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SG2 Perspectives on M2M, IoT & 5G. Dr. Sherif Guinena Chairman of ITU-T SG2 NTRA, EGYPT. Outline. Role of ITU-T SG2 regarding NNAI. Main areas of activities/Questions of SG2 on NNAI. Numbering for global networks and services.
SG2 PerspectivesonM2M, IoT & 5G Dr. Sherif Guinena Chairman of ITU-T SG2 NTRA, EGYPT
Outline • Role of ITU-T SG2 regarding NNAI. • Main areas of activities/Questions of SG2 on NNAI. • Numbering for global networks and services. • New addressing assignment criteria to foster global M2M/IoT • SG2 role in Management Aspects of 5G and IoT SGLA Meeting, Budapest
WTSA-12 Outcomes SGLA Meeting, Budapest
ITU-T SG2 Structure SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Allocation and Assignment of INRs for Global Services • Mainly governed by E.164, E.164.1, E.190, E.212, … • Revision of E.164.1 in 2009, allowed for services that are standardized outside of ITU-T; opened the gate for multitude of services based on interoperation of legacy infrastructure with IP infrastructures. • Noticeable trend for demand of theses INR resources: (Global Shared CC+IC and MCC+MNC codes). • Increasing trend for M2M and IoT applications. • ITU-T SG2 is studying new assignment criteria. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
M2M is highly growing Source: Machine Research, Vienna, October 2014 SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Global Connected Devices(M2M third of the Total) SGLA Meeting, Budapest
The Future is for IoT/M2M: Use Cases • Fleet management connectivity. • Logistics operation and maintenance • Telematics for the automation industry. • Communication for utilities, including Automatic Metering Infrastructure (AMI), SCADA communication for grid-control and related monitoring systems. • Connected alarm systems for security, surveillance, fire-detection etc. • Point-of-sales and logistics • Vending-machine communications. • Digital signage and in-store media • Traffic surveillance and automatic information systems • Water- and waste management applications. • Various meter reading systems for water, electricity and gas. • Remote Climate and Air conditioning • eHealth healthcare infrastructure such as automatic pill dispensers, various hospital-to-home solutions. • Automatic pest control systems, including smart rat-traps. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
M2M Addressing Options • The identifiers needed for M2M applications in public networks are: E.164 (e.g. MSISDN) and E.212 (IMSI) numbers, as well as IPv4? and IPv6addresses. • IPv6 was seen as the long term addressing resource for M2M. Other alternative are under research (possibly not IP !?? Will the best-effort based concept change?) • However, it is expected that E.164/E.212 will remain for the short to medium term, or longer (but uncertainty exits!) • M2M application mostly will require access to mobile networks, either for mobility (including roaming), or if dispersed over wide area, or for use in rural areas. “High demand for MCC+MNC foreseen for M2M applications” SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Extraterritorial use (Roaming) of M2M • Many M2M applications are marketed on temporary mobilityor permanent roamingfor extraterritorial use. • Temporary : either short roaming or frequent roaming • Permanent roaming, is challenging to national regulations, e.g. public interests and security. • M2M Roaming based on National E.212 numbering resources seems impractical, although possible : Potential for agreements with 200+MSs and 700+ OAs SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Current Numbering Options for M2M • CEPT concept on current Numbering options for M2M* : • Existing or new national E.164 (mainly mobile) number ranges; • National E212 IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity); • International Global E.164 numbers (ITU: CC 882/883); • International Global E.212 IMSI under MCC 901; • Network internal numbers. *Source: BEREK draft report BoR (15) 141 and ECC report 153 SGLA Meeting, Budapest
International Global Shared INRs for M2M. • Shared CC 882/883 allocated for global networks, associated with 2-3 digits for network ID. • For global mobility, shared MCC 901 with 2-3 digits MNC has been allocated. • Service Providers that are qualified for an MNC under MCC 901 are able to operate cross-border services using a single SIM. Change of operator need change of all SIMs! • In the medium to long-term it is expected that embedded SIM (Directly Assigned, or OTA Assigned “NEW”) for M2M applications will grow extensively. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Work in SG2 to Respond to Market Needs • Proposals under consideration by SG2 to RELAX the assignment criteria and procedures: • Explicitly allow the assignment of MNCs to cater for the needs of market players other than “public networks offering public telecommunication services”(e.g. to private networks and SP). • New shared MCCs (e.g. 90X) to provide MNCs for emerging business models such as M2M service providers and SMS service providers especially whereservices are provided on a global basis. • ITU-T SG2 Rapporteur Group meeting 6-9 OCT 2015 to produce a draft E.212 Anx’s., for consideration by SG2 meeting 20 JAN 2016. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Other Addressing Options Under Study. • Mixing of 2-digit and 3-digit MNCs under already-assigned geographical MCCs, to enable new market players, to foster competition, and increase numbering efficiency. • Mandatory use of 3-digit MNCs only*in all newly-assigned geographic MCCs in order to conserve existing capacity*. • Allow for n-digit MNCs (with n>3) to accommodate future demand for MNCs*. * Higher digit for MNCs = less numbering capacity for the OA * For future consideration by ITU-T SG2. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Impact of the possible new E.212 Annex(s) • Evolution of new market players based on: • Assignment to non-public operators (e.g. M2M, IoT, SMS, …) providers and network operators (e.g. private M2M operator)). • Granulizing the Global Shared Numbering resources in smaller blocks (3 vs 2 digits MNCs) trying to satisfy increasing demand and increasing efficiency of utilization. • Possible relaxation of the current criteria that global operators need to have structures in more than one country. • Appears to have great impact on the current and near term M2M/IoTmarketplace ! SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Possible Challenges • Will significantly increase demand and assignments of MNCs under a given MCC for M2M and IoT providers and networks. Possible need to open new numbering ranges?. • Any technical or functional limitations for too many MNCs under one MCC? • Effect on operational aspects of public networks (existing or future), bearing in mind current roaming arrangements? SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Possible Challenges • QoS/QoE issues? Degradation on current users? • Interconnection agreements/commercial agreements/contracts/Service Level Agreements between OAs? Need collaborative work between t SG2, relevant SGs and other SDOs and OAa SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Other NNAI Studies in SG2 • SG2 (and SG3) are mandated by WTSA 8,12 (Res. 64) to study issues of allocation and economic aspects of IP addresses, as well as encouraging deployment of IPv6. • SG2 membership will be encouraged to initiate studies in collaboration with SG20 on IoT requirements from this resource, and the roadmap for the migration path from the current addressing based on global INRs as E.164/E.212 to IPv6, or other alternatives if they do evolve!). • Other issues under consideration in SG2 include : • Origin identification and CLI spoofing • Misuse of numbering resources. • Revenue generation from INRs to balance the Union budget, SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Final Remarks • IoT/M2M services will grow dramatically, as well as demand for numbering resources. • Classical telecommunications numbers (E.164 and E.212) will continue to be a one solution to identify M2M entities. In the longer term, the use of IPv6 addresses might become the preferred solution??. • Several alternatives under study in ITU-T SG2 to respond to immediate as well as to medium and long market needs. • Efforts to prolong the use of INRs for IoT/M2M to a some longer term. Scarcity of MCCs, and MNCs in particular, should be closely monitored. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Final Remarks • Studies of IPv6 in SG2 would be focused on the IoT/M2M addressing requirement until another long term option evolves. • SG2 will be happy to manage any other IP-like addressing evolutions should they are evolved in other some other SG/SDO. • invite contributions to initiate similar studies for addressing and identification requirement for 5G, taking into consideration the currently evolving infrastructure options. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Mobile Evolution to 5G SGLA Meeting, Budapest
5G Targets SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Management Requirement for 5G • IMT2020 (5G) roadmap considers alternatives for the architectural requirement for 5G, on top is those based on SDN technology; • There are views* that the current SDN technology is limited to programmability of the control plane, and R&D is ongoing on extension of programmability to the data plane; • So, it was proposed that 5G infrastructure must support deeper data plane programmability for defining new protocols and mechanisms, especially at the edge of the network. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Management Requirements for 5G • Performance requirement for 5G (e.g. e2e low latency, QoS/QoE,..………) increases demand for resource management, resource off-loading (redundancy elimination), data storage, and mobile sensing. • Separation of the data plane and the control plane, enabled network functions virtualization, that motivated for a distributed management architecture as a management cloud, to seek optimization over end-to-end path. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Management Requirements for 5G • According to the proposed slicing concept, in which virtual portions of each block of the infrastructure is reserved for run certain application, high demand will be put on the OAM functions. • In the hybrid fixed-mobile networks environment, interoperability of OAM systems should be prioritized. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
SG2 Responsibilities in Network Management • SG2 WP2 (Q5/2, Q6/2, Q7/2) is responsible to develop standards on NMS, Questions are: Q5) Requirements, priorities and planning for the generation of telecommunicatii7on management and OAM Recommendations. Q6) Interface specifications and specification methodology. Q7) Management Architecture and Security. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
SG2 (WP2) experiences in OAM • SG2 WP2 (Q5/2, Q6/2, Q72) gained experience in the areas of Cloud Computing Management, Network Functions Virtualization NFV, which are basic building blocks for a decentralized management system. • Current activities include developing in collaboration with SG13 Recommendation regarding : • Rec. M.occm/Y.e2ecm “Common Model for End-to-end Cloud Computing Management” M.mivrcc “ Requirements and analysis for management interface of virtualized resources in cloud computing” and M.rcsm“Requirements for Service Management in Cloud-Integrated Telecom Business Support system/Operational Support Systems” SGLA Meeting, Budapest
SG2 (WP2) Collaborative work • All WP2 Qs has broad collaboration with other relevant ITU-T SGs Questions and other external SDOs (e.g. SG11 (JCA-CIT), SG13 (JRG-CCM, developing three Rec. on CCM), SG17 (security), Telecom Management & OAM Project Plan, 3GPP, SNO (Service and Network Operations group, which reports to SG2), ….etc. • Recent liaison to JCA-SDN and 3GPP regarding the study on network management of virtualized networks. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Final Remarks • Several areas are still pre-mature, in particular Network Management of 5G and NNAI in IoT and its subclass M2M. Several options and philosophies of networks architecture still under study. • SG2 put its experiences gained according to its lead role in NNAI, services definition and networks operation and management , to participate and collaborate from the early stages in the evolution process of 5G and IoT. SGLA Meeting, Budapest
Dr. Sherif Guinena Dr.Sherif@Guinena.net Thank You Dr.Guinena@ntra.gov.eg SGLA Meeting, Budapest