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With EU Contribution. With EU Contribution. “Work-Life Management and CSR in the finance sector: a training path to incentivize the social dialogue at company and European level. Focus on Professionals and Managers' - VS/2016/0394”. Project Presentation Vico Equense November 6, 2017.
With EU Contribution With EU Contribution “Work-Life Management and CSR in the finance sector: a training path to incentivize the social dialogue at company and European level. Focus on Professionals and Managers' - VS/2016/0394” Project Presentation Vico Equense November 6, 2017 Pier Luigi Ledda Project Manager – FIRST CISL - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Index Premise Two great issues Work Life Management Health and Safety and Psycho-Social Risks Project Objectives Methodology Partnerships Activities and Phases Training course Didactic objectives Topics-Expected Results Methodologies-Participants Agenda Administrative rules - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Premise The right balance between work and personal / family life is the basis of civil society as a whole and not only of the sphere on the job. Today, the work, thanks to the spread of new technologies, has invaded the privacy of people risking their family and social balances.In today's Europe, where, because of the crisis the economic policies are guided by the "spending review", the increase in employment levels is the priority. The challenge that the social partners have to face is to achieve the goal of growing into a quality work environment and welfare of workers.On this basis, there are two major issues related to the balance between family life and professional life: - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
2. Two major issues • The rebalancing of responsibilitieswithinfamiliesable to promote the development of femaleparticipation in the labor market, both from a quantitative and qualitative point of view.According to the latestestimates by Eurofound (2015), the employment gender gap coast 325.000.000.000 € a year to the EU (2.5% of EU GDP), with an individual cost of exclusionthroughouttheirworking life women, estimatedat over 1 million euro. • The protection of the safety and health of workersagainstpsychosocial risks and stress atwork.In the recent EU-fundedproject made by Matrix (2013) for the European Agency for Safety and Healthat Work EU-OSHA, the cost to Europe of the work-relateddepressionwasestimatedat € 617.000.000.000 per year. Thistotalis made up of costs for employersarising from absenteeism and presentism (272 billion euro), from lostproductivity (242 billion euro), the health care costs (63 billion euro) and social care costsrepresented from payments for disability benefits (39 billion euro). - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
3- Work Life Management Conciliation Work Life Management Regarding the first point, we must overcome the old use of the word "conciliation" thatparticularlyaffects (thoughnotexclusively) women, and adopt the term "work-life management" thatincreases the audience of stakeholders by involvingbothsexes, young and adults by expanding the object of interestonly by family obligations to the free time in general, includingalso the educational and training activities. Line of work and private life are increasingly "confused" and the expression of "work-life management" explainsbetter the search for balance betweenpaid work and private lives.Thistype of balance concerns and involves more fields: political, social, organizational and business, and alsofamiliar. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
4- Health and safety The second macro theme in which we have conceptually divided the problems related to the balance of life and work is, as anticipated, the work rate and the invasiveness of new technologies which increasingly take up more space in the private lives of workers.Technological progress, characterized by increasing digitization, is fueling a work culture '24 hours 24 'and can lead to a blurring of boundaries between work and private life.The health and safety of workers in Europe are today threatened primarily by psychosocial risks and stress at work. Among the psychosocial risks faced by the majority of European workers, in addition to stress, we find anxiety to achieve the objectives and exhaustion (burnout) caused by overwork. These phenomena are particularly present in the banking sector where workers are under pressure due to the stresses to the sale of financial products to customers. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Project objectives The project focuses on the topic of Work Life Management in the wider context of corporate social responsibility and social dialogue in the banking sector. Our action is therefore directed to research and study on two central issues related to Work Life Management by identifying and analyzing good practices.Since our project is primarily a training objective, all our activities are directed to the formation of trade union organizations of the participating countries. The primary objective is to build a network of trade unionists prepared in terms of knowledge and sensitivity to the Work Life Management problems.This network, with training tools that the project will provide, will be able to deal with new working methods, negotiating challenges by putting in place during the negotiations at the enterprise / national level what they have learned, and will be able to contribute effectively to social dialogue Europe, through the involvement of the European federations. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Objectives - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Methodology The methodology used is innovative because it is based on a process of self-training of the participants who will work together, guided by process supervisors that will stimulate discussion on various topics, going to the next step only after finding a common synthesis. Particular attention will be given to the category of cadres, which has now reached almost 50% of employment in the European banking sector and is particularly worried about psychosocial risks and stress related to work. For this reason, the project can rely on a real involvement of UNI Europe and, in particular, its P & M and EUROCADRES services - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Partnership In the project, to achieve the goals we have a strong and significant transnational partnership 8 European countries (as well as in Italy): 2 - Nordic countries with a "historical" sensitivity to themes of WLM (England, Finland); 3 - Western European countries with a more "traditional culture" (Spain, France, Greece); 2 - countries of the "new" Europe with less experience in the field of negotiation of labor rights (Bulgaria, Romania) 1 - candidate country: Turkey. Furthermore: • UNI Europa, social part recognized, and its Department UNI Europa P & M, • EUROCADRES, social part recognized,, • FEDERMANAGEMENT, national association of business leaders. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Social Dialogue The social dialogue in the financialsectorisstrengthening and the proofis the will of the European social partners to givegreatereffect to the 2005 Joint Declaration on Social Responsibility, reviewing some parts and focusing on certainaspects of employment. The goal of ourprojectis to enhance and / or establish trade skills exchanges, thusfurthercontribute to the social dialogueat company, national and European.Thepresence in the project with a realparticipation of twocounterparts of the European social dialogue, corroborates the foregoing:UNI Europa (signatory of the Joint Declarationmentioned) and EUROCADRES (the subject of the European social dialogue for P & Mscategories). ThereisalsoFedermanagementwhois an actor of national social dialogue in Italy. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
The project lasts 2 years - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Activities Il progetto mette in campo 5 categorie di attività • STRATEGY AND TACTICS - all monitoring activities and defining corrective strategies, under the responsibility of the project manager and the Steering Committee- • RESEARCH AND INVESTIGATION - remote work of the Working Group, Opinion Poll and Focus meetings- • EDUCATION - 2 Training Courses- • MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF RESULTS - Start after each start activities under way and proceeding all the way, allowing us to take action, if necessary, implementing corrective due. • DISSEMINATION OF RESULTS - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
10 Steps • STEP - PREPARATORY WORK. The SteeringCommitteeispreparing to launch the project. Also in thisphase, the construction of the web applicationcalled Virtual Agora, a "virtual meeting place" in whichallparticipants can meet to afferire and retrievematerials, contribute to the discussioninteracting, make a contribution by addingvalue to the discussion.Thedistribution and operation of the Virtual Agora will be illustrated by Malvolti in its report. DONE! - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
DONE! 2° Step KICK OFF - LAUNCH OF THE PROJECT The meeting brought together all the members of the Steering Committee, the Training Manager and the training facilitators (one for each working group). It was a formative and operational meeting at the same time. Jobs were held in Athens. In particular: a) a presentation of the Project with expected objectives and results; b) a round table in which participants demonstrated the situation in their own country, starting with the hosts of the Greek OTOE union; c) the intervention of the scientific director of the project MimmoIodice on the state of the art of Community legislation and on possible developments; d) the presentation of the rich and qualified paragonary and of the Virual Agora, the web area that has been used for remote work; e) Presentation of the three Working Groups: composition, objectives, expected results, methodologies and calendar activities - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
DONE! 3° Step 3. STAGE - RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS - remote work and FOCUS MEETING At this stage, research at European level was carried out in remote mode, which lasted for 7 months (3 months + focus meetings + 3 months) using "Virtual Agora". The partners were divided into 3 working groups and worked on 3 thematic areas. Remote work and its learning process were guided by the coordinators. FEB. – AUG/SEPT. 2017 - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
DONE! 3° Step MAY 2017 RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS - Remote Work and FOCUS MEETING At the end of the first three months of distance work they took place 3 FOCUS MEETING (Sofia Edinburgh Bruxelles) one for each of the three working groups to test the work done and improve, by following the next job. The 3 thematic areas: WG1: Rebalance of family responsibilities that can foster the growth of female participation in the labor market. Coordinator: Masked WG2: Protecting workers' safety and health against psychosocial risks and stress on the workplace. Coordinator: Viniguerra WG 3: It is made up of members of the Professionals & Manangers organizations. It will have the task of deepening all WG1 and WG2 topics from the P & M category. Coordinator: Paterlini - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
3° Step RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS - A second research will be conducted through a public opinion poll open to everyone. The survey will be conducted with an online questionnaire that will be presented today; the results will be analyzed and published on Virtual Agora. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
6-7-8 November 2017 CORSO DI FORMAZIONE 1 THE KNOWLEDGE 5° Step 5. STAGE - FIRST TRAINING COURSE - THE KNOWLEDGE At this stage, a 3-day Training Course will be held aiming at the "knowledge" of the materials and the results to which we will come to our work. About 30 qualified trade unionists from participating organizations will be involved. The training methodology: The course will adopt active learning approaches in order to encourage participation, sharing experience - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
6° Step 6 . STEP - VERIFICATION AND DESIGN At this stage, the Steering Committee: - verifies the achievement of the learning objectives of the first training course, through the analysis of the results of the knowledge assessment tools used during the course; - will design the second training course devoted to Change - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
7° Step April 2018 7 . STEP - SECOND TRAINING COURSE - THE CHANGE The training course is the focal part of the whole project AIMS: - Verify the level of knowledge gained during the previous training course; - Strengthen participants awareness of their role as agents of change in their workplace; - Provide methodological tools to negotiate agreements that meet the needs of work life management workers; - Provide methodological tools to negotiate P & Ms related agreements on: health and safety at work, reconciliation between work and family life, gender equality; - Awareness of the specifics of the P & Ms category - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Second Semester 2018 8°-9° Step 8 . STEP - VERIFICATION AND EVALUATION At this stage we will proceed to the analysis and evaluation of the results of the Change Training Course 9 . STEP - FINAL CONFERENCE The conference, which will have the purpose of discussing the results of the training course by comparing with other parts of the social dialogue of our sector and beyond. Comparison with the outside world will be extended and will be invited to make contributions from representatives of other sectors. The final conference will give ample space to European partners: UNI Europa, UNI EUROPA P & Ms and EUROCADRES with regard to the problems of highly professional workers. The comparison will also be with Federmanagement partner representing corporate executives and with the Italian Banking Association (ABI), which will be invited to intervene. The debate will take place through a round table. It will be an opportunity for mutual growth through a discussion of the various approach models to the problem - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
10° Step 10 . STEP - VERIFICATION AND FINAL ASSESSMENT The final report on the results of the various phases of the project. The expected results are: (a) final assessment of the objectives and results achieved; b) Validation of the entire training process; (c) dissemination methods of results in the countries participating in the project; (d) the decision on future developments; e) summary and final report. All of these documents will be shared by all partners through Virtual Agora. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Training CourseTHE KNOWLEDGEVico Equense November 6-8, 2017 - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
General Objective of the Project Build a network of prepared unionists in terms of knowledge and sensitivity to problems of Work Life Management, ready to face, with new operating methods, the negotiating challenges on the subject also through the involvement of European federations. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Didactic objectives Knowledge sharing on: the issues related to balance in working life within the broader context of CSR principles; the most significant work and family life balance arrangements under CSR policies; the CSR policies of European companies and the corporate legal liability policies in the light of the new Directive 95/2014; The Commission's road map on the revision of the parental leave directive; the revision of the Joint Declaration (2005) of Social Partners on CSR signed on 31 January 2014; Directive 2010/18; Communication COM (2004) 62; the principles of subsidiarity referred to in art. 153 of the TFEU; European Framework Agreements on this subject. Making participants aware of their role as "agents of change and knowledge". - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Thematic areas Rebalance of family responsibilities that can foster the growth of female participation in the labor market. Protecting the health and safety of workers against psychosocial risks and stress on the workplace. Both WG1 and WG2 arguments from the P & Ms category viewpoint. Expectedresults At the end of the training course participants will have expanded their knowledge on: European Joint Declarations, WLM Guidelines and Programs and Health and Safety WLM agreements and health and safety in the various countries Good practices selected in WLM materials and health and safety in various countries Acquired the awareness of being agents of change and dissemination of WLM knowledge - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Methology Active and participative. Relationships and group work will alternate. Self-reflection on the steps following the training course. Participants Business unions coming from European credit companies; in particular those of the Delegation dealing with gender and Welfare policies Who follows the high professionalism - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
Training Course, Vico Equense 6-8 november 2017 Agenda - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
ADMINISTRATIVE RULES With EU Contribution “Work-Life Management and CSR in the finance sector: a training path to incentivize the social dialogue at company and European level. Focus on Professionals and Managers' - VS/2016/0394” “ - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
1. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES: All original receipts for travel costs and subsistence related to the project must be sent to the Applicant of the Project : FIRST-CISL European Project - VS/2016/0394 Via Modena 5 00184 Roma ITALIA With EU Contribution - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
2. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES : The cost of air should not exceed the amount specified in the project budget (EUR 300.00) and to be accepted by the European Commission must be economy class. The request for reimbursement must be accompanied by air tickets and boarding passes. With EU Contribution - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
3. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES : We must attach the original copies to a brief description of the individual costs incurred (in English or Italian) in case of different currency please attach conversion in euro. With EU Contribution - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
4. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES : Refunds taxis are accepted only when there is no public transport or when it is necessary (for example: you arrive at the airport during the night). In any case, the rule is: use public transport.To request reimbursement of expenses we have to use our format, which you will find attached. NOTE: However, the use of taxis must be justified! With EU Contribution - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
5. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES : the journey by car will not reimburse. Exceptionally, in the case of travel by car, you may request a refund of the fee, on that route, of the train journey in first class, using our refund format. Therefore, the costs associated with the use of a car (motorway tolls, car parks, etc.) anyway are not reimbursed. - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL
With EU Contribution ‘Life Management and CSR in the finance sector: a training path to incentivize the social dialogue at company and European level. Focus on Professionals and Managers' - VS/2016/0394 thanks! - VS/2016/0394 - Vico Equense– PLL