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Never Again!. We’re starting a new series : T he Armor of God. This morning’s message is titled Never Again ! Masada is one of the Israel’s greatest symbols. Israeli soldiers take an oath at Masada. Masada shall not fall again!
We’re starting a new series : The Armor of God. This morning’s message is titled Never Again! • Masada is one of the Israel’s greatest symbols. • Israeli soldiers take an oath at Masada. Masada shall not fall again! • Next to Jerusalem, it is the most popular destination for Jewish tourists visiting Israel. • It’s very moving what happened to 960 Jewish Zealots there during the 1st Century.
After Rome destroyed the Temple in AD 70, a group of Zealots escaped to a large rock in the Dead Sea. • Unfortunately for 3 years, they watched as the Roman soldiers built ramps up to the top. • When it was evident that Rome would eventually succeed, they decided to die. • They would rather do that than to fall into Rome’s hands. • When they broke through, the Romans shed tears at what they saw.
Today, Israeli Defense Force recruits are taken to Masada to be sworn in. • IDF motto: Never Again Will Masada Fall! • When the odds are against them, and they usually are, they will remind each of this. • Their country is no bigger than the state of New Jersey. • Yet, they have been able to survive in the midst of being surrounded & greatly outnumbered. Why? • Their resolve to survive.
Whether you realize it or not, you are at war. “Who? Me? At War? With Whom?” you ask. “Yes, YOU are at war with the devil!” • You may not have declared this war, but that doesn’t matter;you’re in it! • When you chose to follow Jesus, you crossed over into the enemy territory as far as the devil is concerned. • He will try every weapon in his arsenal to take you out.
That’s why the IDF’s motto is so applicable to our situation. Never again shall I fall back into the enemy’s hands. • As the Apostle Paul writes: Ephesians 6:13 – Therefore, put on every piece of God's armor so you will be able to resist the enemy in the time of evil. Then after the battle you will still be standing firm.
Put on the full armor of God, so when the dust settles, you will still be standing strong for the Lord. • And, not be another casualty of war. • Notice something very important that many people miss in this verse—it’s intentional on your part!
Although God has provided everything you need to be victorious in this battle, you must do your part. • There has to be a resolve on your part to be victorious. • You need the same conviction that the Israeli soldiers have and declare: Never again shall I fall into the enemy’s hands! In Jesus’ Name, I will overcome!
Why is this resolve or determination so important? • Those who are consistently defeated usually fall into 1 of 2 categories: • Not Enough Blessings – This is the group who blames God when things don’t go their way. I thought when I gave my heart to Jesus, all my problems would go away!? • When someone gets sick or the business is not good or whatever the problem is, they start to slide back.
Too Blessed • Life is good and the money is flowing. • Then, they start to slip. • They think, I don’t need God . . . • Money and success has a way of accentuating the negative in some people’s lives. • That is why many lottery winners lose it all in a year or 2.
The Masada Group • These are the ones that do not allow their circumstances dictate their relationship with God. • When they are blessed, they give more to God. • When things are bad, they press in knowing that He is the solution and not the problem. • They are the same whether in plenty or lack. What’s the difference? • Many answers . . .
But, the victorious ones have taken the time to put on armor of God and are ready for battle. • They’ve resolved to never fall or to retreat! • They have dug in and have drawn the line in the sand and declared, Never will I give in the devil! • 3 Hebrews did that before King Neb • Daniel drew the line with Darius • Peter did it on the shores of Galilee • Those who stand consistently have taken this challenge.
WWII Movies: Battle Stations! Man your battle stations! • The mood on the ship would change immediately. • Everyone knew where to go and what to do. • Each soldier had his job and he was well-trained to do it.
In a spiritual sense, do you realize there is a battle going on around us? • It is a battle we can’t see with our eyes, but it’s real. • I wonder what would happen if I yelled, Battle stations! Man your stations! Would you know where to go and what to do? Do you know how to fight our enemy? • Many would just look at me with that glassy eyed look that says, I don’t have a clue what to do?
That is why many Christians (although they have their fire insurance) are living in defeat. • They are constantly giving in to temptation and living a miserable, defeated, Christian life. • The reason is they are not aware of the spiritual war raging around them. • They’re walking aimlessly through the “no man’s land” in the crossfire and totally clueless.
By the end of this series on the Armor of God, you will have a better idea of how to stand, fight and not give in! Never again will we fall! Having done all to stand, stand! • Let’s start by learning about our enemy. • Although we need to learn about him, we do not want to give him too much credit even if it is negative. • But, we must understand some basics in order to successfully be able to fight him.
2 Extremes • Too Much Credit • Not Enough Respect • We need to be aware of who he is and how he works. • He is much smarter than we are, and that is why we need the power of the Holy Spirit working in us. • Without His power operating in us, not one of us could ever match the enemy’s schemes.
Ephesians 6:10-12 – Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (NKJV)
Let’s look at who our enemy is and break it down: • Who is satan? • He was created as an angel • He is a created being. Do you know what that means? • He is not all-powerful, all-knowing or onmi-present. • Only God is all those things. • Many people have the misconception that the devil and God are in a neck to neck battle.
And, at the last minute, the cavalry rides over the hill to save the day or satan would have won. • Not even close to being the truth! • On the devil’s best day, he can only play into God’s hand. The real match is not between God and satan but between man and satan. • Jesus defeated satan at the cross, and now He has empowered us to enforce His victory in this world.
He fell because of pride • 2nd, he was corrupted by pride. • Although angels are created beings, they also have a free will. • He wanted to be God. Isaiah 14:I will make my throne above all the other stars above heaven. I will set my throne on the mountain. I will ascend and I will be like God. • This prideful ambition led to his ruin, because the Bible says that pride comes before the fall.
He was condemned by God Luke 10:18 – "Yes," He told them, "I saw Satan fall from heaven like lightning!” Revelation 12:10b – For the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, he who accuses them before our God day and night. (NASB)
Satan fell and was thrown from heaven to earth along with a 1/3rd of the angels. • He has been trying to convince humans to do what he did ever since—think that we are “little gods”. • He tells people: • You don’t need church. • You don’t need God. • You can be a little god on your own.
That is how he deceived Adam & Eve in the garden. • He told them that they would become like God when they ate the forbidden fruit. • They tried to become like God but through disobedience. • And, that disobedience cost them what they already had—godlikeness.