather an event planning meeting has been arranged or taken place if the event requires one. That the activity does not pose a significant person risk to those taking part or the general public. That there are no other fundraising activities happening at the same time.

  11. Top Tips • Use RAG! – They have lots of fundraising expertise and ideas. • Try online giving/collections (i.e. justgiving) • Work with other Clubs and Societies • Work directly with the Charity you’re fundraising for: • They can offer materials you may need: stickers, leaflets, posters etc. • They can help with permits outside of the University • Advice on any campaigns they run • How you can donate the money raised

  12. Legal stuff Donations should always be optional If you are wanting to raise money through ticketing, there should be 2 ticket prices, one with a donation and the other without. Always state what proportion of money raised is going to charity (I.e. if you have any costs you are taking out of money raised, people need to be aware of this) That you have permission from the venue to carry out the collection You are NOT allowed to shake your bucket!

  13. Fundraising Initiative We have seen some great fundraising events this term from UNICEF’s Fast 24 event raising around £10,000 to CMD’s Pink Week which recently raised over £2,000. Use your whole club/society’s initiative, the more unique your event, the more attraction it will bring! We also have an award for Best Fundraising Initiative at the Societies Awards this year!

  14. Key Contacts • Booking Union Rooms: • Lesley Shortland – lesley.shortland@warwicksu.com • Helen Morris – helen.morris@warwicksu.com • Duncan Parkes – duncan.parkes@warwicksu.com Piazza: Piazza.bookings@warwick.ac.uk Big Screen: bigscreen@warwick.ac.uk

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