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Powerful beliefs to create a new life

Powerful beliefs to create a new life. Laura Mocanu. Belfast Coaching Support Group. Set Intention:

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Powerful beliefs to create a new life

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  1. Powerful beliefs to create a new life Laura Mocanu • Belfast Coaching Support Group

  2. Set Intention: For the next two hours we are going to focus on what we need to in order to identify or banish the limiting beliefs from our lives and replace them with beliefs that empower us to be the best that we can be. By setting an intention we say to ourselves we are serious about what comes next.

  3. Perceptions

  4. The mind: David Hawkins The mind is contaminated by emotions, feelings, prejudices, blind spots, denials, projections, paranoias, phobias, fear, regrets, guilts, worries, anxiety, old age, sickness, death, failure, rejection, loss and disaster.” In addition to all the foregoing, the mind has also been innocently programmed by endless propaganda, political slogans, religious and social dogmas, continual distortion of facts, falsifications, errors, misjudgments and misinformation.”

  5. Beliefs Emotions, feelings, thoughts and imagination are based on beliefs We feed our beliefs daily with the memes of our inner dialogue and with memes from the view of others We view outside reality through the filters of our beliefs Our reality and our bodies mirror our beliefs Life may not follow your conscious desires, but it follows your beliefs The most efficient way to change your behaviour is to change your beliefs

  6. Beliefs and memes Beliefs consist of coherent sets of memes: Being, identity: “I’m a good person” Potential “I can do good” Descriptive categories “I have green eyes” Cause-effect relationships “I’m a good person because I do good; I do good because I’m a good person” Conditional relationships “If I do good, I am a good person; If I’m a good person, I do good”

  7. Beliefs that create identity Self: I am……… Others: The others are…….. Quality of life: Life is……….

  8. Beliefs are POWERFUL • Beliefs have the power to create and the power to destroy. • “Human beings have the awesome ability to take any experience of their lives and create a MEANINGthat disempowers them or one that can literally save their lives.” • - Tony Robbins


  10. What is a limiting belief?

  11. 1. A limiting belief is one that causes life to be less than completely satisfying. 2. Limiting beliefs have more of a negative impact on your life than any other factor

  12. Discovering Your Limiting Beliefs To change anything, you first must identify it. It's important to stay relevant. We all have tons of limiting beliefs, but the truth is that many of them are irrelevant. Only worry about the limiting beliefs that are going to have the greatest impact.

  13. Limiting beliefs • I can’t….. • I never…. • I always…. • What aspect of your life would you like to change?


  15. Story • The reason I believe ___________________________ • is: • Education • Family • Work • Money • Health

  16. Thoughts and feelings • My story makes me think: • ____________________________________________ • My story makes me feel: • ____________________________________________

  17. Current actions and results • Because of the way I feel and think, I do this: • _________________________________ • And experience the following results • _________________________________

  18. The future state The only way to achieve different results is through change THOUGHTS ACTIONS RESULTS STORY FEELINGS

  19. Desired state - GOALS ACTIONS What can I do to get the results I want?

  20. Thoughts and feelings • As I change my actions and achieve different results, I expect to think: • ____________________________________________ • And I expect to feel: • ____________________________________________

  21. A NEW story • I’ve put away the thoughts and feelings that were holding me back, I’ve changed my actions and mindset and this is my NEW EMPOWERING belief: • I can….. • I’ll always…. • I never….

  22. One of the main ways that limiting beliefs have a significant negative impact on our lives is that they short-circuit the success process

  23. Four Steps of Success Process • Decide clearly what you want. • Do something to make it happen . • Adjust your approach as you gain new expertise • Keep going until you're successful

  24. What’s important for you today? Align your life with your values Take action Celebrate results Pay it forward

  25. P A Process W

  26. EXERCISE: 1. Make a list of the areas in your life where you feel challenged 2. Identify the beliefs that are contributing to your challenges • Make a list of all of your beliefs, good and bad, regarding the challenges you identified above. Don't attempt to filter them as while doing this; just get them all listed If you have an area of your life that displeases you and you're not actively doing something to fix it, then it's a pretty good bet that you have a limiting belief(finances, relationships, health, fun/adventure, & any other aspect of your life in which you're experiencing dissatisfaction.)

  27. EXERCISE: 3. Identify the beliefs that are holding you back 4. Put the negative beliefs in order Start with the limiting belief that you feel is creating the most challenge in your life. Put them all in order from the belief having the greatest negative impact to least. It makes sense to spend your time where it's going to do the most good. Prioritizing your time is always a valuable strategy Think about which beliefs are having the greatest negative impact on your life. One way to do this is to consider how your behavior would change if that belief were eliminated from your life. Don't just guess which beliefs are the most damaging. Really examine it and consider the change that your life would experience if you weren't held back by that belief.

  28. Change Steps of change 4. Imagine being free from the belief 6. Find evidence for the new belief 7. Test yourself 2. Determine the source of your belief 3. Your declaration 5. Replace the belief 1. Ask yourself if the belief is true You

  29. Conclusion Limiting beliefs really do put our lives in a stranglehold. They can lead us to believe that we have limited options to deal with our challenges or that we’re limited in doing new things. These beliefs have profound negative consequences and eliminating them is one of the best things we can do for ourselves. By systematically going through all of your limiting beliefs, it’s possible to dramatically improve your life. Always remember that new limiting beliefs will occur over time, and it's important to check yourself for these new limiting beliefs. Life can be relatively easy and simple. Deal with your mental obstacles and you'll see those are the biggest obstacles you have. Look at your limiting beliefs today – your life will never be the same!

  30. PROCRASTINATION or How to set the NOW habit? Half day workshop STUDENTS admission FREE Saturday 9th March 2:30 pm – 5:30 pm

  31. GET MOTIVATED A positive provocation March 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm EARLY BIRD rate of£5 ends tonight !

  32. BELFAST COACHING SUPPORT GROUP Join us: Meetup.com/BelfastCoachingSupportGroup/ email : info@evisioncoaching.co.uk

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