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Natural Supports Values & Philosophy

Supported Employment Process. Job Development. Discovery & Assessment. Placement & Training. Career Development. Follow Along. Natural Supports Values & Philosophy. Evolution of Employment. What is Supported Employment?. Paid employment, at minimum wage or better.

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Natural Supports Values & Philosophy

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  1. Supported Employment Process Job Development Discovery & Assessment Placement & Training Career Development Follow Along Natural Supports Values & Philosophy

  2. Evolution of Employment

  3. What is Supported Employment? • Paid employment, at minimum wage or better. • Customers are people with severe disabilities. • Support is provided (by community agency or business) to obtain and maintain jobs. • Promotes career development and workplace diversity.

  4. “Because of (Peter’s) long psychiatric history, his excessive water drinking, and overall poor judgment and insight, prognosis for transition into the community is poor. Therefore transfer to a facility which specializes in long-term psychiatric treatment is recommended.” “Community placement is impossible due to his need for monitoring of fluid technique.” It was recommended that Peter stay in the sheltered workshop to work on his attendance and to “learn the skills and work behaviors necessary to function in a work setting.” Long-term vocational goals were to increase his schedule and responsibilities in the sheltered workshop. “Paul’s doing really well. He moves right along and is always in a good mood.” “Paul’s good. Things run smoothly when he is working. We could use more workers like him.” “He’s doing a really good job. Better than a lot of other workers we’ve had, believe me.” Peter: Paul:(In Institution) (In Red Lobster)

  5. Evaluation at rehabilitation unit’s food service unit: Poor evaluation stating that he was: A) Often Late or Absent, B) Slow, C) Needs Constant Supervision D) Talked About Religion Constantly. Pay is $10.00/week Evaluation at Red Lobster restaurant: Overall rating of 3 on a scale of 1-4. Received perfect scores for: A) Takes Pride, B) Accepts Responsibility, C) Conscientious, D) Attendance. “Your people skills are good. Make sure your cloth is wrung out and tables are clean and dry when you leave them. You work well with everyone.” “Your work beliefs are good. Try to quicken your pace which will give you more time for hokeying and stocking. Thanks for coming in when we call you.” Paul received a .15/hour pay raise for his good evaluation. Pay is $100.00/week Peter: Paul:(In Institution) (In Red Lobster)

  6. Measures of Work:Quantitative/Qualitative • Skills • Productivity • Hours Worked • Attendance • Punctuality • Speed • Quality Feeling Valued Socializing Recognition Friends Community Respect Identity

  7. APSE Supported Employment Values • Individuality • Unique individuals • Varying interests & aptitudes • Not grouped together on the basis of label, functioning level or convenience of support.

  8. APSE Supported Employment Values • Choice • Sufficient options related to interests & desires • Control and autonomy over the direction of their lives • Respect • Dignified services • Age appropriate • Enhancing • Participation • People have the opportunity to actively participate in all pursuits of life


  10. Vocational Preference Test:which one of these four jobs appeals to you most?

  11. APSE Supported Employment Values • Competence • Opportunities to develop skills • Opportunities to use and share gifts & capacities • Social Connectedness • Access to diverse social contexts • Opportunity to build relationships • Network of shared interests • Community Settings with Minimal Intrusion • Quality of life • Natural settings • Minimize artificiality or restrictiveness

  12. Steps to Community Inclusion Actively Participating- A person is a contributing member of their community Having Presence- A person is recognized within their community Being Present- A person is physically in the community Pancsofar, E. (1993). Community Connections Resource Guide, Communitas, Inc., Manchester, CT

  13. TITLE I Employment Provisions TITLE IIPublic Service Provisions TITLE IIIPublic Accommodations TITLE IVTelecommunications Provisions TITLE VMiscellaneous Provisions Employers cannot discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities because of the disability with regard to job application procedures, hiring, advancement, discharge of employees, employee compensation, job training, and other terms, conditions and privileges of employment. An employer is required to provide a reasonable accommodation to a qualified applicant or employee unless the employer can show undue hardship. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

  14. This policy contains provisions to protect the confidentiality and security of personally identifiable information that arises in the course of providing healthcare. If conducted in health-care settings, or if using information generated in the course of providing healthcare services, research is also affected by this policy. HIPAA & Supported Employment(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)

  15. WORK OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT • The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC), authorized by the Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996 (P. L. 104-188), is a federal tax credit that encourages employers to hire eight targeted groups of job seekers by reducing employers’ federal income tax liability by as much as $2,400 per qualified new worker; $750, if working 120 hours or $1,200, if working 400 hours or more, per qualified summer youth.

  16. Fair Labor Standards Act Guidelines Where ALL of the following criteria are met, the US Department of Labor will NOT assert an employment relationship for purposes of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Participants must have a severe disability which makes it difficult to obtain employment and who will need intensive ongoing support.  Participation is for vocational exploration, assessment or training in a job under the general supervision of supported employment staff.  Job placements must be defined in the individuals rehab plan and IWRP.  Documentation of the placement will be made available to the Department of Labor. The individual and, when appropriate, parent or guardian must be fully informed and have indicated voluntary participation with the understanding that participation does not entitle the participant to wages.

  17. Fair Labor Standards Act Guidelines  The activities on the job do not result in immediate advantage to business: 1) No displacement of employees, vacant positions have not been filled, not performing services that clearly benefit the business. 2) Continued and direct supervision of the rehab facility or employees of the business. 3) Placements are made according to the IWRP, not to meet the needs of the business. 4) Time periods are established in the IWRP.  Time periods, as a general rule, are as follows: Vocational explorations 5 hours per job experienced Vocational assessment 90 hours per job experienced Vocational training 120 hours per job experienced.  At the end of the IWRP, the business does not have to hire the person. But, if the person is employed it has to be in a clearly distinguishable occupation. An employment relationship will exist unless ALL OF THE CRITERIA described in the policy is met. If an employment relationship is found to exist, the business will be held responsible for full compliance with the applicable sections of the Fair Labor Standards Act, including those related to child labor.

  18. Discovery & Assessment

  19. Oreo Personality Test • The whole thing at once • One bite at a time • Slow and methodical nibbles examining the results of each bite afterwards • In little feverous nibbles • Dunked in some liquid (milk, coffee…) • Twisted apart, then inside, then the cookie • Twisted apart, the inside, toss the cookie • Just the cookie, not the inside • I just like to lick them, not eat them • I don’t have a favorite way because I don’t like Oreo

  20. BUILDING BRIDGES TO WORK Discovery & Assessment

  21. Discovery: The act of uncovering, or fact of becoming uncovered. The finding out or bringing to light of that which was previ- ously unknown. Assessment: To settle, or determine the amount of taxation to be paid. To estimate or assign a value to property.

  22. Person-Centered Planning • Process • Focus on preferences, talents, dreams, etc. • Don’t focus on limitations • Unrestricted vision • ID supports/resources needed • Formal & Informal supports • Actions individual & others can take • Community steps • Agency steps • Follow-up Listen up! This is Who I am, my History, my Hopes & Dreams, my Fears, and my Needs….. This is MY meeting.

  23. Maps: McGill Action Planning System (or Making Action Plans)

  24. Great Job! Even Better Job Better Job First Job

  25. Observing Workplace Culture

  26. What is Workplace Culture? • “Commonly held characteristics such as attitudes, beliefs, values, customs and patterns of behavior possessed by a group of people, which have been learned and reinforced through a socialization process.” W. Bryan, 1999 Workplace Culture?

  27. Workplace Culture Surface Culture Deep Culture

  28. Observations Take a tour “Gut” reaction Ask informal questions of co-workers Tenure of coworkers Be a “Culture Vulture”

  29. What is “Job Development?”(not like this…)

  30. More like this… • No one wants to be sold, only helped to solve problems. Denise Bissonnette, Beyond Traditional Job Development • Through strong business partnerships, service providers can open new doors for individuals with significant disabilities. Partnership development requires new perspectives and a commitment to helping employers find ways to meet their business needs. Project EMPLOY • We provide labor solutions for business, and employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Cammie Cloman

  31. Who should do job development?

  32. Building Effective Partnerships:The LEAST We Can Do…Specialized Training ProgramUniversity of Oregon, Summer 1993 • Listen-to the ideas and concerns of company managers, supervisors, co-workers, human resources personnel and training personnel. Stop anticipating their questions and issues and let them surprise us with their expertise and ideas. • Expect-the best from the employee with disabilities and the company. Believe in their skills, knowledge, resourcefulness, eagerness. • Ask-questions of ourselves and employers: Are the actions we take really necessary? Could it be handled by the employer? Is there a company procedure that can be adapted to accommodate a specific disability? • Support-the employer directly, relinquishing our control over people with disabilities. The nature of support must be determined by the company. • Trust-develop relationships with companies that are built on trust.

  33. Honest Flexible Open or Receptive Creative & willing to take risks More job openings More time & more staff More educated & enlightened employers Looking for understanding & awareness Professionals who get to know the company Who understand job requirements Know the applicant’s ability Knowledgeable about business needs Make frequent contact & follow up Respond quickly Educate the employer Looking for competence and quality Successful Partnerships between Business & Supported Employment Providers by Richard LuekingSE Professional’s Point of View Employer’s Point of View

  34. Hidden Job Market(jobstar.org) • There are two ways to look for a job • The employer looks for you. • You look for the employer. • 80% of all positions are filled without employer advertising • Successful Hidden Job Market candidates are able to connect with the employer's network:

  35. Hidden Job Market(jobstar.org) • Calling employers without a referral, or a connection, no matter how slight, is known as a "cold" call. Cold calls may result in an interview--but you will have to be prepared for lots of rejections along the way. Networking, using referrals as an introduction, is less stressful and more productive. • Networking is simply "talking to people." When people say you should network, they mean you should talk to people. People are happy to help others if they can. You need to be clear about HOW you'd like their help and clear about what you're looking for.

  36. Making the call… What would you say?

  37. People with significant barriers to employment can’t take a job “off the rack”. We must tailor the process

  38. Rule 3 No “Job Stuffing”

  39. Job Carving/Creating

  40. "a lack of learning in any particular situation should first be interpreted as a result of inappropriate or insufficient use of teaching strategy [support], rather than an inability on the part of the learner." Marc GoldWhat are the possible training options? • Natural Cues • Coworker supports • Naturally occurring reinforcements or prompts • Added reinforcement, cues, and prompts • Self-management, self-instruction • Compensatory strategies

  41. Learning Styles

  42. Circle of Courage

  43. Creating A Task Analysis • Do the task • Write down steps • Have someone else perform it • Watch others & do research • Watch student perform task • Adjust task analysis to include missing steps

  44. Task Analysis of Making a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

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