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Global Issue Presentation. Sicko. A Documentary by: Michael Moore Analyized by: Janeese Hoaglnd. Sicko is….

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  1. Global Issue Presentation Sicko A Documentary by: Michael Moore Analyized by: Janeese Hoaglnd

  2. Sicko is… • Sicko is a documentary made by Michael Moore. It discusses the American Health Care System. The stories told in this documentary are citizens of the united states who are affected by the terms and policies of health care companies. • Michael Moore uses family members in Canada to compare the health care systems. He directed, produced and is seen in this documentary. • Not only is the health care system in America compared to Canada, but in France and England as well the health care in other countries.

  3. Key Social & Political Issues • A political issue is that is expressed in the film is that “There are four times as many health care lobbyists as there are members in Congress.” • Lobbyists for the HMOs are greater in number because of bribes for reelection than regular candidates who run fairly. • Americans who need life threatening surgery or some type of medication are turned down from insurance companies simply because of a pre existing condition. • It is said that 18,000 Americans will die this year simply because they are uninsured. (Insuring America's Health: Principles and Recommendations, Institute of Medicine, January 2004.)

  4. Cinematography • Michael Moore used videos from presidential campaign’s, YouTube, interviews from Americans affected by the health care system and controversial images to support the facts of his documentary. • He also uses footage of people and interviews of citizens and doctors in countries such as England, France, and Cuba. • Seeing these images made me realize that this is the most important issue in American and that we need to fix it.

  5. Blatant Biases • I believe that this documentary had a small portion of bias about the subject. • Michael Moore generally focused on the opinions and facts of those who are affected by the issue. • He hardly gave the opinions of the opponent’s side. This is because no representatives spoke to him when he gave them the opportunity to.

  6. Lingering Questions • Why aren’t Americans informed about the issue of Health Care? • Are our lives to busy to notice these problems? • Why is medication so expensive in America, where in England it is only 10$? • Why is America afraid of having unified Health Care? • Is America afraid of its own Government?

  7. As a 21st Century learner and global citizen… • This film informed me about the other side of the fence. In my family we have health care and it shocked me to find out why other citizens in America don’t. This helped me become more open-minded and impacted my growth as a young adult. This film makes me inquisitive about the government and health care system. I believe that there are some secrets but Americans need to open their eyes and pay attention to the government. Why is there an issue about universal health care? Because of our social classes, are we not all equal and should be treated the same? Being informed and aware about the issues makes me alert and want to make a difference. It saddens me that people die everyday because they don’t have insurance. I believe that all Americans should have the right to have health care and that we should be extremely knowledgeable about our government and health care system.

  8. Resources • The documentary Sickoby Michael Moore • http://www.michaelmoore.com/ • http://www.michaelmoore.com/books-films/facts/sicko • http://www.aflcio.org/issues/healthcare/whatswrong/

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