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Classroom Expectations World History

Classroom Expectations World History. Mr. McMillan. CLASSROOM RULES. Be R espectful. Be P repared. Be M otivated. ACCELERATE YOUR LEARNING. R eprimands P enalties M eetings. CONSEQUENCES. R everence P raise M cBucks. REWARDS. CLASSROOM PROCEDURES.

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Classroom Expectations World History

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  1. Classroom ExpectationsWorld History Mr. McMillan


  3. Be Respectful. • Be Prepared. • Be Motivated. ACCELERATE YOUR LEARNING

  4. Reprimands • Penalties • Meetings CONSEQUENCES

  5. Reverence • Praise • McBucks REWARDS


  7. These are coupons that will be rewarded by me to any student displaying exceptional behaviors. • They may be used to excuse a late assignment, tardiness, forgotten materials, or for extra credit. McBucks

  8. At the beginning of class • Come in and check overhead • You have 5 minutes to complete task KICKOFF

  9. Due dates will be listed on the board. • Assignments are due at the beginning of class. • Anything less will receive a 10% deduction per day late. ASSIGNMENTS

  10. It is your responsibility to find out what assignments and notes you missed. • School policy will be followed for turning in assignments. ABSENCES

  11. Whether it is for tardiness or because you need to go to the restroom, you are hampering your learning and the learning of others. • It would not be just of me to allow you to do this. Therefore, it will cost you one McBuck for each disruption. • If you don’t have a McBuck, you can owe me one. If you do not pay me back, it will affect your grade. CLASSROOM DISRUPTIONS

  12. Answering questions, taking part in discussions, and taking notes are considered participating. • Discussions will be focused and respectful. • Failure to participate in class will affect your grade. CLASSROOM PARTICIPATION

  13. The success of this class relies on group participation. • We will spend considerable time working together in small groups and as a whole class. • If you become frustrated with another student, I expect you to inform me so that I can assist in resolving the conflict. WORKING COOPERATIVELY

  14. I will do my best to assist your learning process. • I cannot read your mind. • If you become confused, please make me aware so that I or another member of the class can solve your conundrum. UNDERSTANDING THE LESSON

  15. If you finish with your work and there is time left in class, you may talk quietly among yourselves • OVER MY DEAD BODY! • If you finish early, GREAT! • That can only mean you have mastered the subject and we can then move on. FREE TIME

  16. Scale 90-100%= A 80-89% = B 70-79% = C 60-69% = D < 60% = F GRADING

  17. My Goals & Expectations

  18. Think critically about “facts” • Interpret and evaluate information • Draw conclusions based on information presented • Know how to put your thoughts onto paper I want you to…

  19. Historical biases and prejudices • Major political, economic, and social developments • Fallacies in history We will search for…

  20. Treat you with the highest possible levels of respect • Teach you everything I know • Push you towards excellence • Offer as much help as I can • Always tell you the truth to the best of my abilities I promise to…

  21. Questions?

  22. “History is written by the victors” …Sir Winston Churchill

  23. “History is the version of past events that people have decided to agree upon” …Napoleon Bonaparte

  24. What does that mean history is?

  25. IS • An argument • Fluid • Everywhere • Alive • IS NOT • Boring • Just old, dead guys HISTORY…

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