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Welkom. DOES NOT FORGET!. WARM UP. Ask yourself the following questions: What characterizes you as a person and as a professional What are your interests ? What image do you want to convey about yourself? (image). Microblog I’m off fishing . . 2. Location Based
WARM UP • Ask yourself the following questions: • What characterizes you as a person and as a professional • What are your interests? • What image do you want to convey about yourself? (image)
Microblog I’m off fishing. 2. LocationBased This is where I fish. 3. Social network I have been fishing. Social media. WTF? 4. Blog-service The story behind the fish. 5. Photo andvideoblog Look at thisfish! 6. Professional network I’m a verygoodfisherman.
Increasevisibilty • Avoidvolatility • Strengtheninvolvement • Broadenpublicity • Make andmaintaincontact • Toinform & dialogue • Stayinformed • Call toAction Social media. • WHY?!
A great deal of the work of neighborhood-professionals is marketing
X It’s not your logo
X Hit’s not the building you work in
X It’s not your website
A brand is a personsgut feelingabout a product, project, serviceor organization Thoughts, feelings, desires andmemories
‘Branding’: to use marketing to influence a person's attitudes to and perceptions of a brand.
People are loyal to a brand by consistent postitieveexperience and commitment to a product, project, service or business.
What is the Digital Age? It’s not just online It’s not only about technology TV isn’t dead in the Digital age Making a viral isn’t easy It’s not easy to make your content a meme Social Media is no holy grail In fact…..
“Social media is like teen sex. Everybody wants to do it. Nobody knows how. When it’s done there is surprise. It’s not better.” AvinashKaushk – Analytics Envangelist Google
The digital age is the result of an accumulation of digital innovations • The digital tijdperk is about the effects of thistechnology. • The effects on how we communicate, shop, use information, live, learn, etc.
People still do the same as 30 years ago Watch TV Dingendie we doen in onzevrijetijd Play a game Call someone Search for news and information Maintain relationships Listen to radio Shop Sell
Social media just offers us more opportunities to do these things… Watch TV Dingen die we doen in onzevrijetijd Play a game Call Search for news and information Maintain relationships Lisetn to radio Shop Sell
You Tube is changing the way we watch TV Facebook is changing the way we communicate Spotifyis changing the way we listen to music • Foursquareis changing the way we travel iPhone is changing the way we use data • Twitter is changing the way we gather information CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE
CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE CHANGE Communications professionalsvstargetgroup Monologue Dialogue Dynamic Static Passive Active
The digital Age is the era oftransparency, social interactionauthenticity, dialogue, real-timecontent, connections, participationcommitment, openness, valuerelevance, storytelling and listening.
It’s no longer about promoting your project to 1000s of citizens Just to reach 10 active participants
It’s about reaching 10 People who reach 100 People who reach 1000 People who…..
The two main questions that social professionals in the digital age should ask yourself are:
1. How do I create positive experiences? How do I engage with my audience?
Involve Captivate Enchant Engage Immerse Fascinate Engross Interest
COOLShoes Right?!
“We want to find a way to enhance the experience and service, rather than looking for a way to interrupt people from getting to where they want to go.” Stefan Olander, Global director of brand connections @ Nike
Why do people buy our products? To run.
What do people do when they run? Listen to music.