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Chapter 8: MANGING STRESS AND ANXIETY. Lesson 1: effects of stress. Stress - is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. How much stress you feel depends on your perception (the act of becoming aware through the senses).
Lesson 1: effects of stress • Stress- is the reaction of the body and mind to everyday challenges and demands. • How much stress you feel depends on your perception (the act of becoming aware through the senses). • Stress can be both positive and negative in its effects. • What are some positive effects of stress? Examples? • What are some negative effects of stress? Examples?
What causes stress??? • Stressor- is anything that causes stress. • EXAMPLES: • People • Objects • Places • Events • Certain situations • More specifically, psychologists have identified five general categories of stressors…
Categories of stressors: • Biological- illness, disabilities, or injuries • Environmental: poverty, pollution, noise, natural disasters • Cognitive (thinking)- the way you perceive a situation or how it affects you and your world • Personal behavior- tobacco, alcohol, drugs, lack of physical activity • Life situations- death of a family member/friend/pet, troubled relationships • Past experiences play a large role in how you perceive these stressors. (Positive vs. Negative)
The body’s stress response:the nervous system and endocrine system are active during this time and your response is largely involuntary, or automatic • Stage 1: ALARM • The body and mind go on high alert- “Fight or Flight” response. • Physical Symptoms: • Pupil dilation • Increase perspiration • Faster heart rate and pulse • Rise in blood pressure • Faster respiration rate • Narrowing of arteries to internal organs and skin • Increase blood flow to muscles and brain • Increase in muscle tension • Release of blood sugar, fats, and cholesterol
The body’s stress response: • Stage 2: Resistance • During this stage your body adapts to the rush created by alarm and reacts to the stressor • This is the stage that you actually “fight” or “flight” • You are briefly able to perform at a higher level of endurance • The resistance stage is why people in extremely high-stress situations have been known to accomplish incredible feats.
The body’s stress response: • Stage 3: Fatigue • Prolonged exposure to stress causes the body to lose it’s ability to adapt to the situation. • A tired feeling takes over the body and lowers your level of activity. • 3 Types of fatigue: • Physical-muscles work vigorously for long periods, often leads to soreness and pain • Psychological-from constant worry, overwork, depression, boredom, or feeling overwhelmed. • Pathological-tiredness brought on by overworking the body’s defense in fighting illness. Flu, poor nutrition, use of drugs and alcohol.
Physical Effects of Stress: • Psychosomatic Response: a physical reaction that results from stress rather than from an injury or illness. • Headache • Asthma • High Blood Pressure • Weakened Immune System
Mental/Emotional and Social Effects of Stress: • Difficulty Concentrating • Mood Swings • Risks of Substance Abuse
Taking Control of Chronic Stress: • Stress that is associated with long-term problems that are beyond a person’s control. • ENGAGE IN Physical Activity • Look for support- friends, family • Find a hobby or activity that relaxes you • Avoid harmful substances-tobacco, alcohol, other drugs.
Lesson 2: managing stress • Identify your personal stressors: • Life events- getting a driver’s license; graduation; moving/relocating; addition of new family members; major illness; divorce/ separation • Physical stressors- pollution, excessive noise, physical injury, lack of rest, drug use, excessive dieting or exercise • Daily hassles- time pressures, too many responsibilities, deadlines, conflicts with fellow students
Ways to manage stress: • Sometimes you can manage stress by changing your perception. Try looking at the situation as a learning experience. • Plan ahead- this better prepares you for unexpected changes. • Get adequate sleep-if not it can cause stress by interfering with schoolwork, athletics, and personal relationships. • Get regular physical activity-burns off excess nervous energy, causing you to feel more relaxed. • Eat nutritious food- eat regular meals, limit “comfort” foods, limit caffeine (causes blood pressure to rise) • Avoid tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs
Stress management techniques: • Stress management skills- skills that help an individual handle stress in a healthful, effective way. • Redirect your energy-work on a creative project, go for a jog • Relax and laugh-deep breathing, think happy thoughts, stretching, laughing out loud. • Keep a positive outlook-the way you think often determines how you feel. • Seek out support- confide in someone you trust, parent, guardian, sibling, teacher, or close friend • Express yourself-share your feelings, set/share goals.
Lesson 3: anxiety and teen depression • Anxiety- the condition of feeling uneasy or worried about what may happen. • Can be both positive (help you to work harder) and negative (cause you to make mistakes). • Symptoms: • Feelings of fear or dread • Perspiration, trembling, restlessness, or muscle tension • Rapid heart rate, lightheadedness, or shortness of breath • Is perfectionism a form of anxiety? i.e. grades, sports, unrealistic expectations
Strategies for coping with anxiety: • Redirect your energy • Relaxation exercises: meditation, breathing • Engage in physical activity • Get support from family and friends • Some choose to “escape” by using drugs or alcohol. This only provides a temporary and false sense of relaxation. THE PROBLEM IS STILL THERE! This also causes more problems making it harder for you to function properly.
What is depression? • Everyone experiences the occasional sad mood that lasts a few days. They are natural feelings that can be managed by: • Writing in a private journal • Draw, dance, or engage in some other creative activity • Talk about your feelings with your family or friends • Do something nice for someone else. This takes the focus away from you and your feelings. • What do you choose to do when managing general sadness?
Depression- a prolonged feeling of helplessness, hopelessness, and sadness. Much stronger that the occasional sad mood. Not easily managed. • Two types of depression depending on the cause of the feeling and the length of time it lasts. • Reactive Depression • Major/Clinical Depression
2 types of depression: • Reactive depression: • A response to a stressful event (death of a friend). • Lasts longer than a case of the “blues”. • Most times it eventually goes away as the person finds a way to manage his or her response to the event. • Major/Clinical depression: • A medical condition that requires treatment. • Much more severe and last much longer than reactive depression. • May develop from reactive depression. • May be the result of a chemical imbalance in the brain or genetic tendency.
Symptoms of teen depression: • Many teens who are suffering from depression do not act sad or seem outwardly different to their family or friends. • Other symptoms include: • Irritable or restless mood. • Withdrawal from friends and activities that were once important or enjoyable. • Change in appetite or weight. • Feelings of guilt or worthlessness. • A sense of hopelessness. • Feeling a few of these symptoms occasionally is “normal”. It is NOT normal to experience several of them at the same time for two weeks or more. Also, if depression causes a person to start using drugs or to have thoughts of suicide, professional help is needed.
Getting help: • For mild forms of anxiety and depression help includes: • TALKING WITH SUPPORTIVE PEOPLE • GETTING MORE PHYSICAL ACTIVITY • VOLUNTEER YOUR TIME TO HELP OTHERS • Both anxiety and depression are very treatable. Talk to a parent or other trusted adult, and seek help from a counselor, school psychologist, or other health care professional.
LESSON 4: BEING A RESILIENT TEEN • Resiliency- the ability to adapt effectively and recover from disappointment, difficulty, or crisis. • Resilient people are able to handle adversity in healthy ways and achieve long-term success in spite of negative circumstances.
Factors that affect resiliency: • External Factors: • Your family • Your school/ community • Your peers • You have little control over these factors but you can work to strengthen them. • Internal Factors: • Your Attitude • Your Behavior • Commitment to learning • Positive Values • Social Competency • Positive Identity • You have control over Internal factors. Making a conscious effort to strengthen these factors will increase your resiliency and improve your mental/emotional health!
Building resiliency by strengthening your protective factors: • Protective factors- conditions that shield individuals from the negative consequences of exposure to risk. • Actions you can take are: • Become involved with after school activities. • Make a commitment to learning by reading for pleasure at least three hours a week. • Stand up for your beliefs, and refuse to act against your values. • Be honest with yourself and others. • Resist negative peer pressure, and avoid dangerous situations. • Learn about people from other cultures or ethnic backgrounds. • Develop a sense of purpose. • Develop a positive outlook about YOUR future.