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Application. Heather Ryan Dan Abbott EdPS 457 Tuesday 7:00pm. Key Terms discussed. Educational Psychology as a Science Behaviorism Modeling Self Efficacy Memory Development Individual Differences Group Differences Task Analysis Assessment. Psychology as a science.

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  1. Application Heather Ryan Dan Abbott EdPS 457 Tuesday 7:00pm

  2. Key Terms discussed • Educational Psychology as a Science • Behaviorism • Modeling • Self Efficacy • Memory • Development • Individual Differences • Group Differences • Task Analysis • Assessment

  3. Psychology as a science • Psychology is the study of human thinking and human behavior. • Science is a tool that uses theories that are • Quanitifiable • Falsifiable • Parsimonious To control and improve outcomes.

  4. Psychology as a science • Tool- something that is valuable for what is does not what it is. • Quantifiable- something that can be counted. • Parisimony- Other things being evaluated by a simplest explanation is the best way.

  5. Psychology as a science • Tool • Psychology is a tool because it is important for what it does and not what it is. Therefore, psychology has meaning that is deeper than the surface. As a teacher, I realize that not anything has a clear concrete answer, I will often need to look further. • Quantifiable • Psychology can be measured in a sense. There are certain aspects that are different and more complex than other aspects of psychology. • Parisimony • This simply means that the simplest explanation is often the best. Therefore, sometimes we think too hard about something that is simple. As a teacher, when there is a complex situation I should try to find the easiest and simplest way of solving the problem because that is often the best.

  6. Psychology as a science • If there is a situation in my classroom, that requires me to come up with a solution, how should I go about doing that? • First, I should look at the situation for what it is. Ask how important is it? What is the easiest and best way to solve this problem? What all needs to be done to solve this problem? After asking my self these questions than I should be able to come up with the best solution.

  7. Behaviorism • Theoretical perspective in which learning and behavior are described and explained in terms of stimulus-response relationships.

  8. Behaviorism • Operant Conditioning- Form of learning in which a response increases the frequency as a result of being followed by reinforcement. • Punishments/rewards- A positive or negative effect from the students action or inaction. • Satiation-When the learning ceases to exist, conditioning does not lead to a response.

  9. Behaviorism Operant Conditioning I am studying to become a high school Spanish teacher, therefore, most of my students will be past the Classical conditioning phase and onto the operant conditioning phase. Furthermore, I will present two different types of stimuli to encourage learning. Punishments and Rewards In my classroom, the adolescents my need some encouragement and motivation from time to time. Therefore, I plan on having different rewards for good behaviorism as well as punishments for bad behavior. Satiation If my students become satiated, I as a teacher, need to find a new and meaningful way of teaching. This is so my teaching will become effective and the students will begin to learn and process the knowledge presented in my classroom.

  10. Behaviorism • What do I do when the learning in my classroom is satiated? • Find and create new and fun ways of presenting the material. Present it in a meaningful way. Motivate the students with rewards. • What do I do as a teacher to motivate my students learning? • Positive rewards- fiestas, extra credit • Negative rewards- canceling a quiz or test • Positive Punishments- assigning more homework/quizzes • Negative Punishments-Taking away free time

  11. Modeling • Demonstrating a behavior for another or observing and imitating another’s behavior.

  12. Modeling • Peer Model- motivates peers to model after one another (sex, age, ethnicity, “coolness”). • Expert Model- motivates the students to want to learn from the expert. • Live/Symbolic Model- a live model is in the classroom, and symbolic modeling is done through the media, TV, or radio.

  13. Modeling • Peer Modeling • Peer models are important in the classroom, because they motivate other students’ learning. They are also helpful, because when I as the teacher, is not able to give all of my attention on one students I can assign pair work and use the more motivated students to help motivate the others. • Expert Modeling • I as the teacher, am the expert model in my classroom, because I am the one who knows and am an expert on the material I am teaching. I am the one whom explicitly does the teaching. • Live/Symbolic Modeling • When I am a teacher, I am normally going to conduct my classroom and teach my students through live modeling because I am going to be the one standing in front of the classroom teaching and delivering the information. Furthermore, I think that it is important to incorporate symbolic modeling into the lessons as well. This way the students do not become too bored with my teaching and their learning does not become satiated.

  14. Modeling • Why is peer modeling important? • Peer modeling is important because it motivates the other students to do better or their personal best in the classroom. • How will I incorporate symbolic modeling in my lessons? • I plan on showing several authentic videos, such as cinema, TV shows, informational videos etc.

  15. Self Efficacy • Belief that one is capable of executing certain behaviors or reaching certain goals.

  16. Self Efficacy • Initiation-is the act of begining and continuing with our goals. • Resilience- is the act of continuing with our goals even after failure. • Self Regulation- is the individual’s control over his/her own rewards/punishments

  17. Self Efficacy • Initiation • In my classroom, it is important for me to realize that there are all kinds of different learners. Some who will initiate their learning, these students are called Master Seeking students and others who will resist learning, these students are called Performance Avoidance students. • Resilience • Master seeking, Mastery Audience, and Performance Seeking are all students who have goals and want to maintain them, therefore, they have a high resilience and even after failure they will keep trying to seek their goals. Although the goals among the different types of learners are different, they all have a higher sense of resilience. Performance Avoiders are the students who have to interest or goals to motivate their school work. As a teacher, these students are going to be the more difficult to motivate to do well. • Self Regulation • The students who are Performance avoiders are also going to be the students who do not have control over their rewards and punishments. These students are also the students who may have little self esteem, I as an educator need to be aware of my students and how they perform in class. I need to motive them and be a positive influence on their educational and social lives.

  18. Self Efficacy • How can I get all of my students to have high intiation, resilience, and self regulation in my classroom? • I need to be a positive and motivating factor on my students lives. I need to try to motivate them to care about school, and the knowledge and education it have to offer them. Self esteem and self concept are both very important factors involved in this process. Therefore, each student will be different some more challenging to motivate than others.

  19. Memory • Memory is the mental capacity or faculty of retaining and reviving facts, events, impressions, etc., or of recalling or recognizing previous experiences.

  20. Memory • Long term Memory- information stored in the brain and retrievable over a long period of time, often over the entire life span of the individual  • Working Memory-memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking; important when you are learning new material • Meaningful/Rote Learning- refers to the concept that the learned knowledge (lets say a fact) is fully understood by the individual and that the individual knows how that specific fact relates to other stored facts, while rote learning is a learning technique which avoids understanding of a subject and instead focuses on memorization.

  21. Memory • Long term Memory • Long term Memory is unlimited, therefore, as a teacher I should be able to consistently be feeding my students more knowledge. • Working Memory • During my lessons everyday I teach I am working with my students working memory. I need to make sure that my lessons are planned well enough, so that I will have my students attention so they will be able to input the knowledge. • Meaningful and Rote Learning • In my teaching classes I have taken at UNL, I have learned about how to teach meaningful learning and to avoid rote learning. Therefore, I know several techniques to make sure that my students are gaining and retaining the knowledge that I am teaching.

  22. Memory • As a teacher, how will I teach meaningful learning? • As a teacher, I will create my lessons to engage my students’ attention. I will not just simply hand our worksheets and have the students fill in and hand in the worksheets. To help with the retention and learning, I will make my students fun exercises that will help them retain the information and store it into their long term memory.

  23. Development • refers to the biological and psychological changes that occur in human beings between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing autonomy.

  24. Development • Physiomotor-A child learns about itself and the environment through its reflexes and motor actions. • Pre-Operational- Occurs when the children begin to use language, symbols, and represent objects. • Concrete Operational- Occurs when the child becomes able to think abstractly and make rational judgments • Formal Operational-Occurs when the child is capable of hypothetical and deductive reasoning.

  25. Development • Concrete Operational • For some of the slower students that I might have in my classroom in this stage of development I need to make sure that my exercises are at a good level of difficulty for my students, without excluding those that are not as developed. • Formal Operational • Since I am going to become a Secondary Education Spanish teacher, most of my students will be in the formal operational stage of development.

  26. Development • What are some ways to make sure all of my students are learning at their development level, but effectively? • For those who are not quite at the formal operational stage, I would make sure that I create exercises that they would be able to complete and comprehend. Several of the students that are not quite at the formal operational stage probably have some disability and therefore, I would also need to talk to an expert in that area to make sure that my students are learning effectively. I also need to remember to challenge those who are at the formal operational level, so they do not become bored with the class.

  27. Individual Differences • Individual differences is the psychology examines how people are similar and how they differ in their thinking, feeling and behavior.

  28. Individual differences • Intellectual Disabilities- Is an external problem, these individuals have a low working memory, familial and organic problems. • Learning Disabilities- Is an internal problem that is not related to working memory, ex. Dyslexia • Physical Disabilities- Is an external problem relating to a physical problem ex. Blindness • Emotional Disabilities- Is an internal problem with behavior.

  29. Individual differences • For all of my students with disabilities, I will try to incorporate and make the classroom, as comfortable as possible. • Intellectual Disability • I will give these students the attention they need. If if requires some extra assistance or different tests and quizzes, I will provide them for my students. • Learning Disability • For these students, I will make sure that they are learning effectively, and if not I will ask the administration for further guidance or assistance. • Physical Disability • For these students, I will set up my classroom in the most appropriate way for them to be able to learn in the most effective way. • Emotional Disability • For these students, when I see problems in the classroom, such as disrupting the classroom, I will try and pull them aside and express my interest in their issues and let them know that I care.

  30. Individual differences • There are several different individual differences that I might encounter as a teacher, how will I handle this? • As a teacher, I will make several different and extra exercises, that will be necessary to those with individual differences. When needed I will also seek help from my peers or administration when needed. It is important that I keep in touch with my students about their issues in the classroom, as well as issues at home.

  31. Group differences • Differences between individuals backgrounds and home lives, such as ethnicity, race, gender etc.

  32. Group differences • Gender-is the wide set of characteristics that are seen to distinguish between female and male entities, extending from one's biological sex to, in humans, one's social role or gender identity. • Race- usually refers to the categorization of humans into populations or ancestral groups on the basis of various sets of heritable characteristics • Socio-Economic Status-  is an economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family’s economic and social position relative to others, based on income, education, and occupation.

  33. Group differences • Gender • It is important as a teacher, to incorporate all people effectively. Therefore, when I create my lessons I need to make sure that I relate to both, males and females in my class. • Race • Also I need to include all of the races that are in my classroom, it is important to not exclude any of my students, so that their learning experience is not inhibited. • Socio-economic Status • This group difference is the most important difference in students. The parenting styles are one of the most important factors in a child’ life. The higher SES parents tend to be Mission Driven parents, encouraging their children to have goals and accomplish them. The lower SES parenting style is commonly called “Gardening” because the parents simply give their children just enough attention to survive, these students may need more attention and guidance. I need to be aware of the students and their home lives in my classroom, so that I can make the best judgment and be the most helpful and motivating teacher I can be.

  34. Group differences • How will I try my students who come from a lower SES home and those that come from a high SES home? • Well, it is important to realize that just because some of my students are going to come from a less nurturing home life than others, that I can’t just simply along them to disrupt my classroom and have no punishment. I plan on treating all of the my students fairly, but in some cases I might need to take a little extra time to give students guidance and motivation. My hope is to make these students feel like they are smart and they can do anything they put there mind to.

  35. Task Analysis • Task Analysis is the analysis of how a task is accomplished, including a detailed description of both manual and mental activities, task and element durations, task frequency, task allocation, task complexity, environmental conditions, necessary clothing and equipment, and any other unique factors involved in or required for one or more people to perform a given task.

  36. Task Analysis • Knowledge- expertise, and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject. • Subject Matter Analysis-is the examination and evaluation of the subject matter  • High/low level Questioning- asking meaningful and deeper level thinking questions or asking memorization and rote learning questions.

  37. Task analysis • Knowledge • If becoming a teacher is not a give away for my feeling about knowledge than I don’t know what would be. Therefore, task analysis deals with the delivery and retaining of knowledge in any subject. • Subject Matter Analysis • Subject Matter Analysis examines the amount of knowledge that my students have gained from my classroom. I plan on making sure that my students have accomplished and learned the knowledge that I have given them, through worksheets, projects, tests, and quizzes. • High/low level questioning • I will examine their knowledge and subject matter analysis through higher level questioning and by avoiding lower level questions. It is important to ask questions and instruct the classroom with an objective, so that the students will be able to apply the subject and relate it to their lives.

  38. Task analysis How will I know how to make the questions and subject material meaningful learning? I will make it meaningful learning by making sure that there is a objective and a task that they can accomplish through these objectives. How will I make sure that my students are able to apply their knowledge from my class to their real life? • I will do this by taking them on field trips to different Spanish speaking places and have them apply their language skills they have learned in my classroom.

  39. Assessment • Assessment shows what a student knows and what they can do with the knowledge gained in the classroom.

  40. Assessment • Direct Instruction- directing and teaching the class exacting what the teacher wants them to be learning, there is little room for imagination. • Discovery Learning- is learning through discovery, discovering the material on one’s own, it can sometimes be considered self taught. • Mastery Learning- is learning that accomplishes a result, the student is considered a master at the topic or subject

  41. assessment • Direct Instruction and Discovery Learning • In my methods class, we often talk about both direct instruction and discovery learning. In this my both are considered important while learning a language. When we learned our first language it was all learned through discovery learning. In fact, in my methods class we are supposed to do a little direct instruction as possible. I plan on teaching with both, because solely discovery learning is just too difficult. • Mastery Learning • Through both of my instruction methods, direct and discovery, I hope and plan that my students will become a master of the language of Spanish and be able to communicate it well, as well as the concepts.

  42. assessment How do I plan on making sure that by teaching some discovery learning that my students do not get lost? • I plan teaching my students through meaningful discovery learning, this means that after the initial discovery of the concept, they are to apply it to something meaningful so that they retain and understand the knowledge. How can I make sure my students are becoming a master at the subject matter? This is done through assessment, by assessing my students knowledge often enough, so that I am updated on their progress, through tests, quizzes, and homework.

  43. Conclusion • Topics Covered throughout my Application: • Educational Psychology as a Science • Behaviorism • Modeling • Self Efficacy • Memory • Development • Individual Differences • Group Differences • Task Analysis • Assessment

  44. conclusion • Throughout, my application I have discussed how I plan on incorporating all that I have learned in EDPS 457 into my classroom. All of the topics have been important to understanding adolescent psychology and as a future teacher, I am now aware of several topics and issues that I was not before.

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