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Physical Activity/Physical Education. Community Health Assessment and Group Evaluation (CHANGE)
Physical Activity/Physical Education Community Health Assessment and Group Evaluation (CHANGE) CHANGE is a data collection tool and planning resource for community members, including schools, who want to make a healthier community. The division of Adult and Community Health at the National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention established the CHANGE tool. The tool was designed for all communities that are interested in building a healthy community environment. The development of the CHANGE tool began in 2007 with the purpose to gather and organize data on community assets and potential areas for improvement. School is only a sector of the whole plan. The School sector includes all primary and secondary institutions. Our District participated in a survey for the School sector in conjunction with Kings Daughters Medical Center. The survey required an assessment of policy and environmental implementation of priority areas designated by CHANGE. The following table presents the results of our survey based on percentage of 100 showing full implementation: Russell Independent Wellness Report Card 2010-2011 WALK TO SCHOOL DAY As part of our Walk to School Program, on October 7, 2009 the District partnered with FIVCO and the City of Russell to encourage students to walk more, including the use of sidewalks for walking safety. Sixty-two students participated in the walk prior to the start of school that day, along with several administrators and civic leaders. The Russell Independent Board of Education is committed to providing our students with nutritious meals and multiple physical activity opportunities. National Recognition Award Alliance for a Healthier Generation presented Russell High School with its National Recognition Award for 2010-2011. The award was a result of the school changing its breakfast time to after first period, instead of, prior to the start of school. The change increased breakfast participation from 14% to over 40% for the 2009-2010 year. Read more about the award at www.healthiergeneration.org/schools. Policy Environment Overall District 88% 89% Physical Activity 100% 100% Nutrition 86% 86% Tobacco 40% 80% Leadership 84% 85% Chronic Disease Management 90% 93% After School 100% 100% Information about CHANGE and the the survey results are available for review by contacting the District Health or Wellness Coordinator. Dr. Susan E. Compton, Superintendent Jenny Bates, District Health Coordinator Dennis Chambers, Food Service Director Becky Roark, Wellness Coordinator .
School Breakfast Program The School Breakfast Program (SBP) was established in 1966. School districts receive federal reimbursement for each school breakfast served that meets the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s nutrition guidelines. Studies show that children who participate in the School Breakfast Program have significantly higher standardized achievement test scores than non-participants. Children with access to school breakfast also had significantly reduced absence and tardiness rates. The table below provides a synopsis of the breakfast program, including participation, for the 2009 and 2010 school years: School Lunch Program The National School Lunch Program (NSLP) was conceived in 1946 as a “measure of national security to safeguard the health and well-being of the Nation’s children.” School districts receive federal reimbursement for each school lunch served that meets the United States Department of Agriculture nutrition guidelines. These guidelines promote meal quality while commodity donations help the farmer and help schools keep down meal prices. We make a concerted effort to further improve the nutritional quality of the meals we serve. The menu cycle provides for variety and allows us to make the most efficient use of the donated commodities, especially seasonal fresh fruits. We offer 1% and skim milk, as well as 100% fruit and vegetable juices. The table below provides a synopsis of the lunch program, including participation, for the 2009 and 2010 school years: Nutrient Analysis The Russell Independent Schools Food Service Program follows the Traditional Meal Service program. The program requires minimum serving amounts for protein, breads, dairy, fruit and vegetables. The program must also meet federal guidelines for calories from fat and saturated fat percentages for an average five day meal cycle. The nutritional analysis for each school is available on-line at www.russellind.kyschools.us. The Program also participates in the Kentucky Educational Development Corporation bidding process. Gordon Food Service is the selected vendor for food distribution. Nutritional analysis of all available food bids are on the KEDC website at www.kedc.org. School Foods While we do contract with retail establishments to provide entrée items, such as pizza, those items are available to students only one day each week. A list of all food and beverage items available to students during the day can be downloaded from our web site at www.russellind.kyschools.us under “Support Services”. Food and beverage items that are sold as extras on the cafeteria lines or through vending machines or school stores must meet the minimum nutritional standards adopted by the Kentucky Board of Education. These standards are designed to limit access to items with little or no nutrient density. No sales from machines or school stores take place until after the close of the school day.