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Hypocrites and Backsliders: Lesson 015. 10 Steps to Temptation: The First Sin in Genesis 3:1-6. Temptation.
Hypocrites and Backsliders:Lesson 015 10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6
Temptation • Genesis 3:6When the woman saw that the tree wasgood for food, and that it was a delight tothe eyes, and that the tree was desirableto make one wise she took from its fruit and ate; and shegavealso to her husband with her, and he ate. • James 1:12-16 Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him. LWBC 01-20-08
The 3 Elements of Resisting Temptation • 1. Knowing the mechanics of temptation. • 2. Identifying Temptation when it happens, by knowing Sin Categorization. • 3. The capability of Resisting through Biblical Alternative Thinking. LWBC 01-20-08
The Mechanics of Temptation • 14 But each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. 15 Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is fully grown brings forth death.16 Do not be deceived, my beloved brothers. • Let us look at the mechanics of Temptation found in verse 14, by looking at the original Greek terminology: LWBC 01-20-08
The Mechanics of Temptation • James 1:14But each one is temptedwhen he is carried away by his own lustand enticed. • but each one=hekastos= each individual • is tempted =peirazo(Pres Pass. Ind.) =receives a solicitation to do evil LWBC 01-20-08
The Mechanics of Temptation • when he is carried away =ezelko=taken in tow, pulled • by =hupo= under the authority of • his own =idios= his personal or hisindividual • desire =epithumia= lust pattern • and enticed =deleazo=baited LWBC 01-20-08
Authority of the Desire • If we extract out the most basic elements we see: • Personaldesire + bait = Temptation • However, we must not miss the fact that it is the “Authority” of the Personal Desire that is towing us along toward the bait. • That “Authority of the Desire” is the key to understanding Hypocrites and Backsliders. • Let us look at the very first Temptation and see how it works: LWBC 01-20-08
The Temptation Sequence Bait Authority of Desire Temptation OR LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 • Genesis 3:1-6 (YLT)1 And the serpent hath beensubtileabove everybeast of the field which Jehovah God hathmade, and hesaithunto the woman,is it truethat God hath said, Ye do not eat of every tree ofthe garden? • 2 And the womansaithunto the serpent,of thefruit of the trees of the garden we do eat,3 and of the fruit of the tree which is in the midstof the garden God hath said, Ye do not eat of it,nor touch it, lest ye die. LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 • 4 And the serpentsaithunto the woman,dying,ye do not die,5 for God doth know that in the day of youreating of it your eyes have been opened, andye have been as God, knowing good and evil. • 6 And the womanseeththat the tree is good forfood, and that it is pleasant to the eyes, and thetree is desirable to make one wise, and shetakethof its fruit andeateth, andgivethalso toher husband with her, and he doth eat; LWBC 01-20-08
Soul Diagram Being Thinking Deciding “and breathed into him the breath of lives and man became a living soul.” Gen 2:7 LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 • So, what did we see in the Genesis 3 Temptation that relates back to what we learned in James 1:14? • Let’s start with the easy one: • What was the “Bait”? • What was the “Desire”? • Did she have “Her own Authority of Desire” towing Eve? Fruit of the Tree Make me Wise No, so what substituted for her own “Authority of Desire”? Why? Satan LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 • Because she was still “Innocent”. • She had no “Authority” of Desire, yet. • She did not receive that “Authority” until she committed the first sin. • The first sin then “corrupted” her body, as we saw that the judgments all related to “Dust”, from which Adam’s body was made and Eve derived. • The Fruit they ate caused a change in their cellular structure, which, not only gave them a new “Authority” inside them, it, we learned, would be passed down from generation to generation -- it’s Genetic. LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 • Since Eve had no “Authority of Desire”, we can study the passage to see the pattern of the First Temptation. • Part of it is internal in Eve, in her “innocence”, and part of it was external, from the serpent and the Tree. • But all of it came together to form a common, almost universal, pattern of temptation for all human beings, since. • We will look at the “10 Steps” and then look at them in the First Temptation: LWBC 01-20-08
The 10 Steps Insubordination Approximation Speculation Consideration Conversation Misquotation –Omission –Addition –Substitution –Mitigation Contradiction Misapplication Rationalization Capitulation 10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 1. Insubordination: • Removing yourself from the authority and protection of Divine Establishment and Divine Assets. LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 2. Approximation • Placing yourself in a physical or mental position to be tempted. • Proverbs 4:14-15 (NKJV) Do not enter the path of the wicked, rind do not walk in the way of evil. Avoid it, do not travel on it: Turn away from it and pass on. LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 3. Speculation • (What if ...) • Letting your mind wander from God and His Word. LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 4. Consideration • a matter weighed or taken into account when formulating an opinion or plan • (Consideration of an alternative to the Word) LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 5. Conversation • Moral exchange of sentiments, observations, opinions, or ideas • To discuss alternatives to God's mandates with the world, the flesh or the Devil. LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 6. Misquotation: to inaccurately repeat a passage • Omission: to leave out or leave unmentioned • Substitution: the act of putting in or using in the place of another • Addition: the act or process of adding; to say further • Mitigation: to lessen the effects of LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 7. Contradiction • to assert the contrary of; take issue with LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 8. Misapplication • an act of misapplying: • to erroneously put into operation or effect LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 9. Rationalization • to attribute (one's actions) to rational and creditable motives without analysis of true and especially unconscious motives LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation • 10. Capitulation • the act of surrendering or yielding LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve Genesis 3: 1 (YLT)And the serpent hath beensubtile(crafty)above every beast of the field which Jehovahhath made and hesaithunto the woman, 'Is ittrue that God hath said,“Ye do not eat of everytree of the garden?” OR LWBC 01-20-08
10 Steps to Temptation: The FirstSin in Genesis 3:1-6 • BeforeThe Serpent Said ... • 1. She was not with God or her Man, theonly two she should have rapport with. (Insubordination) • 2. She was at the tree. (Approximation) • 3. She wouldn’t be near The Tree, if shewasn’t speculating about it. (Speculation) LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve Insubordination Approximation Speculation OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve …hesaithunto the woman, 'Is it true that God hath said,“Ye do not eat of everytree of the garden?” Consideration OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve • 2Ishahsaid:“fromthe fruit of the • trees ofthe garden we mayeat,” Conversation and misquotationbyOmission OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve • ‘but from thefruit of the tree which • is in the middle of thegarden. • God has said.You should not eat • from it or touch it” • Misquotation by Substitution • and Addition. OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve …”lest you die.” Misquotation bySubstitution andMitigation OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve The serpent said to the woman, “Yousurely will not die!” Contradiction OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve “For God knows that in the day you eatfrom it your eyes will be opened, and youwould be like God, knowing good andevil.” Misapplication OR LWBC 01-20-08
The Volitional Interlude The “Disobedience” Reaction The “Obedience” Response Representation Appraisal Filter The Event Communion Separation Perception The Sequence of Temptation for Eve When the woman saw that the tree wasgood for food, and that it was a delight tothe eyes, and that the tree was desirableto make one wise... Rationalization OR LWBC 01-20-08