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The U.S. Electoral College

The U.S. Electoral College. Objectives. AP US History students will: 1) list the primary reasons that the Electoral College was created 2) list the drawbacks of the Electoral College

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The U.S. Electoral College

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  1. The U.S. Electoral College

  2. Objectives • AP US History students will: 1) list the primary reasons that the Electoral College was created 2) list the drawbacks of the Electoral College 3) Discuss, in a knowledgeable manner, whether the Electoral College is still needed to elect the President

  3. What do the following four men all have in common? • A. Andrew Jackson • B. Samuel Tilden • C. Grover Cleveland • D. Al Gore

  4. The Answer • They all won the popular vote in a Presidential election but did not become President.

  5. 1824 • Popular Vote Andrew Jackson 43% John Q. Adams 30.5% Electoral Vote Jackson 99 votes Adams 84 votes * Adams elected by House of Representatives when Jackson did not receive a majority of the Electoral votes

  6. 1876 • Popular Vote Samuel Tilden 51% R. B. Hayes 48% Electoral College Tilden 184 Hayes 185 Winner: Hayes

  7. 1888 • Popular Vote Grover Cleveland 48.5 % Benjamin Harrison 47.8 % Electoral College Cleveland 168 Harrison 233 Winner: Harrison

  8. 2000 • Popular Vote Al Gore 48.7% George W. Bush 48.5% Electoral College Gore 266 Bush 271 Winner: Bush

  9. Why? • President is NOT elected by direct ballot • Each state selects electors to vote • Electors are determined by state rep. in Congress • Example: - ME: 2 Reps, 2 Senators = 4 Votes

  10. Why was it Created? • People not knowledgeable enough to choose President • Poor interstate communications • Check to give States a voice in Pres. election • Maintain regional balance

  11. What are the drawbacks to the Electoral College? • Encourages low voter turnout • Diminishes third party influence • Person with most popular votes may not win • Leads to tactical voting • If no majority, House determines winner • Loss of Separation of Power • Loss of State checks

  12. Why low voter turnout? • Winner take all system • Exceptions: ME , NE • If you win 50.1%, you get all electoral votes • People do not feel their vote counts

  13. Third Parties • Encourages national appeal • Discourages regional appeal • Need a broad, national platform • Financial impacts

  14. Tactical Voting • Voters look to candidates polls in states • “Lesser of two evils” • Vote against a candidate, not for one • Will not vote 3rd party • 2 major parties able to maintain control

  15. Map Activity

  16. Unit Evaluation • Online activities • Wiki Post • 2 page position paper (due Friday)

  17. Websites • What is Your Electoral College I.Q.? http://www.RichardWarrenField.com/elct-tst.html In Defense of the Electoral College http://www.cato.org/dailys/11-10-00html Electoral College Reform Options http://gning.net/electoral.html The Electoral College Inhibits Democracy http://www.electionreform.org/ERMain/editorials/ec.html How the Electoral College Works and Why it Works Well http://www.cato.org/dailys/11-13-00.html

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