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CRAFT Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies

CRAFT Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies. Technology Demonstrations – Mega-Scale Layered Fabrication –. Industrial Parts & Molds. Extraterrestrial Construction. Freestanding Objects. Architectural Scale Models. Grand Challenge. A House in a Day. Public Art.

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CRAFT Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies

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  1. CRAFT Center for Rapid Automated Fabrication Technologies Viterbi School of Engineering .

  2. Technology Demonstrations – Mega-Scale Layered Fabrication – Industrial Parts & Molds Extraterrestrial Construction Freestanding Objects Architectural Scale Models Grand Challenge A House in a Day Public Art Economic Impact Social Impact Environmental Impact Regulatory Impact Architectural Impact Employment Impact Technology Thrusts Extrudable Materials and Fabrication Modular Components and Assembly Integrated Software Systems Fundamental Research Materials/Structures Sensing/Acting Systems/Processes Freeform/Geometry Composite Materials Dynamic Modeling and Control Workflow & Logistics Planning Mathematical Models of Fabrication Processes Fluid Dynamics Embedding Capabilities during Fabrication Multi-Robot Coordination Feasible Geometry Reasoning Novel Structure Testing Real-Time Inspection Collaborative Design 4D Modeling and Visualization System Performance Testing and Evaluation Viterbi School of Engineering .

  3. CRAFT - Vision and Goals To develop the science and engineering needed for rapid automated fabrication of structures of various scales, up to very large objects such as buildings. The goal is a major breakthrough in Mega-Scale fabrication. Viterbi School of Engineering .

  4. Grand Challenge • Building a custom-designed house in a day while radically reducing the costs, injuries, waste and environmental impact associated with traditional construction techniques. • affordable housing for the 30 million U.S. households facing cost burdens or overcrowding; • emergency housing for the 37 million/year victims of natural (and/or man-made) disasters; • new styles of housing based on curved rather than straight surfaces; • extraterrestrial buildings constructed from in situ materials; • With national construction-related expenditures currently totaling close to $1 trillion annually, the potential impact is enormous. • The goal: a revolution in housing construction Viterbi School of Engineering .

  5. Economic Impact Employment Impact Social Impact Regulatory Impact Environmental Impact Architectural Impact Grand Challenge – a house in a day Viterbi School of Engineering .

  6. Single - Material Multi - material Sensor Community - scale nozzle/feed nozzle assembly embedding/testing logistics planning Building Multi - material Supportless Multi - cross Community Community simple walls simple structures roofs Beam gantry & & Infrastructure Door/window with Walls w/complex Infrastructure Grand Challenge lintel/sacrificial support geometry Multi - story Modular reinforcement/ Multi - story Flat roof Multi - unit electrical/plumbing Multi - unit construction Single Single Simple Residence Simple Residence Room Room Material engineering Composites & reinforcement Digital construction material Single material delivery Multi - material delivery Materials Extrudable & Fabrication Process modeling Structure testing & modeling: Whole structure testing Control system: Basic Geometry Multi - robot Complex geometry Visual alignment Surface quality inspection Video logging Structural health monitoring Intelligent CAD/CAM Structure feasibility Fabrication plan generation Collaborative Assembly Reinforcement/Plumbing/Electrical Logistic planning 2005 2006 Development Phases 2008 2009 2010 Modular and Assembly Components Systems Software Integrated Viterbi School of Engineering .

  7. Technology Demonstrations – Mega-Scale Layered Fabrication – Industrial Parts & Molds Extraterrestrial Construction Freestanding Objects Architectural Scale Models Grand Challenge A House in a Day Public Art Economic Impact Social Impact Environmental Impact Regulatory Impact Architectural Impact Employment Impact Technology Thrusts Extrudable Materials and Fabrication Modular Components and Assembly Integrated Software Systems Fundamental Research Materials/Structures Sensing/Acting Systems/Processes Freeform/Geometry Composite Materials Dynamic Modeling and Control Workflow & Logistics Planning Mathematical Models of Fabrication Processes Fluid Dynamics Embedding Capabilities during Fabrication Multi-Robot Coordination Feasible Geometry Reasoning Novel Structure Testing Real-Time Inspection Collaborative Design 4D Modeling and Visualization System Performance Testing and Evaluation Viterbi School of Engineering .

  8. Architectural Design Logistics plan Robot Integrated Modular Commands Nozzle path plan CC Software Components Hardware Assembly plans Systems Hardware & Assembly Inspection plan Feedback Visual Data Sensory Data Supply Dispatch Indexed Video Log Performance Restrictions Extrudable Structure design & Materials & Predictive Performance performance Requirements Fabrication Interrelationships among the three research thrusts Viterbi School of Engineering .

  9. Extrudable materials & fabrication • Perform underlying basic research necessary to develop the materials and structures for automated mega-scale fabrication • Integrate materials into ultra-efficient structures • Integrate materials with delivery systems and robots from other thrusts Viterbi School of Engineering .

  10. Robotics fab, modular components & assembly • Perform research and develop various mono and distributed robots, tools, software and their integration into systems for assembling modules in situ to form functional attributes of structures • Robots’ locations, movements and working areas are dynamically changing along with environment. Develop a mathematical / geometric model of environment and a robot coordination protocol. • Perform the fundamental research in the modules to be placed internal to the extruded material that transform an extrusion into a functional wall or roof of a mega-scale structure. The modules that make a post-modern interactive structure include: • normal reinforcing, plumbing, and electricity conduits • Integrated communication, interactive sensing and displays • Integrate the Modules and Assembly Thrust with Extruded Materials and Software Viterbi School of Engineering .

  11. Viterbi School of Engineering .

  12. Embedding IT components Viterbi School of Engineering .

  13. Automated Painting Viterbi School of Engineering .

  14. FlowSensor Desired Material Flow - Flow Control Law Material Flow Computation Material Flow Dynamics + Material Flow System Dynamics Position Sensor Gantry Dynamic Model - Nozzle Forces Commanded Position Nozzle Position & Orientation Nozzle Control Law Nozzle Actuator + Wheel Torques Gantry Position Gantry Motion Controller Robot Wheel Motors Position Sensors Dynamic Control Viterbi School of Engineering .

  15. Goals • Perform the fundamental research and develop the software components for automating mega-scale fabrication • Integrate components with each other and with robots from other thrusts Viterbi School of Engineering .

  16. Viterbi School of Engineering .

  17. Industrial Sectors • Materials • Construction • Equipment • Software • Architects • Real Estate • Other application sectors Viterbi School of Engineering .

  18. Industrial Membership Industrial membership – 3 tiers • Senior Member - $100,000 • Regular Member - $20,000 to $50,000 • Technology Associate – small business Benefits to Industry • Seat on CRAFT ERC industrial advisory board – Senior Member • Licensing (Senior Member – exclusive) • Focused research projects • Access to cutting edge research • Access to center facilities and expertise for R&D projects • Contact with graduate students • Industry-University exchange program • SBIR and STTR partnerships • Industry-University Company Day – Senior Member Viterbi School of Engineering .

  19. Expressions of Support • Materials • Degussa Corporation (committed) • Maxit Group (committed) • CEMEX • Elotex • ECRA (European Cement Research Academy) • VDZ (German Concrete Research Academy) • Equipment • Siemens • John Deere • Parker-Hannifan Viterbi School of Engineering .

  20. Expressions of Support • Construction • Shea Homes • Parsons • Shimizu • Bechtel • Boeing (space) • Government • NASA (committed) • U.S. Army Viterbi School of Engineering .

  21. Expressions of Support • Architects • GL Forms (Greg Lynn) • Gehry Technologies • Cal-Earth • Real Estate • ConAm (builds low income housing in Mexico) • Regency Outdoor Advertising Viterbi School of Engineering .

  22. Dean of Engineering Khoshnevis Director Rosenbloom Deputy Director Joe Sullivan Associate Director Provost Executive Board: Provost (USC) Vice Provost, Research (USC) Dean of VSoE (USC) Director of ISI (USC) Scientific Advisory board Industrial Advisory Board Student Leadership Council Education Director Industrial Liaison Director Grand Challenge Technology Thrusts: Extrudable Materials & Fabrication Modular Components & Assembly Integrated Software Systems (Neches/Rosenbloom) Industry Participation Faculty Mini-Sabbatical Technology Transfer Intellectual Property Pre-College (K-12) Undergraduate & Graduate Outreach CREST/LSAMP EPICS/LINC/Fablabs Management Plan Viterbi School of Engineering .

  23. Thank you please visit www.ContourCrafting.org Viterbi School of Engineering .

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