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This powerpoint presentation describes about how to relieve hemorrhoid swelling and get rid of piles naturally.
How To Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling And Get Rid Of Piles Naturally?
How To Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling? Hemorrhoid is also known as piles in common language. These are nothing serious, but should not be ignored. Hemorrhoid occurs due to inflammation in blood vessels which end at the anus. Due to inflammation these blood vessels get swollen and cause pain whenever stool passes through anus. The main cause of inflammation is hard stool and constipation. There are 5 stages of hemorrhoid. During first three stages the swelling of blood vessels are confined to internal wall of anus.
How To Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling? But in fourth and fifth stage these swollen vessels protrude out of anus. So, it is advisable to treat them while they are in initial stage. There are many easy and safe natural ways to treat this. There are some home remedies that provide fast relief and work effectively.
How To Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling? • How to relieve hemorrhoid swelling and get rid of piles naturally? • Apple Cider Vinegar: • This is highly beneficial home remedy to treat the hemorrhoid. Soak a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and apply it to the affected area for instant relief. Consume 1 tablespoon vinegar in order to treat internal hemorrhoid, it offers relief from bleeding and pain.
Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling • Cold Compress: • It helps hemorrhoid to shrink and reduce pain. This is the best remedy that offers instant relief from itching. Once swelling reduces, stools would pass easily. You can wrap some ice in cloth and apply it directly to the swollen area. Repeat it twice or thrice in a day as it helps reduce hemorrhoids and constricts blood vessels effectively.
Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling • Psyllium husk: • This is crammed with fiber; it helps soften stools and eases its movements. You can take it with water on regular basis in order to reduce swelling in veins. • Soaking yourself in a tub of warm water: • Soaking the inflamed area for fifteen minutes provides instant relief from itching and pain. Do it daily on regular basis to get rid of the problem of hemorrhoid.
Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling • Aloe Vera: • This is an effective home remedy that aids instant relief from piles. It has anti inflammatory properties that aids resolve symptoms in simple way. Take some aloe Vera leaves and freeze it. Apply it to the affected area to get rid of inflammation and pain associated with piles. For external hemorrhoids, you can apply aloe vera gel directly to the affected area as it hydrates the swollen veins and provides instant relief.
Relieve Hemorrhoid Swelling • Lemon juice: • Lemon has anti-oxidant properties that helps cure the problem of piles. You can apply lemon juice directly to the affected area or you can consume lemon juice twice in a day to get rid of it. You can mix ginger juice and honey to make it more beneficial for your health.
Pilesgon Capsules Pilesgon capsules: These capsules are purely herbal and contain natural herbs. You can consume 1 to 2 capsules twice in a day in order to cure it. This supplement can root out the hemorrhoid completely and its related issues like bleeding, pain, inflammation and swelling of veins. It also cures the constipation and indigestion.
Pilesgon Capsules This is one of the safest herbal remedies for both men and women. These are some useful and beneficial home remedies that work effectively to cure your piles.
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