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Bhojpuri waalaa

This paper examines the distribution and functional roles of "waalaa" in Bhojpuri language, categorizing its various functions with examples. Roles include possessive, temporal, locative, modifier, and agentive functions. Detailed analysis and data collection from various Bhojpuri varieties are essential for further research.

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Bhojpuri waalaa

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  1. Bhojpuri waalaa SCONLI-3 JNU (19-21 Feb) Shailendra Kumar Neha Vashistha M.A. (Final) PhD Scholar Department of Linguistics Banaras Hindu University

  2. 1. Goal of the paper • To examine the distribution of waalaa in Bhojpuri. • To identify the different functional roles of waalaa in Bhojpuri. • To categorize waalaa according to its various functions.

  3. 2. Distribution of waalaa in Bhojpuri • waalaa occurs with most of the words (noun, verb, adjectives, adverbs etc) in Bhojpuri. • waalaa inflects for gender and number of the noun following it. • waalaa (m.sg) • waalii (f.sg) • waalin (f,pl) • waalan/waale (m.pl)

  4. 2.1 Noun (N1-waalaa-N2) • Person’s name: - raam waalii kitabawaa ‘Ram’s book’ • Place names: - dilli waalan laikan ‘Boys from Delhi’ • Institution’s name: - jnu waalan laikan ‘Boys from JNU’ • Common names: - laikii waalii batiyaa ‘matters pertaining to girls’ • Locative: - shahar waalii batiyaa ‘matters pertaining to cities’ - rasoii waalii balTiyaa ‘bucket for kitchen’

  5. 2.2 Pronouns • Personal Pronoun: - aape waalii batiyaa (aape ka batiyaa..) ‘the matter that you said …’ • Possessive pronoun: - okar waalaa sujhaav ‘the suggestion that he gave’ • Demonstrative: - u waalii batiyaa ‘that matter’

  6. 2.3 Adverbials • Temporal: - kalhi waalii ghaTanaa ‘the incident that took yesterday’ - ratiyaa waalii batiyaa ‘the matter pertaining to night/the matter that took place in the (last) night’ • Locative: - upar waalaa kamarawaa ‘the room located upstairs’ - bagale waalaa gharwaa ‘the house located nearby’ - ehar-ohar waalaa (mat li aaya) ‘(do not bring (things)) from here and there’

  7. 2.4 Verbs Gerundive form: - jaay waalan laikan ‘the boys who are (about) to go’ - cale waalii mashiniyaa ‘the machine that works’ Aspectual form: - u taraf jaat waalaa laikaa ‘the boys who are going that side’ - uhaaN baiThii waalii laikii ‘the girls who are sitting there’

  8. 2.5. Adjectives • Color: - niillii waalii busharT ‘the blue (bu)shirt’ - kalii waalii gaiyaa ‘the black cow’ • Shape/size: - baRakaa waalaa gharawaa ‘the big house’ - gol waalii Tophiiyaa ‘the round-shaped toffee’ • Quality: - baDiyaa waalaa bhojan ‘the good food’

  9. Postpositions do not take waalaa (since waalaa itself occurs as a postposition in N1-waalaa-N2 constructions). Details need to be worked out with more varieties of examples.

  10. 3. Functions of waalaa Waalaa is used to perform various kinds of functions in Bhojpuri. 3.1 Possessive/genitive function: In N1-waalaa-N2 distribution, one of the most common functions of waalaa is to denote possession relation. However, many more relations can potentially be assigned in these cases. Eg. - raam waalii kitabiyaa Ram of book ‘Ram’s book’

  11. 3.2 Temporal function: Waalaa also denote temporal function, particularly in the case where it is used with a verb in gerundive form. In this case, waalaa denotes future or probability marker of time. E.g. - raam uhaaN jaay waalaa baa. Ram there going about-to is ‘Ram is about to go there.’

  12. 3.3 Locative function: Waalaa can also function as locative marker, particularly when it occurs with location denoting words. E.g. - amerikaa waalii laikii America from girl ‘the girl from America’

  13. 3.4 Modifier function: Waalaa functions as a modifier to noun. Generally it occurs in typical relative clause-like modifier function. E.g. - u taraf jaat waalaa laikaa That side going who(RP) boys ‘the boys who are going that side’ - uhaaN baiThii waalii laikii there sitting who (RP) girls ‘the girls who are sitting there’

  14. 3.5 Agentive function: Waalaa marks agentive function particularly when it occurs with a verb in gerundive form preceded by a noun (common). E.g. - sabjii becane waale (log) vegetables selling –ER(agentive) (people) ‘vegetable sellers’

  15. 4. Concluding Remarks • In this work, we have attempted to examine the different functional distribution of waalaa in Bhojpuri. Our initial observations have been listed here. More detailed work is needs to list all the distributions and to do a functional categorization of waalaa in Bhojpuri. There is scarcity of written corpus for Bhojpuri and the data used for this work have been collected from different speakers of the language. We also observe that for a detailed analysis of waalaa in Bhojpuri, we need data from different varieties of Bhojpuri.

  16. “THANK YOU”

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