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Beginnings of an American Identity, 1689–1763. American colonists developed common values and established a foundation for representative government. Britain defeated France in the French and Indian War. In courtroom speech Patrick Henry declares, "Give me liberty, or give me death.". NEXT.
Beginnings of an American Identity,1689–1763 American colonists developed common values and established a foundation for representative government. Britain defeated France in the French and Indian War. In courtroom speech Patrick Henry declares, "Give me liberty, or give me death." NEXT
Beginnings of an American Identity,1689–1763 SECTION 1 Early American Culture SECTION 2 Roots of Representation SECTION 3 The French and Indian War NEXT
Section 1 Early American Culture The British colonies were shaped by prosperity, literacy, and new movements in religion and thought. NEXT
SECTION 1 Early American Culture Land, Rights, and Wealth • Cheap farmland, many resources give colonists chance to prosper • Property owners, landowners, city dwellers who pay fee could vote • American colonies have three classes: - high rank—large landowners - middle rank—small farmers - low rank—servants, slaves, hired workers Chart • Colonial women hold the same rank as their husbands or fathers NEXT
SECTION 1 Women and the Economy • Enslaved African women help raise cash crops • Most white women are farm wives: do housework, tend gardens, animals • Also work in fields, barter with neighbors for goods and services • Women in towns do housework, some run inns, businesses Image • Women could not vote, preach, or hold office • Women could not own property without husband’s permission NEXT
SECTION 1 Young People at Work • Colonial families often large; more children means more workers • At age 6, boys are “breeched,” help father at work • At age 11, boys often become apprentices—learn trade from craftsmen Image • Work free 4—7 years; receive necessities, training; then work for wages • Girls rarely apprenticed, learn household skills from mother • At age 13 or 14, often sent to households to learn specialized skills NEXT
SECTION 1 Colonial Schooling • Most children are taught to read to understand Bible • Only children from rich families learn writing, arithmetic • Poor children learn reading from mother or “dame schools” • Textbooks emphasize religion • Colonial America has high literacy rate • Educated African Americans rare; illegal to teach enslaved to read NEXT
SECTION 1 Newspapers and Books • Many newspapers appear in colonial America • Most books come from England; gradually colonists publish own books • Almanacs, regional histories, personal stories are popular • Captivity narratives popular, about colonists captured by Native Americans NEXT
SECTION 1 The Great Awakening • Many colonists lose religious passion; religion seems dry, distant • In 1730s, 1740s, the Great Awakening religious movement is influential: - emphasizes inner religious emotion - deemphasizes outward religious behavior • Jonathan Edwards is a popular preacher involved with Great Awakening Continued . . . NEXT
SECTION 1 continued The Great Awakening • Great Awakening changes colonial culture: - congregations argue about religious practices, split apart - many join other Protestant groups - some groups welcome women - some groups welcome African Americans, Native Americans • Inspires George Whitefield;sermons raise money for home for orphans Image • Great Awakening encourages equality, right to challenge authority NEXT
SECTION 1 The Enlightenment • The Enlightenmentemphasizes knowledge through reason, science • Benjamin Franklin is famous American Enlightenment figure • Enlightenment begins in Europe; scientists discover natural laws Continued . . . NEXT
SECTION 1 continued The Enlightenment • English philosopher John Locke says people have natural rights: - rights to life, liberty, property - natural rights protected by government - if government fails, people have right to change it • Ideas about natural rights, government influence Europe, colonies NEXT
Section 2 Roots of Representation Colonists expected their government to preserve their basic rights as English subjects. NEXT
SECTION 2 Roots of Representation The Rights of Englishmen • In 1215, King John is forced to accept Magna Carta(Great Charter) Image • Magna Carta grants rights to English noblemen and freemen: - cannot have property seized by king or his officials - in most cases, cannot be taxed unless council agrees - cannot be put on trial without witnesses - can be punished only by jury of peers • Over time, rights of Magna Carta are granted to all English people NEXT
SECTION 2 Parliament and Colonial Government • Parliament—England’s chief lawmaking body has two houses: - members of House of Commons are elected by the people - members of House of Lords are nonelected •English colonists form representative assemblies like House of Commons Continued . . . NEXT
SECTION 2 continued Parliament and Colonial Government • English colonists govern themselves in some ways •England has authority over colonial governments • Parliament has no colonial representatives • Passes laws that affect colonies • Colonists dislike these laws, clash with king-appointed royal governor NEXT
SECTION 2 A Royal Governor’s Rule • James II becomes king (1685), imposes strict rule on colonies • Combines Massachusetts and Northern colonies into one dominion • Appoints royal governor Edmund Andros to rule dominion Image • Andros ends representative assemblies; colonists refuse to pay taxes NEXT
SECTION 2 England’s Glorious Revolution • English Parliament overthrows King James, appoints William and Mary • Change in leadership is called England’s Glorious Revolution(1688) Continued . . . NEXT
SECTION 2 continued England’s Glorious Revolution • William and Mary uphold the English Bill of Rights(1689): - monarch cannot cancel laws, - cannot impose taxes unless Parliament agrees - free elections, frequent meetings of Parliament - excessive fines and cruel punishment forbidden - people can complain to monarch without being arrested • Establishes government based on law, not on desires of ruler • American colonists claim these rights NEXT
SECTION 2 Shared Power in the Colonies • After Glorious Revolution, Massachusetts regains self-government • Still have king-appointed royal governor • Governor, his council, colonial assembly share power Chart Continued . . . NEXT
SECTION 2 continued Shared Power in the Colonies • Royal governor can strike down laws • Colonial assembly responsible for governor’s salary • If governor blocks law, assembly might refuse to pay him • England has little involvement in colonial affairs—salutary neglect • Governors rarely enforce certain laws; colonists feel independent NEXT
SECTION 2 The Zenger Trial • John Peter Zenger—publisher of New-York Weekly Journal Image • In 1735, he prints criticism of New York’s governor • At the time, illegal to criticize government in print • Stands trial; jury says he has right to speak truth • Is released; colonists move toward freedom of press NEXT
Section 3 The French and Indian War Britain’s victory in the French and Indian War forced France to give up its North American colonies. NEXT
SECTION 3 The French and Indian War France Claims Western Lands • French claim territory from Appalachian range to Rocky Mountains (1682) • Main French settlements along the St. Lawrence River in Canada • Colony of New France’s population about 80,000 (1760) • British colonies’ population more than a million settlers (1760) • Many Europeans in New France work as fur traders Image NEXT
SECTION 3 Native American Alliances • English compete with French for furs • Native American groups compete to supply furs to Europeans • Huron, Algonquin peoples allies of French; Iroquois allies of English • Series of wars between French, English, and Native American allies • Final war is the French and Indian War (1754—1763) NEXT
SECTION 3 Conflict in the Ohio River Valley • British fur traders move into Ohio River Valley (1750s) • French destroy village and British trading post to keep British out • French build forts to protect region; Virginia colony upset, claim region • French refuse to leave, capture English fort, rename it Fort Duquesne NEXT
SECTION 3 War Begins and Spreads • George Washington surrenders Fort Necessity to French troops (1754) • French and Indian War part of larger Seven Years’ War • Seven Years’ War is worldwide struggle for empire between Britain, France • Iroquois refuse to ally themselves with British • Benjamin Franklin’s plan to unite colonies—Albany Plan of Union • Colonial legislatures defeat this plan NEXT
SECTION 3 Braddock’s Defeat • British send General Edward Braddock, two regiments to Virginia • Braddock and his troops defeated by French and Indian troops (1755) Interactive • Braddock killed; second-in-command Washington miraculously survives NEXT
SECTION 3 The British Take Quebec • By 1759, British control six French forts • For two months British unable to capture the fort at Quebec • Finally, British troops sneak up cliff path, attack fort in morning Image • British commander James Wolfe, French commander Montcalm killed • British defeat French at Battle of Quebec; turning point of war NEXT
SECTION 3 The Treaty of Paris • Britain, France battle in other parts of world three more years • Seven Years’ War ends in 1763; British win • Treaty of Paris: - Britain claims all of North America east of the Mississippi - France gives New Orleans and Louisiana territory to Spain - Britain gives Cuba, Philippines to Spain for Florida - ends French power in North America NEXT
SECTION 3 Pontiac’s Rebellion • British settlers move onto Native American lands • Native Americans attack settlers, destroy forts—Pontiac’s Rebellion • British give Delaware war leaders smallpox-infected blankets • This starts deadly outbreak; Native Americans retreat • British issue Proclamation of 1763: - forbids colonists to settle west of Appalachians - angers colonists who thought they had won right to settle Map NEXT
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