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CARAP. FREPA. A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures.
CARAP FREPA A Framework of Reference for Pluralistic Approaches to Languages and Cultures
European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Languages (EPOSTL)“Crossing continents: EPOSTL around the world”Describing language teacher competences with FREPA-descriptors? – Preliminary thoughtsGraz, 18 – 19 February 2014 Anna Schröder-Sura anna.schroeder-sura@romanistik.uni-giessen.de Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Germany FREPA Team member, ECML, Graz
Overview Introduction into the FREPA tools What are pluralistic approaches to languages and cultures? Model of plurilingual and intercultural competences and resources FREPA meets EPOSTL – Examples of describing language teacher competences Perspectives
Whatis FREPA ? FREPA – Competences and resources A set of plurilingual and intercultural competences and a comprehensive list of descriptors operationalizing these competences in terms of knowledge (K), attitudes (A) and skills (S)
FREPA – Online teachingmaterials A database of teaching material in several languages for all levels of learning categorized by the descriptors – teachers can select an activity according to their targeted teaching and learning objectifs.
FREPA – A training kit It comprises four modules: a discovery module and three thematic modules encouraging a deeper understanding when dealing with language education policies, challenging situations in classrooms and how FREPA can be useful in classroom/school project designs. For use in initial and in-service teacher training.
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Whatarepluralisticapproaches? The concept of pluralistic approaches refers to didactic approaches which use learning/teaching activities involving several (i.e. more than one) varieties of language or cultures (Candelier et al. 2012: 9) • Four pluralistic approaches: • Interculturalapproaches • Awakeningtolanguages • Intercomprehensionofrelatedlanguages • The integrateddidacticapproachto different languagesstudied They are based on the same principle: establishing relationships through pedagogic activity between a number of different languages and cultures Methology of the framework: Starting point: a systematic analysis of the content of around a hundred publications with regard to pluralistic approaches, from which we collated extracts describing plurilingual and intercultural competences.
How does FREPA definecompetences? … units of a certain complexity, implicating the whole of the individual and linked to socially relevant tasks in the context of which they are activated; in these situations they signify the mobilisation of different resources which may be internal or external (the use of a dictionary, resorting to a mediator) (Candelieret al. 2012: 11). Competencesgetevidence in the activation of differentresources in the domainsknowledge, skills or attitudes
FREPA - Competences and resources • The FREPA describes essentially two levels of competences: • The competence to manage linguistic and cultural communication within a context of otherness • The competence of constructing and developing a pluralistic repertoire of languages and cultures
Competence in making sense of unfamiliar linguistic and/or cultural features K 6.10 言語的/非言語的コミュニケーション体系には、言語によって類似点・差異があるということを知っている K 6.9 Savoir qu‘il existe des différences de fonctionnements dans les systèmes scripturaux K 6.10 Sapere che esistono tra i sistemi di comunicazione °verbale / non verbale° somiglianze e differenze A 5.3.3 Estar abierto a lo no-familiar (lingüístico o cultural ) A-7.3 Bereitschaft zum Umgang mit Schwierigkeiten in °plurilingualen / plurikulturellen° Situationen und Interaktionen A 12.4 Disposition to reflect on the differences between °languages / cultures° and on the relative nature of one’s own °linguistic / cultural° system S 5 Can use knowledge and skills already mastered in one language in activities of °comprehension / production° in another language S 5.1 °Einen Komplex von zwischensprachlichen Hypothesen / eine Hypothesen-grammatik° aufstellen können, die vorhandene oder nicht vorhandene Korrespondenzen betreffen
FREPA’scontribution to languageeducation • to describe plurilingual and intercultural competenesas well as the learning competence (which are difficult to assess) complementing the CEFR „can do“ descriptors • to establish and use in a systematic and structured way links and synergies between several (school-) foreign languages and between these languages and the language(s) of schooling • to develop curricula within the field • to formulate and put into practice teaching and learning objectives in the domains of plurilingualism and pluriculturalism • to integrate into the teaching/learning process activities (e.g. using the FREPA database) aiming at promoting plurilingualand intercultural learning • to analyze and to design teaching materials
FREPA – descriptors: Whichtargetgroups? • FREPA is intended for different stakeholders in the educational field: • Decision-makers • Curriculum/programme designers • Textbook writers → development of teaching materials • Teachers (of languages – all languages – or other subjects) • Teacher trainers • The descriptorswere originally developed for the description of learners’ existing competences and resources, • developed within or outside the educational environment, i.e. the language(s) of schooling, regional, minority and migration languages, modern and classic foreign languages. • to be developed with the teachers’ support To what extend can FREPA descriptors contribute to the formulation of teacher competences ?
Describing language teacher competences with FREPA-descriptors? Different options: the first one Analyzing the EPOSTL document, we have identified several competences dealing with plurilingual and intercultural education. For demonstation goals, we have selected descriptors of teachers competences used in the ACTOSTL observation sheet. Examples 9. The teacher relates the content to learners‘ knowledge and previous language learning experiences. 11. The teacher helps learners to develop appropriate learning strategies. 18. The teacher uses materials and activities which make learners aware of similarities and differences in sociocultural „norms of behavior“. 19. Teacher uses a variety of materials and activities which help learners to reflect on the concept of „otherness“ and understand different value systems.
1- Subdividing the EPOSTL competences wtih reference to FREPA descriptors? 9. The teacherrelatesthecontenttolearners‘ knowledgeandpreviouslanguagelearningexperiences. Basic formula: 16 I can develop + FREPA descriptor
Examplesof a student‘swork at theJustus-Liebig-University Giessen
2- Adding competences to some sections? I can evaluate and select activities which help learners‘ in using their plurilingual experiences
Adding a newcategorie? Plurilingual and intercultural education
FREPA descriptors – Descriptors for self-evaluationwithin a scenario (Cooperation FREPA/EPOS)
Summary and perspectives • Relevanceof FREPA descriptorsforconcretisingtheobjectivesofteachers‘ training • Demonstration ofseveralpossiblewaysformakinguseof FREPA within a portfolio like EPOSTL • Those in chargeoffurtherdevelopementsandimplementationof EPOSTL todecideabouttheopportunitytousesomeaspectsof FREPA withintheirwork.Weas a FREPA teamwouldbegladtocooperate…
The definition of the plurilingual and pluricultural competence “calls for the teaching of different languages to be linked to one another […]”. [...] every opportunity to encourage pupils to use knowledge and skills acquired in languages they are taught or know must be taken, in order to highlight points of convergence [...] and to help them to understand how languages work, and to develop their plurilingual repertoires in an optimal way (Beacco 2010:21)
FREPA developments & persectives Let‘s have a look at the FREPA homepage: http://carap.ecml.at Training and Consultancy programme: http://www.ecml.at/ECMLtrainingandconsultancyformemberstates/CARAP/tabid/1160/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
Contacts The FREPA-team: http://carap.ecml.at/FREPAfornationalcontactpoints/Team/tabid/2861/language/en-GB/Default.aspx Contact your contact point: http://contactpoints.ecml.at/ Have a look at your country page:
わたし は せんせい です Japanese watashi wa sensei desu I teacher am V (dass) ich Lehrer bin German V je suis enseignant French V In German too, in dependant clauses, the verb is at the end!