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道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选. British University named its parents hearts of children five must-read book Parents want their children to read Charles Dickens' classic 'A Christmas Carol' more than any other book during their lifetime.
道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 British University named its parents hearts of children five must-read book Parents want their children to read Charles Dickens' classic 'A Christmas Carol' more than any other book during their lifetime. A survey by the University of Worcester discovered one in five parents wanted their children to experience the Victorian Christmas tale more than any other fictional novel. 2000 adults were asked to reveal which books they considered to be must-reads for the next generation. The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling was a close second, followed by The Lord of The Rings triology by JRR Tolkien in third place. Others in the list were Pride and Prejudice, by Jane Austen, Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Animals Farm by George Orwell. The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien, which is set to appear in cinemas as a Hollywood blockbuster later this year, sits at ninth in the list, and To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is the tenth must-read. The findings mark the opening of The Hive - Europe's first joint University and public library. Anne Hannaford, Director of Information and Learning Services at the University of Worcester, said: "It is interesting to see that most of the popular books to pass down the generations have strong moral messages entwined in them. "The books that feature in the top 10 all provide thought-provoking content and characters, so it is clear that parents value these books for providing challenging thoughts which can last a lifetime.” From the poll, it was also revealed 'Alice in Wonderland' is today's most-read book, with 41 percent of adults having read it. More than one third have read CS Lewis' 'The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe', which was following closely by Kenneth Grahame's 'The Wind in The Willows' and Roald Dahl's 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' with 37 percent and 36 percent of adults having read these books. The University of Worcester's top-ten of must-read titles: 1. A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens 2. The Harry Potter Series, JK Rowling 3. The Lord of The Rings, JRR Tolkien 4. Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen 5. Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll 英国大学评出父母心中孩子必读的五本好书 父母们最想让孩子读的书是查尔斯·狄更斯的经典小说《圣诞颂歌》。 英国伍斯特大学的一项调查发现,五分之一的父母最想让孩子读的小是这本维多利亚时期的圣诞故事。 2000名成人参与了该项调查,揭露出他们心中认为下一代必读的书目。 J?K?罗琳的《哈利?波特》系列小说以微弱差距位居第二,排第三位的是J?R?R?托尔金的《指环王》三部曲。 其他入榜的还有简?奥斯汀的《傲慢与偏见》、刘易斯?卡罗尔的《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》,还有乔治?奥威尔的《动物农庄》。 J?R?R?托尔金的《霍比特人》被改编成好莱坞大片,今年晚些时候将在影院上映,该书名列第九位,而哈珀?李的《杀死一只知更鸟》则排在必读书目的第十位。 这一调查是为了纪念欧洲首个高校与大众共用图书馆The Hive的开放。 伍斯特大学信息与学习服务部主任安妮?汉娜佛德说:“很有意思的是,这些父母想传给后代的受欢迎书籍中,大部分都交织着强烈的道德教化讯息。 “排名前十的书籍中都包含发人深思的内容和人物,显然父母们认为这些书有价值,是因为书中蕴含了有启发性、让人受益终生的思想。” 调查结果还揭示,《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》是当代最多人阅读的书籍,41%的成人都读过这本书。 超过三分之一的人读过C?S?刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇:狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》,阅读人数紧随其后的是肯尼斯?格雷厄姆的《柳林风声》和罗尔德?达尔的《查理和巧克力工厂》,分别有37%和36%的成人读过这两本书。 伍斯特大学评出的五大必读书目: 1.《圣诞颂歌》,查尔斯?狄更斯 2.《哈利?波特》系列,J?K?罗琳 3.《指环王》三部曲,J?R?R?托尔金 4.《傲慢与偏见》,简?奥斯汀 5.《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》,刘易斯?卡罗尔 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900
道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Vigilance 12 details ruin your English interview Don’t come a half an hour early. It makes me feel pressure to finish what I’m doing. 5 minutes early is more than enough。 Don‘t bring your own cup of Starbucks coffee to the interview. It’s not professional, and it will make me jealous that I don‘t have one。 Don’t touch your face or twirl your hair during the interview. It‘s disgusting and distracting Don’t wait more than 24 hours after the interview to write a thank you note. It annoys me if I get it one week later. Be short and sweet, but specific。 Skip the “thank you note in the snail mail” thing. It’s 2011. If I ask you take a 10-minute writing test after we speak, take it. No matter what you have going on after, it‘s a huge red flag if you say you don’t have time。 Don‘t talk about how successful your father is. I don’t care, and it will make me think he‘s responsible for getting you all your past jobs and internships。 Don’t arrive with wet hair. I‘d rather you be five minutes late with dry hair。 Don’t have disgusting breath. If I‘m sitting across a conference room table from you and can smell it, that’s a bad sign。 Don‘t tell me that Business Insider is a great “magazine.” Come on. That’s just embarrassing。 Don’t send me a cover letter email that’s more than one paragraph long. I don‘t want to read about your childhood. Save the details for the interview。 If we’re at a career fair, don’t tell me how “slutty” the other candidates are dressed compared to you. True story。 警惕12个细节毁掉你的英语面试 终于凭借闪亮的简历见到了传说中的HR,你有把握说服他,让他认为你就是这份工作最合适的人选么?也许你参与了N场面试,自我感觉还不错,却总是面试过后再无消息?快来看看是不是这20个细节毁掉了你珍贵的面试机会。 一直以为面试到的早表示有诚意,原来到太早HR也会有压力…… 星巴克的杯子拿来做街拍点缀不错,面试的时候就先别拿着了吧……HR不爽了,倒霉的是自己…… 紧张的时候可能会不自觉的有一些小动作,但是切记不要让HR看见啊! 所谓趁热打铁,在HR对你还有印象的时候,用感谢信来加固一下他对你的好印象吧,但是如果忘记发感谢信了,那就让它随风去吧……不要再去打扰繁忙的HR了。 很有可能你的信件寄到的时候,招聘工作已经结束了……这个时代,时间就是一切啊! 测试也是面试中的一部分,真心想得到工作的同学,都不会拒绝测试吧。 除非你的工作机会是你老爸帮你搞定的~要不就拿出自己的成就来说吧! 把自己弄干净去面试,出发点很好,但是等头发飘逸了再出门啊!当然不排除有人发胶打太多,导致头发总是看起来湿漉漉的…… 口气问题,来片口香糖吧。(好像广告啊有木有!) Business Insider是一个网站,如果你连应聘单位到底是网站还是杂志都分不清楚……请自行想象HR心中的不满…… 想在千万份简历中脱颖而出,靠的绝对不是简历的厚度,而是简历的亮点 HR不是你的闺蜜哦,靠贬低别人是绝对换不来自己的优秀滴。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900
道琼斯全球资讯数据库精选 Chinese university graduates may take away the Americans their jobs The arrival of hundreds of millions of cheap, diligent Chinese workers in the global economy saw America trade blue collar jobs for low cost t-shirts and toasters。 From 2000, the year before China entered the World Trade Organization, to 2011, the U.S. manufacturing sector shed 5.4 million jobs。Demographic changes mean that China's labor force has already hit a plateau in size and will soon start to shrink. Manufacturing wages rose 20.1% in 2011, outstripping improvements in labor productivity. The price of U.S. imports from China has started to rise. That crimps the spending power of U.S. consumers, and fuels inflationary pressure。Rising wages are also eating into margins, reducing opportunities for U.S. investors to tap easy profits. Morgan Stanley analysts estimate Chinese exporters' profit margins have shrunk 20% to 30% since 2004. The real number could be even higher. Net margins for Hon Hai Precision Industry, producer of the iPad, fell to 2.4% in 2011 from 5.5% in 2004. Compounding the woes of white collar America, millions of cheap and diligent Chinese graduates will be jostling for a position in the global labor market. China is producing 6 million graduates a year, and is expected to have 200 million by 2030 according to estimates from the World Bank。A massive increase in the global supply of high skilled workers in the years ahead could have the same impact as the surge in low skilled workers more than a decade earlier -- denting employment and wage growth in the U.S。 None of this is immediate and not all of it is inevitable. Despite a 46% increase in manufacturing wages in China since 2008, the cost of U.S. imports has only risen 2.6% - reflecting firms' capacity to improve productivity and swallow smaller margins. Language and cultural barriers mean China's professional workers will not put a ding in the global workforce as easily as their factory worker parents did. Rising incomes in China should also boost U.S. exports。 Still, such a profound shift in the labor market of the world's most populous country will not leave U.S. workers unaffected. In the first stage of China's development, America's blue collar workers lost their shirt. In the next stage, America's white collar could start to look a little grubby 中国大学毕业生可能抢走美国人饭碗 曾几何时,全球经济中出现的数亿廉价而勤奋的中国工人见证了美国拿国内蓝领就业机会换取廉价T恤和烤面包机的历史。 从2000年(这是中国加入世界贸易组织前一年)到2011年,美国制造业丧失了540万个就业岗位。人口结构的变化意味着中国劳动力规模已经停止继续扩大,不久将开始萎缩。2011年,中国制造业工资水平上升了20.1%,超过了劳动生产率的增幅。美国进口自中国的商品已经开始涨价。这降低了美国消费者的消费能力,加大了通胀压力。工资水平上升也侵蚀了利润率,减少了美国投资者轻松赚取利润的机会。摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley)的分析师估计,自2004年以来, 中国出口企业的利润率已经萎缩了20%至30%,实际数字可能更高。鸿海精密工业股份有限公司(Hon Hai Precision Industry, 简称:鸿海精密)的净利润率从2004年的5.5%降至2011年的2.4%。鸿海精密负责代工生产iPad。令美国白领更加痛苦的是,上千万廉价而勤奋的中国大学毕业生将在全球劳动力市场和他们竞争同一个职位。 中国每年的大学毕业生数量有600万,据世界银行(World Bank)估计,到2030年中国预计将有2亿大学毕业生。和十多年前低技术工人数量激增所带来的影响类似, 未来几年全球高技能工人的供应量大幅增加也将拖累美国的就业率和工资增长速度。但在中国这样一个全球人口最多的国家,其劳动力市场的深刻变化一定会影响到美国工人。 在中国发展的第一阶段,美国的蓝领工人失去了他们的衬衫。在中国发展的下一阶段,美国的白领员工看上去可能会有点邋遢。 DOWJONES EDUCATION 如需更多精彩内容或订阅,请登陆:uni.xinhuaonline.com 联系方式:北京朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际502室( 100020) 联系电话:010-58700900