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Project financing in Life+. 16.3.2011 Pekka Harju-Autti Senior Adviser Min. of Env’t, Finland. LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance demonstration or innovation (or support to forest monitoring) LIFE+ Information & Communication
Project financing in Life+ 16.3.2011 Pekka Harju-Autti Senior Adviser Min. of Env’t, Finland
LIFE+ Environmental Policy & Governance demonstration or innovation (or support to forest monitoring) LIFE+ Information & Communication awareness raising campaign (or training for forest fire agents) LIFE+ Nature 25% concrete conservation actions (2 exceptions: marine Natura 2000 inventories + support to monitoring) best practise or demonstration LIFE+ Biodiversity 25% concrete conservation actions demonstration or innovation
Some history… Estonia Since the launch of the LIFE programme in 1992, a total of 27projects have been financed in Estonia. Of these, 10 focus on environmental innovation, 13 on nature conservation, 3 on capacity building and one on information and communication. These projects represent a total investment of €27.6 million, of which €12.9 million has been provided by the European Union. Finland Since the launch of the LIFE programme in 1992, a total of 118 projects were financed in Finland. Of these, 66 focused on environmental innovation, 51 on nature conservation, and one on Information and Communication. These projects represented a total investment of €193.1 million, of which €84.3 million was contributed by the European Union.
Themes of Life+ cover all fields of EU environmental policy 50% Not very succesful Most interesting?
Typical Life+ project • Duration 2-5 years (average 4a) • 2-6 beneficiaries (1 enough!) • The coordinating beneficiary is often from public sector (cities, municipalities, universities, regional env’l centres, private companies…) • COM pays 50% (in some exceptions higher) • Transnationality is not necessary • Not much bureaucracy (compared to some other EU fundings),flexibility (COM asks for corrections) • High success rate (1/3 !)
Progress since the start of LIFE+ More Money! More projects! Better Chances!
Euroopa Komisjon LIFE+ Infoseminar 2011 Euroopa Komisjon avab veebruaris 2011 viienda taotlusvooru LIFE+ programmi raames, kus on võimalik kolme teema all kuni 265,36 miljoni euro suurust kaasfinantseeringut taotleda: loodus ja mitmekesisus, keskkonnapoliitika ja valitsemine ning info ja kommunikatsioon. Euroopa Komisjon koostöös Stella Consulting’u ja MWH’ga organiseerib Eestis LIFE+ programmi infoseminari. Seminari eesmärk on anda 2011. aasta taotlusvooru potentsiaalsetele taotlejatele ülevaade LIFE+ programmist, aidata otsustada, kas esitada LIFE+ taotlus või mitte ning aidata vältida levinumaid probleeme taotluse esitamisel. Seminar toimub 16. märtsil 2011 Keskkonnaministeeriumis, Tallinnas Lisainfot leiab ka LIFE kodulehelt: http://ec.europa.eu/environment/life/funding/lifeplus.htm 21.3. Life+ 2011 Suomen informaatioseminaari järjestetään SYKE:ssä klo 9-16. Tilaisuudessa jaetaan tietoa 4.5. avautuvasta Life+ 2011 hakukierroksesta ja kerrotaan hakemuksen vaatimusten täyttämisestä ja hyvän hakemuksen tekemisestä.
LIFE+ 2011 call for proposals 28 February 2011 The 2011 call for proposals has been published on 26/02/2011, with a deadline for submission for the 18/07/2011. Provisional calendar of the LIFE+ 2011 selection procedure 26/02/2011Publication of the call 18/07/2011 Deadline for applicants to send proposals to Member State authorities 09/09/2011 Deadline for the Member States to forward proposals to the European Commission September 2011 to March 2012 Admissibility, exclusion and eligibility, evaluation and revision of the proposals May-June 2012 Signature of individual grant agreements 01/06/2012 Earliest possible starting date for the 2010 projects
What makes a good proposal? • Has a logical link between the environmental problem, its objectives, actions and expected results • Properly targeted environmental problem • Actions are well described and quantified • Project has been well thought, taking in buffer times and tackling all likely constraints • Well described existing situation - including local policy framework if relevant
What makes a good proposal? • Proposal has been discussed with relevant stakeholders • Realistic planning • If previous similar LIFE projects exist, a description of how the proposed project has taken the findings of the previous projects into account • Costs are properly justified and allocated • Proper quantification of the results and the environmental impact
Thanks for your attention - hope to see you 21.3. in Helsinki!