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Amir Herzberg AmirHerzberg

Intro to Crypto: Encryption References: ‘Introduction to Modern Cryptography’ [KL] – Book by Katz and Lindell (in library) [BR] – Lecture notes by Bellare and Rogaway ( cs.ucsd.edu/~mihir/cse207/classnotes.html ). Amir Herzberg http://AmirHerzberg.com. Cryptology / cryptography.

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Amir Herzberg AmirHerzberg

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  1. Intro to Crypto: EncryptionReferences: ‘Introduction to Modern Cryptography’ [KL] – Book by Katz and Lindell (in library)[BR] – Lecture notes by Bellare and Rogaway (cs.ucsd.edu/~mihir/cse207/classnotes.html) Amir Herzberg http://AmirHerzberg.com http://AmirHerzberg.com

  2. Cryptology / cryptography • `Science of using secret information` • Modern use: using computational limitations of adversary (and secret keys) to… • Prevent damage – e.g. encrypt for privacy • Punish (deter) corruption – e.g. signed proofs and reviews • Main tool for information security • Earliest, most known function: encryption http://AmirHerzberg.com

  3. Encryption • Earliest form of cryptography • Cryptography originally meant ‘secret writing’ • Goal: encode secret information so that adversary cannot learn anything from it • Send / store encrypted (encoded) version • Idea: use secret algorithm and/or key to encode plaintextand decode ciphertext • Should the algorithm be secret??? key key ciphertext plaintext plaintext Encrypt Decrypt http://AmirHerzberg.com

  4. Caesar Cipher • Rotate the 26 letters of the alphabet by 3: a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q … A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … • As formula: c = E(p) = p+3 (mod 26) • Using the notation: x=y (mod n) • Reads: “xis congruent to y modulo n” • If xand yhave the same reminder when divided by n, namely x=y+l∙n for some integer l +3 http://AmirHerzberg.com

  5. Caesar Cipher: Security by Obscurity (?) • Caeser’s Cipher: c = E(p) = p+3 (mod 26) • Once this `algorithm` is known, decryption is trivial! • The secrecy is in the algorithm • Not a good idea… http://AmirHerzberg.com

  6. Kerckhoff’s Principle: Known Design • Attacking (e.g. cryptanalysis) of unknown design can be much harder • But using public (non-secret) designs… • Published designs are often stronger • No need to replace system once design is exposed • No need to worry that design was exposed • E.g. Windows `system code`… • Establish standards for multiple applications: • Efficiency of production and of test attacks / cryptanalysis • Kerckhoff’s Known Design Principle [1883]: adversary knows the design – everything except the secret keys http://AmirHerzberg.com

  7. Encryption: Key Protects Confidentiality Symmetric/shared secret key cryptosystem: B.e=B.d=k Public-key cryptosystem: B.e is a public encryption key, B.d is a matchingprivate decryption key Key Alice uses to encrypt to Bob Key Bob uses to decrypt B.e B.d encryption algorithm plaintext decryption algorithm ciphertext plaintext Bob Alice Eve http://AmirHerzberg.com

  8. Symmetric key cryptosystem symmetric (shared) key cryptosystem: Bob and Alice share key k k k encryption algorithm decryption algorithm ciphertext plaintext plaintext message, m c=Ek(m) m=Dk(c)=Dk(Ek(m)) http://AmirHerzberg.com

  9. Shift Cipher (Keyed Caesar Cipher) • Caeser’s Cipher: c = E(p) = p+3 (mod 26) • Once this `algorithm` is known, decryption is trivial! • Idea: improve security byadding a secret key • Keyed Caesar cipher (aka Shift Cipher): • Rotate letters by keykey • As formula: c = Ekey(p) = p + key (mod 26) • Exhaustive Key Search Attack: try all keys, key=0,1,…,25 • Not very secure… http://AmirHerzberg.com

  10. Sufficient Key Space Principle • Sufficient Key Space Principle: • Number of possible keys should be large enough • To make attacks infeasible, using best adversary resources (HW) expected during `sensitivity period` of data • Using exhaustive key search or other feasible attacks • Idea: use arbitrary plaintext-ciphertext mapping (substitution), not necessarily rotation http://AmirHerzberg.com

  11. Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher • Map each letter to some other letter • Mapping is the key: φ : a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q … key[φ] : X E U A D N B K S M R O C Q F S W … • Ci=key[Pi] • Many keys (26! for 26 letters – more than 280) • But… simple statistical (`ciphertext only`) attack: • Identify letters by their frequencies, e.g. Pr(‘E’)=13% • Identify common words (e.g. ‘the’), sequences (‘ing’) • Need a better idea… maybe add `changing rotation`? http://AmirHerzberg.com

  12. Vigenére’s cipher • Multiple shift ciphers • Shift the ith letter by key[i] :c[i] = p[i] + key[i mod |key|] (mod 26) • Prevents simple statistical attack • Prob(c[i]=x) does not depend (only) on p[i] • But what about more advanced attacks? http://AmirHerzberg.com

  13. Attacking Vigenére’s cipher • Vigenére’s cipher: Ci=K[i+Pi] • Stronger statistical attacks: • Easy: if length of key is known • If not… e.g., Kasiski’s method • Both: require long ciphertext; details in [KL] • Principle: limit amount of usage of each key • What if adversary also knows/chooses some plaintext? • Known plaintext: • Common prefixes, e.g. `Dear`, `Hail`, `Date:`, `<html>` • Exposed/non-confidential messages, … • Chosen plaintext: `the message we intercepted was: …` • This breaks Vigenére with very short text… [Exercise!] http://AmirHerzberg.com

  14. Symmetric key cryptosystem - Attacks symmetric (shared) key crypto: Bob and Alice share key k Attacks: • Plaintext-statistics only • Known plaintext attack (KPA) • Chosen plaintext attack (CPA) • (Adaptive) chosen ciphertext attack (CCA) • Sometimes, practical… esp: modify ciphertext to get error feedback! • Compare ciphers on resistance to different attacks • E.g. it is rarely feasible to collect 240known plaintexts k k encryption algorithm decryption algorithm ciphertext plaintext plaintext message, m c=Ek(m) m=Dk(c)=Dk(Ek(m)) http://AmirHerzberg.com

  15. Symmetric key cryptosystem - Security symmetric (shared) key crypto: Bob and Alice share key k Defining successful attack… • Prevent… what? Key / message recovery? • What about partial recovery (e.g.: first byte)? • What if m{“Advance”, “Retreat”}? •  Adversary must win indistinguishability experiment k k encryption algorithm decryption algorithm ciphertext plaintext plaintext message, m c=Ek(m) m=Dk(c)=Dk(Ek(m)) http://AmirHerzberg.com

  16. Indistinguishability: Encryption is like disguise… • With a good disguise, adversary… • Can’t even tell the most pretty from the most ugly • Can’t even identify the same disguised person • Talk to masked Rachel • She disappears for few minutes • Who returned? Rachel or Leah? • As long as they are roughly same size • A giant can never disguise as a dwarf • With good encryption, adversary… • Can’t identify the encryption of any plaintext (he choose) • Can’t identify two encryptions of same plaintext • Encryption process must be randomized • But: encryption can’t hide the length of the plaintext http://AmirHerzberg.com

  17. Indistinguishability Experiment(symmetric encryption, i.e. shared key) Encrypt, or select b{0,1}and encrypt mb k k plaintext encryption algorithm decryption algorithm ciphertext plaintext Chosen ciphertext c Ciphertextc=Ek(m,re) Alice Bob Decryptionsm=Dk(c) Chosen plaintext m Selected messages m0, m1 Eve Guess of b http://AmirHerzberg.com

  18. Indistinguishability Experiment(asymmetric encryption, aka Public Key) Encrypt, or select b{0,1} and encrypt mb Key Bob uses to decrypt B.e B.d plaintext encryption algorithm decryption algorithm ciphertext plaintext Chosen ciphertext c Ciphertextc=EB.e(m,re) Alice Bob Decryptionsm=DB.d(c) Chosen plaintext m Selected messages m0, m1 Eve Guess of b http://AmirHerzberg.com

  19. Definition: Cryptosystem • Three algorithms<K ,E,D> are cryptosystem, • K : Key generation algorithm; input 1n(security parameter), outputs: K .e (encrypt key) and K .d (decrypt key) • Security parameter defines minimal key/data length, `hardness` • Ee( m;re), Dd(c): encryption and decryption • If m{0,1}*, r, re , holds:m= Dd(Ee(m;re )), where d=K .d (1n;r), e=K .e (1n;r) • `Random bits` notation (sometimes omitted) • Notice: same definition for symmetric and asymmetric (public key) cryptosystems • Differ only in indistinguishability experiment (next) • Public key cryptosystem: expose encrypt key K..eto adversary. http://AmirHerzberg.com

  20. http://AmirHerzberg.com

  21. Cryptosystem <K ,E,D> is Perfectly… • IND-Px-Cy secure if for every A • Perfectly Symmetric CPA-Secure if it is Perfectly IND-P2-C0 secure • Asymmetric CPA-Secure if it is IND-PK-C0 secure • Symmetric CCA-Secure if it is IND-P2-C2 secure • Asymmetric CCA-Secure if it is IND-PK-C2 secure • Comment: these two CCA notions are often referred to as adaptive CCA-Secure or CCA2-Secure http://AmirHerzberg.com

  22. Example: One-Time-Pad (OTP) • To encrypt message m, compute the bitwise XOR of the key with the message: • Ek(m)=c where c[i] = k[i]  m[i] • To decrypt ciphertext c, compute the bitwise XOR of the key with the ciphertext: • Dk(c)=m’ where m’[i] = k[i]  c[i] Key k (pad) Ciphertext c Plaintext m + http://AmirHerzberg.com

  23. One-Time-Pad: Example, Properties k = 11001 c = 01010 m’ = 10011 k = 11001 m = 10011 C = 01010 • m’= k  c = k  (k  m) = (k  k)  m = 0  m = m • Very simple, efficient • Provably CPA-secure against unbounded adversary [KL] • But not CCA-secure (why?) • Drawback: key is as long as message, i.e. |k|=|m| • Shannon Theorem [KL]: |k|=|m| for every perfectly-secure encryption • What of computationallylimited adversary? http://AmirHerzberg.com

  24. Computationally Secure Cryptosystem • Assume adversary has limited computational resources (e.g., can’t try all 128-bit keys) • Cryptosystem <K ,E,D> is Computationally IND-Px-Cy secure if for every polytime A and every c>0, for sufficiently large n holds: • Computationally symmetric CPA-secure if it is computationally IND-P2-C0 secure, etc… http://AmirHerzberg.com

  25. Computationally-Secure Stream Cipher • Idea: same as OTP, but with bounded key • `Emulate` infinite random `pad` • So that computationally-bounded adversary cannot distinguish from a truly random `pad`! • Using a pseudo-random generator PRG(k) • `Pseudo-random pad` from fixed seed/key • `Indistinguishable from random bits` • [KL]: def, proof that PRG  IND-CPA symmetric encryption • Intuition: use adversary for IND-CPA to distinguish pad from random PRG Key k Ciphertext c Plaintext m + http://AmirHerzberg.com

  26. Example: Shift-reg based PRG • Shift register, seed (key) as initial state • c[i]=m[i]out(reg); reg←F(reg)||Shift(reg) • Easy, efficient implementations (esp. in HW) • Many insecure versions, e.g. linear feedback • Some unbroken (yet?), e.g. `Shrinking Generator` Feedback F `taps` Key k(seed) out(reg) (aka pad) Ciphertext c Plaintext m + http://AmirHerzberg.com

  27. Pseudo-Random Function Encryption • Goal: stateless encryption (unlike PRG!) • Use Fk(x), a Psuedo-random Function (PRF), instead • Ifx≠ythen Fk(x) is pseudorandom (Fk(y) known for all y≠x) • ci=<miFk(xi), xi> , where w.h.p. xi≠xj • Bit by bit or `block by block` (|ci|=|mi|=|Fk(xi)|) • [KL]: `counter mode`: xi random or xi=xi-1+1 is CPA secure (why not CCA secure?) • When Fk(x) is a PRF or a PRP (Pseudo-Random Permutation) • Define PRF, PRP… xi PRF/PRP Fk Key k `pad` Fk(xi) Ciphertext ci Plaintext mi + http://AmirHerzberg.com

  28. Pseudorandom Functions (PRF): Definition f=Fk (random k) or random f x f(x) (use of security parm n for key and block length is a simplification) http://AmirHerzberg.com

  29. Pseudorandom Permutation (PRP) Comments:(1) F-1should also be efficiently computable) (2) `strong PRP` - since we also allow f-1queries http://AmirHerzberg.com

  30. Block Cipher and Pseudorandom Permutation • Block cipher: efficient (invertible) keyed permutation • Data Encryption Standard (DES): US NIST, 1977-2001, 64-bit blocks, 56 bit keys  exhaustive search • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES): NIST 2002-?, 128-bit blocks, 128 bit keys • Modeled as PRP (with fixed key, block sizes) • Best known attacks: 2|key|(or unrealistic # of chosen/known pairs) • Several `modes of use`, incl. `counter mode` • And `Electronic Code Book` mode (ECB): c=Fk(m) • Is ECB secure? `Encrypt` Fk `Decrypt` Fk-1 m c http://AmirHerzberg.com

  31. Secure Encryption need State/Randomness • Block ciphers are deterministic (not randomized) • If Ek(m) is deterministic, it is trivial to distinguish! • With one select-phase encrypt query • And have Fixed Input Length (FIL), i.e. `block` • `Modes of Operation`: how to use block ciphers, to... • Encrypt long (Variable Input Length, VIL) messages • Randomize/add state for security • Often: use random/stateful Initialization Vector (IV) block • So why standardize block ciphers? • Principle: design, cryptanalyze simple function, use it to construct strong function • Design (FIL, deterministic, stateless) block cipher, transform to (VIL, randomized/stateful) secure cryptosystem • And: different `modes` have different properties… http://AmirHerzberg.com

  32. Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) Mode • Popular mode for VIL encryption • Although not parallelizable (cf. counter mode) • Efficient randomization (IV) • Operation: • c[0] =IVR{0,1}l • i>0: c[i] = Ek(c[i-1] p[i]) Split plaintext pto l bit blocks p[1],… IV Initialization Vector (IV)random number (sent `in clear`) E E E k Ciphertext c[0],c[1]… http://AmirHerzberg.com

  33. Security of CBC mode • CBC is randomized… so there is hope! • Indeed: if block-cipher is a (strong) pseudo-random permutation, then CBC is IND-CPA-secure • Proof: [BR], ch. 4 • But: CBC is (also) NOT IND-CCA2-Secure (why?) • Ensuring CCA-Security: • `Prevent` decryption queries… • Use secret key to `sign/authenticate` ciphertext… • And decrypt only properly authenticated ciphertext • Output `failure` if given unauthenticated ciphertext • How to authenticate? We’ll see in next lecture… http://AmirHerzberg.com

  34. Hybrid Encryption (`enveloping`) • Public key cryptosystems ЄPK are slow • Also: most (e.g. RSA) have fixed block size (FIL) • Using a long block size is veeeery slooow • Using CBC etc. is also too wasteful • Use secret key cryptosystem in VIL (e.g. CBC) mode; encrypt shared key and use it to encrypt plaintext http://AmirHerzberg.com

  35. Encryption: at what phase? Message • Related goals: • Compression • Error-detection code • Integrity, authentication • Redundancy in plaintext helps attacker • Can’t compress ciphertext •  compress then encrypt Compress Plaintext Encrypt Ciphertext Compress-then-encrypt is not IND-CPA-Secure! Why??Solution? http://AmirHerzberg.com

  36. Encryption: at what phase? Message • Related goals: • Compression • Error-detection code • Integrity, authentication • Redundancy in plaintext helps attacker • Can’t compress ciphertext •  compress then encrypt Compress Plaintext Encrypt Ciphertext Compress-then-encrypt changes length… Solution: combine multiple sources… later lectures http://AmirHerzberg.com

  37. Encryption and Error Detection (1) Message • EDC on plaintext? • allows attacker to validate key guess • 1-bit error in ciphertext makes invalid EDC •  Bad design •  Better: Encrypt before Error Detection Compress Plaintext Code EDC Plaintext Encrypt Ciphertext http://AmirHerzberg.com

  38. Encryption and Error Detection (2) Message • EDC on plaintext… • allows attacker to validate key guess • 1-bit error in ciphertext decrypts to `random` plaintext •  Better: Encrypt before Error Detection • Does this protect integrity against attack? Compress Plaintext Encrypt Ciphertext Code Ciphertext EDC http://AmirHerzberg.com

  39. Encryption: Few Further Issues... • Design of block ciphers, cryptosystems – in Crypto course • Also a bit later on, in Public Key Crypto subject • Cryptanalysis • rCCA – weaker CCA variant (and why…) • Robust (tolerant) combiner c( , ) design [H05] • Given two candidates E’, E’’ (encryption schemes, block cipher (PRP), etc.) • (E’ secure) or (E’’ secure)  c(E’,E’’) `secure` • Cascade E’k’(E’’k’’(m)) is robust combiner for CPA, rCCA • Homomorphic encryption: E(m1+m2)=E(m1)*E(m2) • Where +,* are some efficient operations • CCA security • Using authentication – next topic http://AmirHerzberg.com

  40. Thank You! Amir Herzberg, http://AmirHerzberg.com http://AmirHerzberg.com

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