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Myanmar National Electrification Program Strategy and Design Access scale up - key success factors Good practice international experience. Arun P Sanghvi Naypyidaw May 31 – June 1, 2013. Key success factors across driving good practice national electrification programs.
Myanmar National Electrification Program Strategy and Design Access scale up - key success factors Good practice international experience Arun P Sanghvi NaypyidawMay 31 – June 1, 2013
Key success factors across driving good practice national electrification programs • Unwavering Government commitment driven by a long term vision and national development perspective • linked to outcome targets for the electricity sector(access to schools, health facilities, administrative centers, HHs, water pumping • Least cost grid rollout and coordinated off-grid investment program driven by outcome targets above • Equity and inclusion - targeting disadvantaged groups with specific vulnerabilities such as women and the poor nationwide -- Getting the enabling policies and institutional framework right
Key success factors….continued • Clarity of roles and accountability for sector performance and results to ensure efficient and effective management and operation of the sector • No country has successfully implemented a NEP without a committed and professional national utility/dedicated institution driving the process • Private sector participation is easier to “crowd in” for grid connected generation projects, especially mid-to larger sizes; far less so for the poles and wires business • “cherry picking” pockets of opportunity for electrification undermines achieving national electrification for all in a timely, effective, and financially sustainable manner while alongside building institutional capacity for implementation
Key success factors … continued • Establishing a stable and sustainable financing platform for ensuring financial viability of sector financing program and delivery agents on an ongoing basis over the program implementation life , as well as affordability of access to the poor --No country has accomplished the task without some form of public subsides, to maintain financial viability of service providers and affordability of access for the poor
Key success factors … continued • Consultative process - Government led sector-wide framework bringing together “Many Partners, One team, One plan” • piecemeal donor-driven project-by-project modus operandi does not add up
SWAp ”Prospectus” anchors joint engagement (“compact”) of all partners in a harmonized and aligned implementation program Government sponsors preparation, advised by a lead advisor/Development Partner(s) Government calls Donor Financing Round Table financing gap = sector revenues less investment and recurrent costs (“syndication”) Government’s Prospectus presents credible, bankable implementation plan for access scale-up, over 5 year time-slice of program Bankable Prospectus Government as ‘sponsor’’ Sector outcome targets, strategy, policies Investment + Geospatial least cost investment plan + World Bank TA (ESMAP) Capacity-building/ TA Implementation framework, financing, and monitoring plan