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Data in Perspective: A view of national, state, and local data collection, compilations and systems. Presented by : Beth Hartness Program Specialist , National Center for Homeless Education Christina Endres McKinney-Vento State Coordinator, Indiana Department of Education Dave Schrandt
Data in Perspective: A view of national, state, and local data collection, compilations and systems Presented by : Beth Hartness Program Specialist, National Center for Homeless Education Christina Endres McKinney-Vento State Coordinator, Indiana Department of Education Dave Schrandt Homeless Education Liaison, Cypress-Fairbanks Independent School District
Part 1: National CSPR Data Collection Process and Results What is the CSPR ? The Consolidated State Performance Report is a data collection tool administered annually by the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education What is the purpose of the data collected by the CSPR: • Self-assessment and program improvement • National performance evaluation and funding decisions
EDFacts: History and Purpose • Is an initiative begun in 2005 to establish a federally coordinated K -12 education data repository • Data is submitted on ongoing basis through Education Data Exchange Network (EDEN) Submission System (ESS), a centralized data submission portal • All information is aggregated, usually by categories such as grade level • Individual student-level or staff-level data is not collected. Most data is LEA and school level and can be traced to individual LEAs.
State EDFactsand CSPR Coordinators State CSPR Coordinator Can usually be found in a Federal programs or accountability division of SEA. Responsible for coordination of the preparation and certification of annual CSPR submissions Can assist State Coordinator with data collection schedules and review of data from LEAs State EDFacts Coordinator • Can usually be found in IT or data division of SEA • Responsible for submitting data collected from SEA & LEAs • Designated ESS User for the State • Responsible for revisions to data collected on an ongoing basis through ESS
EDFacts: File Specifications File Specifications • Are: documents which provide detailed technical information for including definitions and reporting indicators which may be found online at http://www.ed.gov/print/about/inits/ed/edfacts/file-specifications.html • Most states used the Non-XML file specifications
File Specs for EHCY Section 1.9 N/X043 CSPR Question Number of Homeless Children and Youths SERVED in LEAs with McKinney-Vento Subgrants CSPR Question Subgroups of Homeless Children and Youths Served in LEAs with McKinney-Vento Subgrants N/X075 CSPR Question :Academic Achievement in Mathematics of Homeless Children and Youths Served in LEAs with McKinney- Vento Subgrants N/X078 CSPR Question : Academic Achievement in Reading and Language Arts of Homeless Children and Youths Served in LEAs with McKinney-Vento Subgrants N/X118 CSPR Questions (Total Enrolled) and (Primary Nighttime Residence)* * The data for these questions are collected manually, but governed by this file spec
Additional File Specs Which Collect Homeless Served Data for Programs other than EHCY • N/X032: Dropouts • N/X037: Title I Part A SWP/TAS Participation • N/X040: Graduates/Completers • N/X081: Assessment Participation
State Accountability Workbook What is it: State devised plan to meet federal accountability requirements for SEAs and LEAs accepting federal funds for education programs under ESEA. What it Details: • State’s definition of proficiency • How is proficiency measured • Data collection requirements for certain populations
WHO IS INCLUDED IN THE DATA COLLECTION All children and youth who meet the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness WHO MUST PARTICIPATE IN THE DATA COLLECTION Every LEA in the United States. State coordinators are responsible for overseeing the collection and submission of data. WHAT IS A SCHOOL YEAR A school year is determined to be the period July 1 through June 30. Summer school and year-round programs would fall in this definition. MAY ESTIMATED DATA BE SUBMITTED? Estimated data is UNACCEPTABLE. All data submitted must be verifiable. WHAT SHOULD BE INCLUDED IN THE COMMENT BOX? Any discrepancies or data collection problems should be noted in the comment box. All explanations should fit within the 4,000 character limitation. WHAT IF THERE IS MISSING DATA? All questions must be filled out completely. Distinctions should be made between zero counts and missing information.
DUPLICATED COUNTS • Some SEAs include Regional Consortia. These are defined as: “a combination of school districts or counties that is recognized in a state as an administrative agency for its public elementary schools or secondary schools.” Examples are ISDs, ESCs, BOCES, RESAs, etc. • Every individual LEA affiliated with or served by a consortium or other regional entity should be counted individually. • Only an individual LEA within a consortium providing services to a homeless student should report that student. • Efforts should be made to eliminate duplicated counts at both LEA and state level • Students should be reported once for the SEA – this may be aided by the use of universal student identifiers • Students should be reported for any LEA where the students was identified as homeless and enrolled in a school in the LEA. A student could be reported in more than one LEA if the student was enrolled and identified as homeless in those LEAs
Annual CSPR Timeline • February: CSPR Part 1 re-opens for data revision • March: CSPR Part 1 data finalized and certified • April: National data compiled by NCHE • May: National data report and 3-year comparison published • June: Changes for next year data collection format determined and publicized • July: Data collection guide revised and published • August: Data Collection Webinar • September: LEA subgrant data should be collected for submission to EDFacts coordinator • October: Finalized CSPR Format; EDFacts data populate CSPR;EDFacts pre-fill reports available • November: CSPR Part 1 Opens • December: CSPR Part 1 Closes (December 17, 2010) • January: ESS opens for current SY file submission. Verification reports issued.
Section 1.9 Education of Homeless Children and Youth CSPR QuestionsQuestions Pertaining to LEAs with and without subgrants Question 1.9: Number of LEAs with and Without Subgrants in the State • Collects the number of LEAs with and without subgrants in the state and the number of those LEAs which reported data Question of Homeless Children and Youths by Grade Level ENROLLED in Public School at Any Time During the School Year • Collects the number of children and youths identified as homeless who were enrolled in LEAs with and without subgrants. Enrolled is defined as “those students attending classes and participating fully in school activities.” A child for whom a current record exists is considered “enrolled.” Question Primary Nighttime Residence of Homeless Children and Youth • Collects the total number of homeless children and youths enrolled in LEAs with and without subgrants categorized by primary nighttime residence. Categories are Doubled-Up, Sheltered, Unsheltered and Hotels/Motels • Data counts should correspond with data counts recorded for number of homeless children and youth enrolled. For each one child reported , one type of residence should be reported for this child.
Questions Pertaining to LEAs with Subgrants Only Question 1.9 2.1: Number of Homeless Children and Youths by Grade Level SERVED by McKinney-Vento Subgrants • Collects data on the total number of homeless children and youths who were served by in LEAs with McKinney-Vento subgrants at any time during the school year. • Definition of “served” includes homeless children who have been served in any way through McKinney-Vento funds. Services would include both direct services and indirect services. The data counts regarding number served may or may not correspond with the data counts for Total Enrolled in LEAs with subgrants. Question Subgroups of Homeless Students Served by McKinney-Vento Subgrants • Collects data on the total number of homeless children and youths by subgroup who were served by in LEAs with McKinney-Vento subgrants at any time during the school year. • Subgroups include Unaccompanied Youth, Children with Disabilities (IDEA), Limited English Proficiency (LEP) and Migrant • All Subgroups must meet the McKinney-Vento definition of homelessness as well as the definition of their subgroup. • The data counts regarding number served may or may not correspond with the data counts for Number Served in LEAs with subgrants.
Academic Progress of Homeless StudentsQuestion Reading AssessmentQuestion Mathematics Assessment • Data submitted by SEA via ESS per File Spec N/X078 for Reading and N/X075 for Mathematics • Collects data on the number of homeless children and youths served by McKinney-Vento subgrants who were • tested on the state Reading/Language Arts assessment and on the state Mathematics assessment and • the number of those tested on each topic that scored at or above the state’s proficiency level. • Data should include all students served by McKinney-Vento subgrants during the testing window that received a valid score and were assigned a proficiency level. • State Accountability Workbook should be consulted to determine how proficiency is measured in the individual state, particularly regarding how many levels of proficiency are measured. • Data for Grades 3-8 should be submitted by individual grade level. Grades 9-12 are consolidated into aggregate figure entitled “High School.” Data for any other grades are not required. • Data should not be disaggregated by the type of test a state administers. Data should be disaggregated by grade level only.