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Angles , Saxons , Jutes and Beowulf

Angles , Saxons , Jutes and Beowulf. Johanna Valge. ANGLES. 5th century AD Historian Tacticus and his book “ Angalia ” Homeland Angeln , as it is called in Old English . The Angles were coming in large numbers. SAXONS. Confederation of Old Germanic tribes

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Angles , Saxons , Jutes and Beowulf

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Angles, Saxons, Jutes and Beowulf Johanna Valge

  2. ANGLES 5th century AD HistorianTacticus and hisbook “Angalia” HomelandAngeln, asitiscalledinOldEnglish. TheAngleswerecominginlargenumbers.

  3. SAXONS ConfederationofOldGermanictribes The GermanicsettlementofBritain The number ofsettlersvarybetween 10, 000 and 200, 000

  4. JUTES Iuti, Iutae Oneofthethreemostpowerfultribes Bede JutlandPeninsula Eotenas

  5. Languages OldEnglish MiddleEnglish WestSaxon Kentish

  6. EverydayLife Agriculturalpeople Freemen and slaves No shops TravellingPedlars Town namesendingwith “ham”

  7. BEOWULF • OldEnglishheroicepicpoem • knownasthe NowellCodex • A compositionbyananonymous Anglo-Saxon poet, datedbetweenthe 8th and the 11th century.

  8. Sources: • http://www.bbc.co.uk/ • http://heritage-key.com/ • http://www.anglo-saxons.net/ • http://en.wikipedia.org/

  9. THANK YOU! 

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