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The resolution aims to reallocate the existing unvoted inside tax millage for permanent improvements in the Logan-Hocking Local School District. Learn about the proposed changes, the difference between unvoted and voted millage, and the needs of the school district. Find out if this resolution will impact your real estate taxes.
Public HearingAugust 26, 2019 The Logan-Hocking Local School District Re-allocation of Inside Tax Millage Paul F. Shaw CPA CGMA RSBFO - Treasurer
QUICK OVERVIEW- What does the resolution say?- What does the resolution mean?- What is the difference between “unvoted millage” vs “voted millage”?- What are permanent improvements?- What are the “needs” of the School District?- Why act now to pass this resolution?- Will my real estate taxes increase?Questions and Discussion
Resolution Authorizing CHANGES to PREVIOUSLY EXISTING UNVOTED Permanent Improvement Levies • (Ohio Revised Code Sections 5705.314, 5705.06 and 5705.09) • WHEREAS, a permanent improvement is defined under R.C. 5705.01(E) as any property, asset or improvement with an estimated useful life or usefulness of five years or more; and WHEREAS, the School District is authorized by law to acquire, construct or improve a specific permanent improvement or any class of permanent improvements which could be included in a single bond issue; and • WHEREAS, in its budgets for Fiscal Year 2020 (2019-2020) the Board will have identified the need for certain permanent improvements (the "Permanent Improvements") for the School District; and • NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Education of the Logan-Hocking Local School District, Hocking, Perry, and Vinton Counties, Ohio, that: • Section 1. The Board levy a 2.9 mill unvoted permanent improvement – general - levy (currently 1.875 mill) for Tax Collection Year 2020 to fund the Permanent Improvements. Such levy shall also be included in the Tax Budget for Fiscal Year 2021. • Section 2. The Board levy a 1.0 mill unvoted permanent improvement - technology - levy (currently .5 mill) for Tax Collection Year 2020 to fund the Permanent Improvements. Such levy shall also be included in the Tax Budget for Fiscal Year 2021. • Section 3. It is hereby found and determined that all formal actions of this Board concerning and relating to the passage of this Resolution were taken in an open meeting of this Board, and that all deliberations of this Board and of any of its committees that resulted in such formal action were in meetings open to the public, in compliance with all legal requirements, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code. • Section 4.Note that this action reallocates existing unvoted inside tax millage. There is no change in the total unvoted inside tax millage rate (3.9 mills total).
WHAT? The Treasurer and Superintendent are recommending that the Logan-Hocking Local Board of Education adopt a resolution at its August 26, 2019 Regular Board meeting that would reallocate the existing, unvoted inside tax millage as follows: Current Proposed Change General Fund 1.525 0.000 -1.525 Perm Improvmt – General 1.875 2.900 +1.025 Perm Improvmt – Technology 0.500 1.000 +0.500 Grand Total 3.9003.9000.000
Q) What is meant by “unvotedinside tax mills”? Don’t local taxpayers approve all local tax levies? A) Local tax levies are divided into two types – “unvoted” inside mills and “voted” outside mills. “Unvotedinside mills”are provided by the Ohio Constitution and date back to 1910/1928/1934. There are ten inside mills per taxing district in each county. Logan-Hocking School District (LHLSD) was/is allocated 3.90 total “unvoted” inside mills (NO CHANGE TAKING PLACE). Boards of Education are entrusted to allocate their unvoted inside millage as they deem appropriate. “Voted outside mills” are mills that are voted on by the public. Local examples of voted “outside” mills are operating tax levies totaling 26.70 mills approved in 1971, 1975 and 1981 (the School District’s last one!), and bond issues approved in 1989 (middle school and elementary additions) and 2001 (Logan High School, middle school additions, all new elementaries, and locally funded initiatives – theater, stadium, etc.)
Q) What are “permanent improvements”? A)“Permanent improvements” are assets which are expected to last five years or more. This would include buildings, buses, textbooks, computers and computer infrastructure, equipment, etc. and personnel costs that are directly related to these assets i.e. bus mechanics, technology technicians, maintenance staff. Expenditures out of the permanent improvement fund are restricted. For example, no such funds can be used for administrative or teacher salaries!
Q) A “Needs Analysis” was compiled for the School District. Who compiled it and what permanent improvement needs will be met by this reallocation of tax millage? A) The Treasurer compiled it in consultation with the Superintendent and administrative staff. The following needs were identified and quantified: - Student Chromebooks/staff computers/infrastructure/maintenance - Textbooks-continued rotation- including online licenses and digital academy needs - Transportation-continued scheduled replacement rotation – busses, vans, support vehicles, maintenance - Safety and Security – Federal COPS grant (doors/phones/UF emergency radio repeater/backup electric generators (note public forums held 3/2018 and 4/2019) - Debt service for last phase of construction – Central & Green Elementaries– and the Chieftain Center - Annual provisions for The Arts/Curriculum/Chieftain Stadium turf/track replacement - Current buildings and grounds improvement and maintenance
Q) When, and Why now? A) The School District’s assessed tax valuation, on which real estate and tangible personal property taxes are paid, is about to increase significantly as a result of the Leach Xpress pipeline (in-service 1/1/2018). Because of this, it is anticipated and expected that the Hocking County Budget Commission will REDUCE the outside voted bond millage tax rate. By the School Board acting now to address its needs, local taxpayers should see minimal impact on their net taxes, if any, as a result of the proposed inside unvoted inside tax millage re-allocation. The anticipated current REDUCTION in the outside voted bond millage, coupled with recent past years REDUCTIONS in the same, should offset any potential impact of taxes increasing as a result of the inside tax millage reallocation. This is an attempt to levelize taxes, versus seeing taxes go up and down as attempts are made to address needs of the School District. If done at another time, taxpayers would more than likely see an increase in taxes.
The Notice of Public Hearing • The Notice of Public Hearing , required to be published twice in the Logan Daily News, included wording required by the Ohio Revised Code that said my taxes might increase as a result of the Board’s action . • Why did it say my taxes may increase? • Will my real estate taxes be going up? • LOGAN-HOCKING LOCAL SCHOOL DISTRICT • HOCKING, PERRY, AND VINTON COUNTIES, OHIO • NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING • (Revised Code Section 5705.314) • There will be a public hearing of the Board of Education (the “Board”) of the Logan-Hocking Local School District, Hocking, Perry, and Vinton Counties, Ohio (the “School District”) at 5:00 p.m., Monday, August 26, 2019, at the Logan High School Library, 14470 St. Rt. 328, Logan Ohio 43138. The public hearing will solely address a proposal of the Board to change its levies within the ten mill limitation to 2.900 mill (currently 1.875) for permanent improvements – GENERAL, to 1.000 mill (currently .500 mill)) for permanent improvements – TECHNOLOGY, and to 0.000 mill (currently 1.525) for the General Fund - of the School District. There is NO CHANGE in the TOTAL levy within the ten mill limitation (3.900 total mills before and after the proposed change). Such proposal would commence in 2019, and be first effective in calendar year 2020. • The change proposed by the Board may result in an increase in the amount of real property taxes levied by the Board.
Why the hearing notice states , by law, that “…. May result in an increase in tax amount of real property taxes levied”Assume: No change in school district tax base, school district at 20 mil floor, move 1.525 inside mills General Fund to Permanent Improvement Before After NOT Logan-Hocking’s Situation- The above would result in tax increase
Assume: School Districts Tax Base changes CONSIDERABLYSchool District at 20 mill floor School District has Debt Service Levy of 2.6 millsThat budget commission reduces debt service levy by 1.6 mills Before After Similar to LH Situation but NOT exact- Essentially no change in net tax.
Thank You and Questions • It is highly recommended that the Board take action to approve the related resolution this evening. • The result will provide continued funding for the permanent improvement needs of the School District at minimal net cost to the School District’s taxpayers. • A win-win-win for all involved – the students, School District and School District’s taxpayers
Recent Social Mediaparticipant stated “…closely look at District’s surplus…” to see if this inside millage shift is clearly required. • School District’s General Fund carryover cash balance has been declining: • Cash balance at 7/1/15 $8,516,945 • FY 2016 Surplus +926,400 • FY 2017 Deficit -432,403 • FY 2018 Deficit -1,049,080 • FY 2019 Deficit -1,558,421 • Cash Balance at 7/1/19 $5,573441 • Perm Improv Unencumbered (Uncommitted) Carryover Fund Bal at 6/30/19: • Bus Purchase (003 9194)0 • Athletic Turf/Video Board/Track (003 955A) 26,718 • Textbooks (003 9905) 0 • Technology (003 9910) 27,246 • General (003 9999) 3,594 Total Available at 7/1/19$57,558 • CONCLUSION: NO CURRENT SURPLUS EXISTS / INSIDE MILLAGE MOVE IS CLEARLY REQUIRED