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Einstein and Quantum Theory of Solids: An Overview

Explore Einstein's groundbreaking quantum theory of solids, from Planck's radiation distribution to Debye's model, Pauli-Sommerfeld theory, and energy band theory of solids. Learn about the emergence of new properties in complex systems and the quest for a Theory of Everything.

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Einstein and Quantum Theory of Solids: An Overview

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  1. Einstein and quantum theory of solids Yu Lu Institute of Theor. Phys. & Interdisciplinary Center of Theor. Studies, CAS

  2. Einstein’s paper in March 1905 Planck proposed theradiation distribution,whileEinsteinsuggested that the radiation consists of a gas of “light energy quanta” (Lichtenergiequanten), or simply “light quanta” (Lichtquanten), each with energy proportional to frequency.

  3. Among the 1905 papers Einstein only considered this paper “revolutionary” Planck derived this relation “Experiments are in unsolvable contradiction with classical mechanics and classical electrodynamics”

  4. Einstein’s heuristic derivation Using Boltzmann’s entropy Wien’s radiation law, for “high energy quanta” Analogy of radiation with ideal gas --“gas of light quanta”

  5. 1905 paper: Quantization of interaction energy of radiation with matter Stoke’s rule, photo-ionization, photo-effect Proved in 1906 and 1907 papers:Quantization of “light quanta” --Planck’law Not accepted by contemporaries, strong objection by Planck himself,Nobel prize only in 1922.

  6. Specific heat (SH) puzzle for solids Dulong-Petit’s empirical law :it should be a constant Boltzmann’a derivation in 1876 :c=3Rn=5.94n cal/mole·grad Many solids, in particular insulators, SH much smaller, Strongly temperature dependent

  7. What is the reason? Boltzmann: motion of atoms constrained in solids, not as simple as he imagined Lord Kelvin: doubt onBoltzmann’s derivation Lord Rayleigh: Both theory and experiments are right,genuinecontradiction, new “insight” is needed! Einstein’s quantum theory of specific heat for solids

  8. 1907paper:“Planck’s theory of radiation and theory of specific heat” Annalen der Physik22 (1907)180-190

  9. 1907 paper assumes quantization of energy of atom vibration, with the same frequency, the same average energy derivation of typical frequency from compressibility and density Einstein founded the quantum theory of solids!!

  10. Comparison of theory with diamond’s SH in 1905’s paper 1910 Nenrstmeasured the temperature dependence for more solids The earliest confirmation of quantum theorycame from solids Millikan’s 1914 photoeffect experiments Only afterCompton scattering experiment in 1923,the concept of “light quanta” was accepted by physicists

  11. 1911 Debye model--continuum model 1911 Born- von Karman molecular chain--lattice 1924 Heisenberg quantum mechanical calculations Born-Huang lattice dynamics theory

  12. Drude-Lorentz free electron theory of metals Electrons in metals are “free”, can conduct electricity, heat, with some “mean free path” Wiedemann-Franz law Lorentz gave rigorous proof using Maxwell- Boltzmann distribution Difficulties:1)Why some solids are metals? 2)Why SH of metals is not z times bigger?

  13. Pauli-Sommerfeld free electron theory of metals Identity principle--Bose-Einstein and Fermi-Dirac statistics Pauli with “great regret” gave up the Bose character assumption of electrons --derived Pauli paramagnetism Sommerfeld systematically appliedFermi-Dirac statistics For most metals F>>T, “low temperature phenomena” Electron SH ~T, rediscoveredWiedemann-Franz law…… What is the difference between metals and insulators?

  14. Energy band theory of solids Bloch theorem Metal—partially filled bands; Insulator(semiconductor)-fully filled bands

  15. Two opposite views on the Nature Reductionism: Everything is reduced to its constituents, governed by the most fundamental laws. “Ultimate Goal”—To establish THE THEORY OF EVERYTHING Emergence: There are different levels of the real world, and there are fundamental laws at each level. Our mission is to start with the basic experimental facts, to unveil these fundamental laws and to understand “ How qualitatively new phenomena are EMERGING.”

  16. Philip W. Anderson: More is different(1972) …at each new level of complexity, entirely new properties appear, and the understanding of this behavior requires research as fundamental in its nature as any other.

  17. Theory of Everything R B Laughlin & D Pines j<k a < b

  18. Achievements: atoms, molecules, solids ······Nk Approximate methods:crystal structure, phonon spectrum, even Tc under el-ph model of SC DFT-1998 Nobel Prize in Chemistry QuantumMolecular Dynamics- Car-Parrinello method Walter Kohn Dynamic Quantum Mean Field Theory(DMFT)

  19. LDA+ DMFT Phonon spectra of plutonium,theoretical predictions (red circles)(X. Dai et al., Science 300, 953 (2003)); Neutron scattering results (black squares)(Science 301, 1078 (2003))

  20. Failures:Superconductivity, superfluidity, QHE Josephson effect······ High Tc······ not talking about protein functions understanding of conscience……. We can decompose complex systems into the simplest constituents and understand the behavior of these constituents, as ancient Greeks dreamed, but we know nothing about the complex systems themselves!!

  21. Lattice vibration and phonons • If ground state stable:low energy excitations • —harmonic oscillations. Quantization of these • oscillations-- phonons • “Like” ordinary particles,dispersion  (p) • No restrictions on generation: bosons • They do not survive, while leaving crystals:quasiparticles • Not sensitive to microscopic details,which cannot be • recovered from the phonons • This was initiated by Einstein !!

  22. Landau Fermi Liquid Theory • Low energy excitations of interacting Fermi systems(like electrons in metals)can be mapped onto weakly interacting Fermi gas • These quasipariticles follow Fermi statistics,with dispersion  (p),with the same Fermi volume as free fermions (Luttinger theorem). • They cease to exist if taken away from the matrix (metal) • Their properties not sensitive to microscopic interactions,which cannot be derived from these properties • From the RG point of view, interacting and free fermion • systems are controlled by the same fixed point

  23. Superconductivity 1911 Kamerlingh Onnes discovered zero resistance Early 30s Meissner effect was discovered, complete diamagnetism more fundamental Londonequations Wave function “rigidity” ansatz (London brothers)

  24. Superconductivity 1950 Ginzburg-Landau equation,introducing macroscopic wave function Bardeen realized:gap in spectrum leads to “rigidity” Cooper pairing:arbitrarily weak attraction gives rise to bound states at the Fermi surface—pairing energy is the gap

  25. Is SC Bose-Einstein condensation of Cooper pairs?-- a bit more complicated! BCS wave function: Problem solved!Nobel prize was delayed by 15 years! Particle number not conserved,change from one Hilbert space to another one — symmetry breaking—conceptual breakthrough

  26. Anderson-Higgs mechnism Goldstone mode: collective excitations, recovering the symmetry – like spin waves When external (gauge) field coupled, becomes massive - Meissner effect Unified weak-electromagnetic interactions-- 1979 Nobel prize in physics

  27. Josephson effect:visualization of the phase Using two Josephson junctions-- SQUID Most profound demonstration of emergence! Bardeen’s objection

  28. Discovery of the integer quantum Hall effect - 1985 Nobel prize in physics T ~ 1 K B~ 8 T

  29. QHE as an emergent phenomenon • Precision:10-9 • Self-organization: 1011-1012 /cm2 particles synchronized • Universality-“robustness”-not sensitive to impurities, • details of microscopic interactions, etc.

  30. What guarantees “exactness” of quantization? – Disorder caused localization “pumping” integer number of electrons--emergence Electron interactions can be “adiabatically” switched off

  31. Fractional QHE-1998 Physics Nobel Daniel C. TsuiHorst L. Störmer Robert Laughlin

  32. Comparison of fractional and integer QHE Common features: • exact Hall plateau--constant×e2/h • Zero longitudinal conductivity and resistance • Thermal activation,gap,described by Mott VRH Differences:constant --integer or fractional? “adiabatically” derivable from noninteracting model? disorder dominating--integer, interaction dominating--fractional

  33. Laughlin wave function--new quantum state Unusual properties: • gap, incompressible, like rotons in SF helium • quasiparticle charge e/3 • fractional statistics,gauge interactions Another pronounced example of emergence!

  34. T Quantum-critical gc g Quantum phase transitions John Hertz (1976), Andrews Millis, Subir Sachdev Singularity of ground state properties as function of g

  35. 1D Isingchain in transverse field(qubits) (g=0) (g=) Quantum critical point Relaxation of qubits depends only on temperature

  36. Einstein in 1905 explored the wave-particle duality for the radiation field, the same idea leads to quantum theory of solids。 100 years of quantum theory of solids— Outcome of complementary interplay of reductionism and emergence!

  37. Thank You Very Much!

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