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DADA 1915 -1922

DADA 1915 -1922. French for Hobbyhorse Declared purpose was to ridicule and protest the established values of society in response to the destruction from WW1 Satire – Humor with a political message Anti Art Readymades Ubsurdity. Marcel Duchamp. Fountain.

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DADA 1915 -1922

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  1. DADA 1915 -1922 • French for Hobbyhorse • Declared purpose was to ridicule and protest the established values of society in response to the destruction from WW1 • Satire – Humor with a political message • Anti Art • Readymades • Ubsurdity Marcel Duchamp

  2. Fountain

  3. Surrealism “As beautiful as the chance encounter of an umbrella and a sewing machine on a dissecting table.” - Andre Breton

  4. Surrealism • Began in Paris France, 1924 and still continues to influence modern art • A group of artists and writers led by the poet Andre Breton • Influenced by the work of Sigmund Freud and the Dada movement • Emphasizes fantasy, imagination, and the unconscious mind (dreams) • Utilizes juxtaposition (joining images together in impossible combinations) • to create bizarre and dreamlike imagery.

  5. Other Surreal Techniques • 1. JUXTAPOSITION. Juxtaposition. Juxtaposition • 2. DISLOCATION. Place an object in an environment where • it would normally not exist. • 3. Change an objects SIZE or SCALE • 4. LEVITATION. Make objects float or fly that normally would not. • 5. TRANSFORMATION. Convert, Metamorphose, Mutate. • 6. REPETITION. Repeat lines, shapes, textures, objects, etc.

  6. Georges De Chirico • Greek / Italian • Precursor to Surrealism • Poetic cityscapes • Trains, shadows and • classical architecture • Enigmatic Love Song

  7. The Conquest of the Philospher

  8. Salvador Dali • Spanish • Most well known and eccentric • Surrealist • Paranoic critical method • Hidden forms, melting clocks, • dream like landscapes • Hand painted dream photographs “Every morning when I wake up, I experience the joy – the joy of being Salvador Dali - and I ask myself in rapture, “What wonderful things this Salvador Dali is going to accomplish today?”

  9. “I do not take drugs, I am drugs.” Persistence of Memory

  10. Sleep

  11. Metamorphosis of Narcissus

  12. Rene Magritte • “I want to make familiar objects scream out loud.” • Belgium • Wallpaper designer and commercial artist • “Magic Realism” • Quiet • Visual Puzzles Time Transfixed

  13. The Son of Man • “My painting is visible images which conceal nothing; they evoke mystery and, indeed, when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question, 'What does that mean?'. It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable.”

  14. Golconda

  15. Castle in Pyrennes

  16. Presence of the Mind

  17. High Society

  18. Yves Tanguy • French sea merchant • Lunar landscapes and • seascapes • Amorphous – having no • recognizable shape.

  19. Through Birds, Through Fire and Not Through Glass

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