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Road Safety Issues in Small Urban City

Explore the root causes of road accidents in a small urban city, focusing on factors like driver behavior, faulty road geometry, and lack of safety awareness. Learn about accident statistics, vulnerable road sections, and potential solutions to prevent tragedies.

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Road Safety Issues in Small Urban City

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  1. Road Safety issues in small urban city Dr. Md. Jahir Bin Alam

  2. Introduction An accident is an unexpected occurrence of physical damage to animate inanimate structure. Currently, road accident is one of the major root causes of the unnatural losses of human beings all over the worlds.

  3. Overview of accident • Every year approximately 1.3 million people as a result of road accident in the world (WHO, 2016). • More than 85 percent of these casualties and 96 percent of total child deaths, occur in low and middle income countries. • One child is killed in Road Accidents, every three minutes in the World. • Road traffic deaths are predicted to increase by 83 percent in low-income and middleincome countries (if no major action is taken).

  4. As Sylhet is a holy place of Bangladesh, ever day many people come here to visit the holy places from different places of Bangladesh. A high growth in urbanization and motorization can be identified as one of the factors leading to the higher number of road accidents. Although the countries with mid-level income (i.e. us) contribute more to road accidents worldwide due to lack of road safety laws and poor maintenance. The main reasons for road accidents in Sylhet are identified from several studies.

  5. Figure 1: Accident density on major national highway in Bangladesh (accident per km)

  6. Table 1: Year-wise distribution of vehicle involved in accident

  7. Types of Accident: Head On Hitting Object Rear End Lost Control

  8. Over Turning

  9. A run-off road collision is a type of single –vehicle accident that occurs when a vehicle leaves the roadway. Rear end means a collision of fast moving vehicle with slow moving vehicle. Maximum rate of accident is related with pedestrian (26.29%). Figure 2 : Summary by types of accidents

  10. Clinical photograph showing a typical sideswipe injury around the elbow Figure 3: Most responsible for accident Accident at turn Figure depicts that driver, pedestrians and unfit vehicles are mainly responsible for accidents in Sylhet. According to police opinion, pedestrians do not know traffic rules.

  11. Figure 4: In case of male Figure 5:In case of female Accident involved for male about 29% male are fallen in accident in the age range of 25-35, that is most male accident victims are young. One of the reasons is use of motorcycle in highway by young person in Sylhet. Sylhet is called city of motor cycle. From the gender point of view, about 37% female are fallen in accident in the age of 35-45. Most of them are working women.

  12. Figure 6: In case of Child It is clear from figure that 62.50 % children are fallen in accident below age of 10. The reason is most of primary school is near highway or regional road; another point is that poor children are working near highway, careless movement is also a point.

  13. Table2: Identification of most vulnerable internal road in highway in north-eastern zone of Bangladesh To identify the hazardous road “Fatality Index” is used. Bu using fatality Index, the Sylhet-Sherpur section is the most vulnerable section of highway.

  14. Reality check on post-crash facilities

  15. Causes of accident • Faulty Geometry • Mental, physical and financial pressures on drivers • General lack of road safety awareness • Reckless driving • Untrained drivers • Unfit vehicles • Simultaneous operation of motorized and non-motorized vehicles without separation and adequate rules • Poor traffic enforcement • Broken Speed Hump The figure depicts that pedestrian, driver and unfit vehicles are mainly responsible for accident

  16. Causes of accident • Over Loading • Vulnerable road-side activities • Poor space and devices along the road, • Poor vehicles, unsafe road user behavior • Unsatisfactory Police enforcement and poor driver’s behavior • Lack of road safety awareness and risky pedestrian behavior • Use of light vehicle (CNG) in highway as lack of public transport within 20km to 25km around city

  17. Causes of accident • No service road/ Frontage road are not provided . • Narrow bridge width at the entrance point of Sylhet City • Improper lane management • RHD’s right of way (ROW) for widening and straightening of carriageway is not available. There are few service lanes for buses, trucks. • There are 146 narrow bridge (less than 3.7m carriageway width) on RHD road network. Among them, 31 narrow bridges are in Sylhet division.

  18. Causes of accident • The lowest accident rate is occurred in old of age of drivers. Driver's lack of attention and impatience is also responsible for accident. • Drivers do not conscious about road accident. Over 80% of drivers have practical knowledge which is get from other drivers but they are not the familiar with found traffic rules and regulation. • Culture of impunity and poor legal redress

  19. Broken Speed Hump Poor Road Condition Over loading Over loaded wit passenger

  20. Care less Driving Overtaking on bridge

  21. Steps to be taken for preventing Road Accidents • Most important method to bring down accidents is strict enforcement of speed limits. • About 90 % of accidents can be avoided by strict enforcement of speed limits. • Existing speed limits should be brought down further.

  22. How to prevent Road Accidents • Heavy Penalty should be imposed on all those who cross speed limits. • Heavy penalty should be imposed for those who cause accidents. • Two wheeler manufacturers should be asked to design two wheelers with a designed maximum speed of (say) 50/60 kmph. ( Suitable speed limit may be selected for each country.) • Diving tests for issue of Driving license is to be made more stringent and foolproof. • Raising of lower age limit for two wheeler and Heavy Vehicle license to 21. • Strict enforcement of existing traffic rules • Helmet and seat belt should be made compulsory for back seat riders also.

  23. Safety awareness should begin from childhood, as it is difficult to impart awareness to a grown up a human. If safety awareness is imparted at childhood, safety will be a habit. • Children below a certain age should not be permitted to do cycling in busy roads / roads where heavy vehicles are plying. • Advertisement boards and other items that may obstruct visibility at junctions, curvatures and other parts of the roads should be removed immediately • Ensure that the money recovered as Road Tax is fully utilized for the construction /maintenance of roads.   • TV and other media should be effectively used for Public safety awareness. • Major accidents and accident prone areas should be scientifically analyzed . • Speed should be restricted at accident prone areas.

  24. License of those who are involved the accidents should be suspended immediately, at least until they prove that they are not guilty. • Roads should be properly maintained. Permanent contracts / arrangements should be in place for maintaining all roads in good condition 24 hours a day, 365 days an year • Roads should be straightened / widened wherever required. • One way traffic should be implemented as far as possible. Medians should be constructed in roads with two way traffic. • Footpaths and medians should be made mandatory for important roads. • Zebra crossings should be provided for pedestrians for safe road crossings at appropriate places. • Roads should be properly marked. Proper sign boards should be installed. • Humps should be provided at all important places, accident prone areas.

  25. Obstructions on road sides, caused by unauthorized construction / road side sales should be eliminated. • Road Safety Day / Road Safety Week should be observed in all Schools, every year. Competitions on Road Safety Tips, Slogans, Essay, Painting etc should be conducted for various categories of students. • Accident statistics should be periodically reviewed to understand the effect of actions taken. Corrective steps should be taken based on these reviews.

  26. Road Safety Program (RSP) at any level (regional and local) should be as integrated approach. Set up realistic and quantitative goals and priorities of Program  Coordinate the work between all stakeholders involved.  Allocate funds and resources for road safety actions.  Design and implement cost-effectiveness measures towards targets.  Monitor and evaluate improvements.

  27. To improve the efficiency and effectiveness of RSP.  To increases the awareness regarding road safety among public and policy makers.  To ensure that the activities implemented with road network are cost effective.

  28. Factors influencing exposure to traffic (type of travel mode choice) Factors influencing risk of accident (road condition, vesicle's condition, driver) Factors influencing accident severity (poor city health care system, human factors-pedestrian’s behaviour) Figure 7: The monitoring process in road safety

  29. Figure 8: The framework of integrated monitoring system in road safety

  30. Traffic Management Sector Plan It should be include the following criteria: • The trends in fatalities and injuries in comparison with the target. • The effectiveness of practices taken in response to each practice objective (e.g. reduction of drivers who violate speed limits by 30%). • Comparing the situation before and after implementing an action. • The relevance of implemented activities to the priorities that were set up in the RSP. • How well the coordination channels between different bodies involved in road safety in the city

  31. Now, it is time for war against Road accidents!!!!!!! Are we ready ?????? We can fight road accidents by simply spreading this “message” to everyone.

  32. Women Mob ability in Sylhet • Working women use CNG as there is no public transport bus for 5km to 10km around the city • Fare of CNG is more, so women are looking job within the city so that they can use rickshaw • More than 10km route, women can use local bus but attitude of public is not friendly.

  33. Road Safety Slogans • Life's short, don't rush it. • It‘s better late than never. • Be alert! Accidents hurt.!!!!!!! • Alert today - Alive tomorrow. • Leave sooner, drive slower, live longer. • Stop accidents before they stop you. • Speed that thrills is the speed that kills. • Better be Mister Late than to be Late Mister. • Don't Drink and drive • Don't become a road accident "statistic" • Better a minute late than "dead on time" • Drive for safety. • Drive like people out there are trying to kill you, because they are!

  34. Thank You

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